


Aruda :

/"That was weird but awesome./" Scott said as we brought in my candy from the pillow case bag at the party scroll we went on.

/"Praise that./" I said collapsing on Scott’s Couch.

/"We are gonna train, so Come on./" Scott said.

Sighing, I jumped up and followed Scott to his training room.

I jumped up and smirked down at Scott.

/"I am the Lady Assassin.. you know that/" I said.

/"Can I fight you?/" Eric asked me immediately after putting down my cat and puppy on the ground to roam around the household.

Scott stood up and looked at Eric with pity.

/"You are so gonna regret that./" Scott whispered.

Eric wrapped his fists and stared at me.

Then, I attempted to kick him down. Eric grabbed my ankle quickly.

I pushed myself up on Eric and back flipped off him.

I landed with a slight tumble.

/"You can’t beat me in a hand-to-hand fight./" Eric said.