
The Lamp and the Mirror

Amara is a human who finds a magic mirror where fairytales like show white and beauty and the beast have already happened and the evil queen is back for revenge Amara is destined to stop them but can she or will love and family get in the way

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Chapter 9

After a while I asked Gemstone "Do you know if it's safe for us to go back out?" Gemstone nodded "While I can't see outside the lamp I can hear outside of it and I haven't heard anything in hours so it should be safe" "Good. I need to get home. It's been almost a week. My family is probably worried sick" I added "Your Family! Your family!" Celena shouted "What about our families huh? We've sacrificed our kingdoms to help you defeat the Evil Queen! And now you just want to go home!" "I'll be quick, I promise the next time I get a chance" I reassured her. Gemstone stepped into our little fight "don't worry the time is different here. While it has almost been a week here. The human world only a few hours has passed, so nothing to worry about." "'well then I guess i'll be staying a little while longer" I told Celena "Ready to go?" Gemstone asked. I nodded as a puff of purple smoke surrounded us, taking us outside of the lamp.

Outside of the lamp there was a change of scenery. Instead of a university hall we were in a house. The lamp was sitting on a shelf and I grabbed it and put it back in my bag. "The lamp must have fallen put when we went in it, just hope we aren't at the Evil queen's" I told them. A girl about University age walked into the room. Kai shouted "Wait! Mia! How did you?" She didn't respond. The girl picked up a quill and parchment and started writing. "Huh?" Celena said with a confused look on her face. "Mia is mute, she doesn't talk, she is also in my class at the university" Kai explained to us. She showed us the paper and Kai read it aloud "I found the lamp in the hall and took it with me, I didn't realize you guys were in it, sorry." "It's ok, Mia was it? Thank you, if you hadn't grabbed the lamp the Evil Queen might have found it" I Told her. Mia started writing again. Kai read it aloud "You guy better be careful this land is the kingdom of Glass and while it's almost unnoticeable the Evil Queen has already overthrown the King and Queen. I'll g see If I can find some disguises for you guys" Mia left the room. "Alright we need a plan" I told the group "The evil queen knows where we are it's likely she's been watching us" I continued "So we need a plan because, it's not like we can just sneak into her castle, she would be prepared for that" "But what can we do we need to get in the castle to defeat her?" Kai asked "And what if she can hear our plans too?" Celena questioned. "I've got it!" I shouted "We can use the lamp we can have Mia leave it near the castle then once the queen has found it we can leave the lamp and defeat the evil queen" I told them "Sounds like it would work but, how are you intending to defeat the queen?" Celena asked. "Simple I'll use the mirror to send her back to the human world where she will be powerless" I told her. When Mia came back we told her the plan and e went on with it.

We were in the Lamp, Mia was bringing us to our destination. We all decided to stay quiet so Gemstone could hear what was going on outside. It was until Gemstone told us "I hear the evil queen's voice and by what she's saying you better get out now!" That was when we left the lamp. In front of us sat the Evil Queen "I know what you're doing and it won't work you will never send me to the human realm! Guards!" She shouted "I'll take care of the Evil Queen you guys take care of the guards" I told Celena and Kai who both nodded. I rushed up to the Evil Queen before the guards could get me "you'll never get away with this!" I shouted"oh but I already have, you know what I'll make you a deal." The Evil Queen grabbed an apple sitting near her throne and poured some sort of magic dust on it "This apple will give you everything you wish for it will take you back home and you will be with your family again with everything your heart could ever desire right by your side" She explained. The glow of the apple enticed me, it drew me in making me lose all thought of the world around me. When I was about to take a bite the last thing I heard was a familiar shout "Amara! No!" Everything went dark.