
The Lamp and the Mirror

Amara is a human who finds a magic mirror where fairytales like show white and beauty and the beast have already happened and the evil queen is back for revenge Amara is destined to stop them but can she or will love and family get in the way

Skysapotato394_ · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

Chapter 8

When I woke up Kai and Celena were already awake. Kai was in the kitchen and Celena was on the couch. "Good morning" I said as I walked in. "It actually afternoon you slept for a while did we wake you?" Celena asked "no you didn't i'm a heavy sleeper so I woke up on my own" I stepped into the kitchen going to look and see if there was any food around "Celena and I were just talking about what we think the human world is like the food there, the culture, the kingdoms there things like that, Do you think you could tell us about the human world? I'm quite curious" "Well maybe I could try to prepare a dish from the human world… I know!" I had found all the ingredients I needed and started baking. "So what are you preparing? I expect only the best for royalty" Celena jokes. "You will just have to wait and see" I started chopping the coconut and gathered the pecans and mixed it together. Once it was done I placed it on a plate and served it to Celena and Kai. "Here, its my family's secret recipe i make it for people all the time and there's no oven required" Kai and Celena both took a bite at the same time "There are delicious what are they called'' Kai grumbled with a mouthful of cookie in his mouth "There coconut pecan praline cookies pretty good huh?" I picked up a cookie for myself before they were all gone "pretty good, they're great!" Kai exclaimed Taking another cookie.

We laughed together and I told them all about the human world. Suddenly there was a loud boom! "What was that?" Kai jumped up "I don't know but i think we better get out of here" I started running. When I glimpsed out the window I saw The evil queen standing on the wall on top of the entrance. She appeared to be laughing on the other side of what I could see a giant rock that was sitting on top of a building that was completely destroyed. "Um guys it's probably better if we hide" I stopped them before we got towards the stairs. Suddenly a puff of purple smoke Kai screamed in fear. Once the smoke cleared I realized we were in the lamp "welcome back Amara i heard you guys need somewhere to hide" Gemstone welcomed us. "Kai it's ok this is Gemstone she's a friend" I reassured him so he would stop screaming. "How do we know that she could be the evil queen in disguise you know like what happened at my kingdom" Kyle questioned her "trust me on this the evil queen cannot poof anyone into my lamp like i just did and can the evil queen do this" Gemstone snapped her fingers and a dining room appeared i hang a long table similar to all the royal dining rooms in all the other kingdoms i've been to with food on the table some of it was food that i knew in the human world there was other fairytale foods too even some dried kelp for Celena. Kyle ran up to the table in awe. We all sat down at the table to eat. I noticed that celena hasn't touched her food "Celea are you ok?" I asked "you're not eating anything" "Yeah i'm fine just not hungry after all we ate all of those cookies" She stabbed a piece of kelp with a fork. I could tell something was up "I'm sorry about your kingdom celena I wish i could do something to help" Celena got mad "yeah well if you really want to help you could go out and defeat the evil queen right here and now instead of hiding in a stupid lamp! If you really want to help you can just wish it all away can't you!" "Celena i'm sorry i didn't mean to offend-" I stopped myself it was too late she had already stormed off. "What's wrong with her?" Kyle asked "She has anger issues" I told him. We ate our food and talked for a while. I could see Celena pacing angrily in the living room but I decided to just leave her alone.

After we headed into the living room as soon as we came in Celena started to leave I Stopped her. "Celena...what's wrong" "Why do you care don't you have someone else to worry about?" Celena snapped "What do you mean?" "Well who do you think I mean" that was when it hit me "your jealous celena" "n-no im not" Celena panicked "Celena you don't have to worry see at first I wasn't sure but after the kiss I feel the same way" I reassured her "and plus there isn't anything between me and gemstone she's just my genie helping me with my journey and that's all I promise" I hugged Celena in reassurance.