
The Knight's Princess

"Stay with me."She requested. "To the eternity Princess." His soft but deep voice embraced her loneliness.

Mili_ · Kỳ huyễn
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50 Chs


Next morning


"Miss Merry !Miss Merry! Wake up,it's time to go for your etiquette lessons dear."Kimi,her personal maid tried to wake Merry up.But Merry who couldn't stop her self from thinking about him last night was still sleepy.

"Hmmm....." Merry finally woke up but didn't want to get up.

"w..who's go..going to etiquette class?" Merry asked Kimi.

"Princess,you forgot!."Kimi exclaimed with surprise.

"Hmm? B..But what did I forget?" Merry asked Kimi what she meant.

"Miss Merry you are going to marry soon so you need to learn some things that a wife should know especially a person from a noble family." Kimi stated with her serious eyes .

"B..But I know nothing ab..about these th..things and....." Merry couldn't think properly as she never thought that she has to learn things to perform a duty of wife and Merry went to etiquette classes at her mansion about noble gatherings and dances, but this is something that she never felt was required.

"Dear you have to know basic things which are necessary in a relationship and also it's good for you to learn these things because when you have to face them you won't be able to meet the needs of your husband." Kimi like a well-wisher tried to explain this to Merry.

"Wh..who i.. is coming to teach me?"Merry asked .

"I guess there will be two to three ladies here." Kimi said.

" Wa..Wait no..not one but three?" Merry is getting more and more nervous as she always been an introvert and don't feel comfortable around new people .There are many reasons to her for feeling this way .When she used to go to noble academy for her education there are lots of noble girls and boys used to taunt her and said really unpleasant things which made more and more difficult for her to get along with them . Whenever she tried to befriend with them they always mock her for her kid like voice and her stuttering.Not only this as they were jealous of her because she is charming but different.Her unique beauty and her innocence made every boy fall for her but other girls used to make her cry by making fun of her just to keep her out of their league.

Eventually her father felt that there was something that she was getting more and more miserable, he decided to start her education from home .She was now alone but at more pease.After this King Masin tried lot to find out what was bothering her so much but she was never able to say anything.From then onwards Merry always had home tuition for everything.

"Good morning Princess Merry, It's nice to meet you in person." all etiquette teachers arrived and greeted Merry. They all got surprised as Merry looked like a doll with blinking eyes.

" H..Hello !It's lovely t..to meet you all." Merry replied with a fairy like smile and she felt a little nervous to see them watching her like that.

"Ah ! Now now shall we initiate our first lesson." one of the teacher tried to make other focused ,she suggested to start the lesson.


"Hah? Do you even know who you have brought to your place? And I bet you will regret this for sure ."Cedric said this to Max who was sitting on the chair in front of him .Cedric was in the prison of pearl mansion.Max just smirked and said " Yes I do know you and I feel sorry for your family to hear the news of your death ."

"You.. " Cedric was about to say something but interrupted by one of the soldier.

" Lord Maximilian , Dentrich Cedric's father has arrived ." he informed Max.

" Oh ! He arrived on exact time .Alas I won't be able to see this guy blood right now... Cedric , Wish he has strong reason to let his son off this time." Max said and moved to meet Cedric's father who was sitting in Max's office.

"Maximilian I can't believe why you made me come all this way when you can just let my son go off easily?." Dentrich asked Max.

" Who the hell is your son that I got to set him free when he has attempted such crime ?" Max enquired.

"Maximilian! Don't forget that your father and I were really close friends." Dentrich said getting more and more furious.

" My father? Don't you forget that I have no one who has same blood as mine." Max said with a smirk .

"How can you behave like this just for that witch.?" just Dentrich could complete his words Max grabbed his neck and went out of his control .Max's eyes became red with anger and Dentrich applied all his energy to stop him but he didn't stop. Then other soldiers came to control him and finally was able to loosen his grip.Then Dentrich suddenly fell down on the floor as he lost his balance and started coughing .Other soldiers helped him get up.

" How dare you ? don't you ever speak about her like that or I will forget whoever the hell you are. Keep this in your mind." Max shouted at him .

" Who is she ? She is just the daughter of Masin and you are treating me this way just because of her . "Dentrich asked Max surprised face.

" She is going to be my wife and you have no right to talk about her like that ." Max stated .This statement made Dentrich speechless.He could not believe it .He wasn't aware that Masin has fixed his daughter marriage with this wild Maximilian.
