
Chapter 15th (... the innocence of a child)


My hand clutched into a fist ready to knock on that dry plywood door but...somehow my brain wasn't ready to imply the knocking command yet, leave that too, it wasn't ready to imply any command right now 'cause it was damn concentrated...or,

I'd rather say it was zone out!

A zone out into the deepest shittest and darkest part of my consciousness that I never dare to awake,

However...when it awakes it awakes and who could have control over it?

Well better not look at me with a raised eyebrow...I am hiding under these opaquely suffocating curtains of self-loath for this.

('Victim...card' Dash said in an aloof taunting voice that brought me to the presence,

'I'm just stating my side!'

'Again excuses' he said with a flying expression of not a tincture of seriousness in it. However... I gulp my eruption lava down my throat,

Act like a lady, not a lizard

I reminded myself with a deep breath and then continued with a purely different person... kinda wicked one

'Then I should continue the story aloof? but remember don't blame me if it ends up putting you to sleep '

'Agh...just continue already!'

Ha always works.)

I lean to the plywood holder on the opposite side of the free-swinging do canopying through the crease forming an utter gap as if a canopy in the wild of which a v slapped narrowly entered the opaque room up to the stretch of the bottom of the double bed where she, the night hag lays snoring and sleeping peacefully making My brain run in trains of thoughts-

Look, How peacefully you sleep,

...It's almost burning my heart.

"Dadi!" I said, no I screamed not at the highest pitch but yeah, I screamed almost making her switch a position with uncomfortable emotions ragging a presence of consciousness...a consciousness which resembled a little child who wishes to sleep for 10 minutes more but only fact is...that 10 minutes are just an uncanny illusion.

"Dadi, wake up It's 10 am already," I said comparatively slower and softer but yet smitten with irritation somehow.

"Nff...I'm awake" and she turned around covering her head in blanket,


Another big a illusion...

But, that innocence of child is only entertained Until either you cross a certain age or if you are cute enough or beloved enough for the other to consider the options of adoring this innocence anymore.

Cause certainly she wasn't a child of 5 years or so, neither she was cute (Come on, she's 60 plus, queen) oh come on she's antagonist of our peaceful household how can someone count her as beloved one--

(But he stopped me right there with that aura of reminder,

' unbiased of past, queen, unbiased ' )

(Hey readers,

Got it done cause I don't know i can't sleep without a peaceful release anyways there is less expectation gldor tomorrow's chapter as I have been invited to a party tomorrow, yup...a family function rather,


Yours author)