A sequel or rather a side story to ' my grandpa Hercules ' where we will meet her, the most wicket and a chain smoker- my granny, the lady with a smoking stick, or as I consider her the Loki! But is this all in her story?! Or did we just read it upside down?!
"Why am I doing it? It's the stupidest thing ever! Like throwing a watermelon on the edgy blades of the knife! " yeah, it was me who was at the being of going insane and was cursing me, my parents, and especially Ji and the rest of my classmates, leaving one must be having the best of their life at the chilling mount Abu all in March, that rested at within the range of Aravli hills which run just beside intercepting through the desert.
And me?
Ha, what a funny question!
"Gods why not me?! " I cried honking the horn of my tomato-red electrical optima which I was driving through the crowded roads of the city of Sriganganagar- all wreak, filled with bumps and holes as deep as 2 feet, and the condition worsened when the season of rain approaches... God that's the worst!
"And I have to spend my life here, in this disgusting city trapped like a bird in a rusted cage! That's preposterous! "
Suddenly, a blue Wagner took an abrupt turn getting into a colliding situation with my dearest scooty,
"Rani!! " and those thick fingers dug through my shoulder with the intense pressure of the so-called masculine strength, he held that I grasped the brakes squeezing them tightest leading my bike to cease midst of the crowded road and I turned my head crying with a breathless expression-
"What the f--- hell, dash?! "
"You almost got us both killed! " and he jumped from the back as if drawing precaution,
"I?! The blue car was the culprit! "
*Honk* *honk*
"Moving! " I yelled at the seeping traffic behind his back that was beginning to cluster on one side of the road because of my blocking!
But, then,
I held my head in my hand feeling a pinning pain inside my skull,
"Why are you torturing yourself? "
Unexpectedly, he bent looking very thoughtful over my face with his alluring gaze that somehow melted my heart, and held the vacant handle of the bike supporting it,
" let me do it, okay? "
And I nod mindlessly as if I were enchanted...wait! where did my self-reliant triad go?! Did it deactivate after watching so much K-drama?!
"Cigarette? " he questioned popping up a cigarette packet toward me as I rolled my eyes at him (of course, he was messing he knows how much I hate smoking!), who was seated on the driver part of the bike and I posed standing taking some support of the bike, the bike which was now parked by the side of the busy road on which I was almost killed today, and above the sky was turning pinkish with an orange glare but hazy... Is it fog? Or smoke?
"Dash, Why do you smoke? " I questioned with my eyes looking above with a mixed expression,
"Just because I feel like smoking... Is that relevant? " he grinned taking the flamed cigarette out of his mouth, blowing the smoke out toward my direction that I cough irritants-
"Dash *cough* you...addict!! "
"Ha ha!! Ouch... Okay, don't hit me! Don't hit me! "
Ha, what could my little bony hands have done to his potent physique?!
But, still somehow... It feels good to kick his ass!
"I'm being serious here" and I held his hand griping my fingers around his wrist that was filled with stiff muscles and blue veins running.
"... I smoke...ha! (and smoke gusts from his mouth) I smoke for no specific reason...my family is messed up, my homework is incomplete, and my life sucks, normal Indian problems! What to worry?! " he commented but something was heavy in those words, was it the emotion that was so strong under that dull yet smiling face of his handsome face?
"Well, Queen what have got on your brain to discuss about my smoking habits out of blue? " he changed the topic lightening the mood,
But... There was a lot to worry about...that I took a heavy breath inside before questioning a controversy-
"What if... What if one day you have to quit this beloved habit for the sake of a loved one?"
"Why? What for?" he asked casually putting his hand over the keyhole of the scooty, when I said it with utmost heaviness my gaze fell over the earth-
" Because... Because they are dying of the smoke" his hand halted and the cigarette froze in his fingers that he was bringing up to his lips,
"Will you do the needful or... Let the fate decide?"
(Hey readers,
Intense chapter writing for today, although such an incident partially happened is the big bonus that makes this chapter very gloomy yet enlightening...