
The Lamp and the Mirror

Amara is a human who finds a magic mirror where fairytales like show white and beauty and the beast have already happened and the evil queen is back for revenge Amara is destined to stop them but can she or will love and family get in the way

Skysapotato394_ · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

Chapter 3

In the morning a servant came to my room to wake me up. "Miss please wake up you have to go now!" "ten more minutes" I groaned, "Miss, I'm afraid we can't do that. The Evil queen is here looking for you" I shot up and quickly got everything together thankfully with the teleportation I had i could get out of here "but what about the barrier?" I asked, still frantically getting ready. " the Evil Queen has teleportation powers like no other she can teleport in and out of barriers even when she's not supposed to," The servant said. I teleported out without saying goodbye or thank you to the kind old servant I teleported to the next kingdom, the underwater kingdom. The only problem is I couldn't breath underwater to get there. When i came up to the beach i thought to myself how do i do it's not like i can magically turn into a mermaid but that was when Gemstone came back out of the lamp "Anaka but you can turn into a mermaid" I jumped surprised to see her "how i definitely don't want to use another wish yet its important to save then for when i need them most" "well the outfit i gave you can change your outfit to fit any environment-" "so it can make me a mermaid!" I interrupted "yup and unfortunately i can't join you but whenever you need me call me just not underwater it would turn me to dust" Gemstone clapped her hands and puffed into a smoke trail. I jumped in the water and quickly the large poofy dress that I was wearing transformed into a glimmering yellow tail. My hair which was tied up in a bun had a magic feeling to it when it came down my back. My vision seemed to get better as I could hardly see underwater earlier. I quickly swam deeper and deeper until I saw a castle. It was a beautiful bright gold that shined brighter than it ever would on land. There was a coral wall around it with guards all over the area as I swam up to them a guard confronted me "state your business outsider!" "I am Amara the one from the prophecy" the guard still didn't let me through "how do i know that you aren't the evil queen in a disguise" "I have the magic mirror the portal between earth and the storybook world" the guard looked astonished they took their helmet "Welcome Amara we've been expecting you my name is Celena by the way head of the merguard" Celana had long beautiful black hair now flowing down her back. "Please follow me I must take you to the king" She swam up and over the coral wall and I followed close behind. The guards didn't seem to question her or stop her. We swam over many beautiful coral houses before reaching the beautiful golden castle. We again swam right past the guards, no questions necessary. Until we got to the king "who might this be Celena?" The King asked Celena "your highness this is the prophecy girl she has the mirror" Celena bowed to the king "Hello my name is Amara" I bowed as well. "Well Amara welcome to our kingdom! I know you've been on a long journey to help us please what can we do to help you?" "Your Highness I have traveled from the rose kingdom they were just taken over this is the last kingdom left that hasn't been taken over. I came to try to find a way to defeat the evil queen and to do my best to help keep your kingdom safe" I straightened up trying to seem brave. "Thank you for your offer to help us but considering that we are underwater the evil queen will not be able to reach us but we would be glad to help you train to defeat the evil queen, Celena you will be her guide, her trainer and you will do the best you can" The king took a shell necklace off of his neck and swam towards Celena to put it on "this necklace will give you the power to transform into a human you will help Amara to defeat the queen" Celena hesitated for a moment "but your highness" "No buts Celena this is part of the duty of my top royal guard" Celena sighed "fine, Amara this way to your quarters" Celena didn't seem very happy leading me to my room. When we got there celena opened the door for me. "Look I don't trust you but it's the king's orders so lunch is at 12 o'clock sharp afterwards I will help to train you" Celena swam out. I looked around the room. It was just as beautiful as the rose kingdoms bedroom but with a very different design. The walls were a beautiful aquamarine color everything was attached to the walls a few feet up from the floor.the furniture was gold and had shells on it there was also a light purple shell cock hanging on the wall it was only 10:30. I plopped on the bed and fell asleep.