
The Knight's Lament: Rebirth in a Modern World of Magic and Technology

Caelan Sunblade, a valiant Knight Commander, meets his demise at the hands of a malevolent demon during a ferocious battle in his world. The demon's curse transports his soul to a modern world, a world where magic, technology, and supernatural beings coexist. In this strange new reality, Caelan discovers an enigmatic system that functions like an MMO interface, enabling him to inspect people, view their stats, and level up. As he adapts to his new life, he realizes his default class is "Otherworldly Demon-Touched Knight," endowing him with exceptional powers linked to both the human world and the demonic realm. Embark on Caelan's exhilarating journey as he confronts the challenges of the modern era, seeks the truth behind his curse, and searches for a means to purify his corrupted soul. Along the way, he forges alliances with a diverse group of characters, including witches, werewolves, and technomancers, while combating formidable foes and uncovering the hidden secrets of this magical society. Will Caelan break free from the demon's curse and carve out a new destiny for himself? Or will the darkness within him ultimately consume him, dooming him to a life of eternal torment? The Knight's Lament: Rebirth in a Modern World of Magic and Technology promises to be an enthralling tale of self-discovery, redemption, and adventure. Readers will be immersed in a world where the line between magic and technology is blurred, and the age-old battle between good and evil rages on in a contemporary setting. Will Caelan Sunblade rise above his cursed fate and reclaim his honor, or will the darkness that haunts him bring about his ultimate downfall?

Vonscott_Bair · Thành thị
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15 Chs

Chapter 11: Hidden Secrets of the Hall

Caelan takes a moment to appreciate the hustle and bustle of activity as his fellow guild members head off to explore the new guild hall. With a contented sigh, he decides it's time for him to do the same.

He makes his way to the training wing, admiring the impressive equipment and facilities as he walks by. As he approaches a seemingly ordinary section of the wall, he reaches out to touch it, and the hidden entrance to his personal area reveals itself.

Caelan steps inside and is instantly surrounded by an atmosphere of holy grandeur. The room is elegantly decorated, with shining armor, banners, and weapons on display, each piece radiating an aura of divine power. The walls are adorned with tapestries depicting scenes of valor and virtue, and the floors are made of pristine white marble, reflecting the warm light of the room's many candles and braziers.

At the center of the room stands a magnificent, canopy bed draped in rich fabrics, providing a sanctuary of rest for a redeemed knight. There is also a study area with a large, ornate desk and shelves filled with books on various subjects, from strategy and tactics to history and theology.

As Caelan looks around, he feels a deep sense of peace and contentment. This room, designed by the System to cater to his every need, is the perfect sanctuary for him to rest, reflect, and prepare for future adventures. With a grateful smile, he settles in, ready to enjoy the evening and explore the many treasures his personal quarters have to offer.

Caelan opens his notifications tab to see what messages await him:

[System Message] Congratulations on establishing your guild! As the founder and leader of the Arcane Dragon Vanguard Guild, you have unlocked a set of new features and responsibilities. Visit the Guild Management tab to learn more.

[Guild Message] A welcome message from Lyra: "Caelan, we've come a long way in such a short time! I'm thrilled to be part of the Arcane Dragon Vanguard Guild. Let's make our mark in this world together!"

[Guild Message] A welcome message from Sariyana: "Caelan, I am excited to be part of your guild and embark on this new adventure. I am grateful for your guidance and support. Let us grow stronger together!"

[System Message] Your Legendary Guild Hall has been fully constructed. You now have access to a variety of advanced features, including state-of-the-art training facilities, a comprehensive library, a dragon sanctuary, and more.

[Quest Update] The construction of your Guild Hall has garnered attention from various factions and individuals. Be prepared to receive requests and offers for alliances, as well as possible threats from rivals.

[Quest Reward] Dragon Nest Quest completed! You have received the Red Dragon Queen's horn, which can be used for powerful crafting or as a unique, valuable item. Additionally, you have gained 5,000 XP, bringing your current XP to 15,000 out of the 20,000 needed to reach Level 3.

[Quest Reward] Guild Hall Quest completed! You have received 50,000 gold coins, a reputation increase with local factions, and access to additional Guild resources. Furthermore, you have gained 6,000 XP.

[Level Up Notification] Congratulations! With the combined XP from the Dragon Nest Quest and the Guild Hall Quest, you have reached a total of 21,000 XP. You have now leveled up to Level 3! Visit your Character tab to allocate your new skill points and review your updated stats.

Feeling a sense of accomplishment, Caelan reviews the notifications and prepares to allocate his new skill points. He is eager to continue growing stronger and leading the Arcane Dragon Vanguard Guild to new heights.

Caelan goes to his character tab and clicks the level-up button, revealing five class options to choose from:

Redeemed Knight - The same class Caelan currently possesses, leveling it up would improve his abilities in divine magic and strengthen his combat prowess as a holy warrior.

Arcane Knight - Thanks to Lyra's arcane magic influence, Caelan could gain access to a broader range of magical abilities, combining the might of a knight with the versatility of a mage.

Shadow Knight - A class that focuses on stealth and the power of darkness. This path would allow Caelan to become a formidable combatant, able to strike from the shadows and wield dark magic to confuse and weaken his enemies.

Dragon Warden Knight - With Sari's System shard integration, Caelan could harness the power of dragons, gaining draconic abilities, and a drake mount/familiar. As a Dragon Warden Knight, he would be skilled in the art of taming and commanding dragons, making him a formidable ally to the majestic beasts.

Aetherium Knight - An exotic class that draws its power from the mysterious and ancient energy known as Aetherium. As an Aetherium Knight, Caelan would wield unparalleled control over the elements, enabling him to manipulate the very fabric of reality and bend the elements to his will, becoming a formidable force both in and out of combat.

Caelan carefully considers each of the unique class options before making his decision, knowing that his choice will have a significant impact on his future adventures and the success of the Arcane Dragon Vanguard Guild.

Caelan asks the System for more information about the Dragon Warden Knight and the Aetherium Knight classes. The System provides detailed descriptions for each class:

Dragon Warden Knight:

As a Dragon Warden Knight, Caelan would become a powerful protector of dragonkind, forging deep bonds with these majestic creatures. The class grants the following abilities and skills:

Draconic Bond: Establish a deep connection with a dragon, enabling communication and mutual understanding. This bond grows stronger over time, unlocking new abilities and enhancing the connection.

Draconic Empowerment: Enhance the abilities of the bonded dragon, strengthening their attacks, defenses, and magical abilities.

Dragon Mount: Gain the ability to summon a drake mount/familiar that can be used for travel and combat. The drake can grow and evolve over time, becoming a powerful ally.

Dragon Affinity: Gain resistance to elemental damage types associated with dragons, such as fire, ice, lightning, and poison.

Draconic Magic: Gain access to a selection of powerful dragon-themed spells, drawing from the elemental might and ancient knowledge of dragonkind.

Aetherium Knight:

As an Aetherium Knight, Caelan would be able to manipulate the mysterious and ancient energy known as Aetherium, allowing him to wield unparalleled control over the elements. The class grants the following abilities and skills:

Aetherium Manipulation: Control and manipulate the elemental forces, enabling the creation of powerful elemental attacks and barriers.

Aetherium Infusion: Infuse weapons and armor with the power of Aetherium, enhancing their strength, durability, and granting them unique elemental properties.

Elemental Mastery: Gain resistance to various elemental damage types, such as fire, ice, lightning, and earth, and even the ability to absorb some of the damage as energy to fuel your Aetherium abilities.

Aetherium Constructs: Create and control constructs made from Aetherium, such as golems or animated armor, to aid in combat and other tasks.

Aetherium Surge: Unleash the full power of Aetherium in a powerful burst, decimating enemies and altering the battlefield to your advantage.

With this new information, Caelan ponders his options, weighing the benefits of each class and considering how they might best support the Arcane Dragon Vanguard Guild.

As Caelan makes his decision and chooses the Aetherium Knight class, a brilliant burst of Aetherium energy erupts from him, filling the room with dazzling, ever-shifting colors. The energy surges through his body, reshaping and enhancing his abilities, granting him unparalleled mastery over the elements.

As the Aetherium energy subsides, Caelan notices that his surroundings have transformed to match his new class. The once holy, resplendent room has taken on an entirely new appearance, now filled with intricate, glowing Aetherium patterns and mysterious, arcane symbols.

The walls are adorned with floating, crystalline structures that emit a soft, pulsating light, imbuing the room with an otherworldly atmosphere. Shelves filled with ancient tomes detailing the secrets of Aetherium manipulation and elemental mastery line the walls, and an impressive array of Aetherium-infused weapons and armor stand on display, ready for Caelan's use.

Caelan feels a newfound connection to the elemental forces around him, and he can sense the incredible potential that his new Aetherium Knight abilities hold. As he takes in his transformed surroundings, he feels a renewed sense of purpose and determination, eager to put his newfound power to good use in defense of the Arcane Dragon Vanguard Guild and the realms they protect.

As Caelan's class changes to Aetherium Knight, his previous Redeemed Knight abilities evolve to suit his new powers, while also gaining a set of new Aetherium Knight abilities.

Evolved Redeemed Knight Abilities:

Aetherium Smite: Channels Aetherium energy through his weapon, dealing additional elemental damage based on the chosen element (fire, ice, lightning, or earth) to his foes.

Elemental Guardian's Aura: Casts an aura that enhances the elemental resistances and defenses of all allies within its radius.

Aetherium Embrace: Heals a target with Aetherium energy, mending their wounds and providing a temporary elemental shield.

Elemental Charge: Charges at a foe with incredible speed, dealing significant elemental damage and potentially inflicting elemental debuffs.

Rebuke the Void: A wave of Aetherium energy is emitted, dealing damage to any nearby enemies, and potentially repelling and disorienting them.

Aetherium Protection: Conjures a barrier of Aetherium energy to protect Caelan or an ally from harm, absorbing both physical and elemental damage.

New Aetherium Knight Abilities:

Elemental Blade: Infuses his weapon with a chosen element, enhancing its damage and adding unique elemental effects.

Aetherium Manipulation: Manipulates Aetherium energy to control and shape the elements around him, creating various elemental constructs and attacks.

Elemental Affinity: Gains passive elemental resistances and bonuses based on the chosen element, improving his combat prowess.

Aetherium Resonance: Can sense the flow of Aetherium in the environment and detect elemental imbalances or disturbances.

Elemental Shift: Temporarily enhances Caelan's agility, strength, and endurance by drawing upon the power of the elements.

Aetherium Surge: Unleash the full power of Aetherium in a powerful burst, decimating enemies and altering the battlefield to your advantage. This ability can manifest in different forms based on the chosen element, such as creating a massive explosion, a raging storm, a frigid blizzard, or an earthquake, providing Caelan with a powerful and versatile tool in his arsenal.

With these new and evolved abilities, Caelan is now better equipped to face the challenges that lie ahead, utilizing the full potential of Aetherium and elemental powers to defend his allies and bring justice to the world.

While Caelan is getting adjusted to his new skills and area Lyra begins her investigation of the Arcane tower.

As she is heading up the tower in awe at all the history and power contained in the books stored here Lyra can not wait to read them all. Until she made it towards the top when she saw a book starting to glow almost beckoning her to it. She reached out to touch the book then it decided to change and transform by her touch.

Amazed by the glowing book turning into a door portal. Curiosity piqued, she steps through the portal and finds herself in a secret area at the top of the Arcane Tower. The room is incredibly well-designed, featuring a circular layout with one-way windows all around, providing a breathtaking 360-degree view of the surrounding area. This vantage point allows Lyra to observe the city and the landscape beyond without being seen from outside.

The secret room also appears to be tailored for her arcane needs, with a variety of magical artifacts, scrolls, and tomes scattered around the room. A large, ornate table at the center of the room seems to be perfect for conducting magical research or creating new spells.

As Lyra explores the room, she feels a surge of excitement and inspiration. This private sanctuary offers a perfect space for her to hone her arcane skills and delve into the mysteries of magic. The room's enchanting atmosphere and breathtaking views fuel her creativity and ignite her passion for the arcane arts.

Lyra spends hours in the secret room, immersing herself in the magical knowledge it contains and marveling at the incredible view. She feels grateful to have found this hidden treasure within the Arcane Tower, knowing that it will become a vital part of her journey as a powerful mage.

Lyra notices a notification for a level up and excitedly opens her character tab. She presses the level up button, which presents her with three class options to choose from:

Enhancement Mage: Continuing on her journey as a mage, this class focuses on strengthening and enhancing her magical abilities, both offensively and defensively. As an Enhancement Mage, Lyra will be able to boost her spells' power and effectiveness, as well as provide support and protection to her allies through various enchantments.

Dragonfire Mage: This class is influenced by Sari's dragon heritage, allowing Lyra to harness the elemental power of dragons. As a Dragonfire Mage, she will gain access to potent draconic spells and abilities, focusing on fire and elemental magic. This class grants her the ability to summon and control the flames of dragons, as well as harness their resilience and ferocity in combat.

Aetherium Arcanist: Inspired by Caelan's Aetherium Knight class, this mage class fuses the power of Aetherium with Lyra's arcane prowess. As an Aetherium Arcanist, she will be able to manipulate and channel the Aetherium energy to empower her spells and create unique, powerful magic. This class also allows her to craft Aetherium-infused items and wards, providing versatile support to her allies and granting her access to new dimensions of magical potential.

Lyra carefully considers her options, weighing the potential benefits and growth each class could bring to her magical journey.

Lyra ultimately decides to stay true to her roots and chooses the Enhancement Mage class. As she confirms her choice, her abilities and spells are strengthened, and she gains access to new, powerful enhancements. Her updated and new spells include:

Updated Spells:

Arcane Bolt: A stronger version of her previous basic attack, dealing increased damage and having a higher chance to apply arcane debuff to enemies.

Elemental Ward: An enhanced version of her previous barrier spell that now provides increased resistance to elemental damage and can absorb a higher amount of damage.

Arcane Empowerment: A more potent buff that increases an ally's magical damage and provides additional benefits such as mana regeneration and cooldown reduction.

New Spells:

Arcane Resonance: Creates a resonating field around a target, increasing the effectiveness of all spells cast within the area and granting allies within the field a bonus to their spell damage.

Spell Echo: Allows Lyra to cast a spell and store an echo of it. The next time she casts the same spell, the stored echo is released, casting the spell again without consuming additional mana or triggering a cooldown.

Amplify Magic: Lyra targets an enemy or an ally, amplifying the effects of any magical abilities used on the target. When used on an enemy, it increases the damage and duration of debuffs; when used on an ally, it enhances the potency and duration of buffs.

With her newfound powers, Lyra feels more confident in her magical abilities and is eager to test them out in future adventures alongside Caelan and Sari.

Just like the other two exploring their areas Sariyanna intrigued by the dragon cave mentioned in the Guild Hall's blueprint, decides to explore the seclusive grove towards the back of the property. As she walks, she admires the tall, imposing walls that surround the four-acre estate, providing a sense of security and privacy.

Upon reaching the grove, she notices a hidden entrance concealed amongst the lush foliage. Sari carefully pushes through the plants and steps into a cavernous space that opens up before her. The cave is filled with an atmosphere of serenity, and the walls are adorned with ancient draconic symbols and runes, glowing softly with a warm, welcoming light.

Sari feels an overwhelming sense of belonging and connection to her draconic heritage as she explores the cave. There are multiple chambers within the cave, each designed to accommodate dragons of various sizes and stages of life. The air is filled with a gentle, earthy scent that puts her at ease, and she can't help but feel that this is a place where she can truly be herself, embracing both her human and dragon forms.

As she takes in the beauty of the dragon sanctuary, Sari is filled with gratitude towards Caelan and Lyra for helping her reach this point in her life. She looks forward to discovering her own strengths and abilities and using them to support her newfound friends and family in the Arcane Dragon Vanguard Guild.

As Sari lets out a powerful roar, it echoes throughout the cave and beyond, resonating with an ancient energy that seems to call out to dragons far and wide. Over the course of several minutes, dragons of various ages, sizes, and colors begin to flock to the dragon cave sanctuary, sensing its significance and the presence of their kin.

Among the numerous dragons, several monarchs make their appearance, drawn to the sanctuary by Sari's call. There's the Blue Dragon Sovereign, known for their control over storms and lightning; the Green Dragon Regent, a cunning and wise ruler with mastery over the forces of nature; the White Dragon Monarch, a powerful, cold-hearted ruler with unparalleled control over ice and snow; and the Black Dragon Emperor, a fearsome and mysterious dragon with the power to manipulate shadows and darkness.

The Red Dragon Queen, Sari's mother, also joins them, her majestic presence adding an air of reverence to the gathering. The dragon monarchs seem to recognize the importance of this sanctuary, not only as a place for dragons to gather but also as a stronghold for the unity and growth of their kind.

The system informs Sari of a hidden area deep within the cave complex that serves as a portal to vast distances away. This portal allows dragons to travel quickly and discreetly between their territories and the sanctuary, fostering a sense of unity among their kind and providing a safe haven for them to rest and recover.

As Sari takes in the sight of the gathered dragons and the powerful monarchs, she realizes the immense potential and responsibility that comes with her new position in the Arcane Dragon Vanguard Guild. She vows to work diligently alongside Caelan and Lyra to ensure the safety and prosperity of their newfound family and the world they inhabit.

The system also informs Sari that the entrance to the cavern is heavily protected by an ancient draconic enchantment, allowing only those with draconic blood or those bestowed with a special draconic pass to enter. This pass is granted to individuals by powerful dragons such as Sari's mother, the Red Dragon Queen Valyndris and Sari herself.

To anyone else, the entrance would appear as a massive boulder resting on the wall, surrounded by foliage, effectively disguising the sanctuary and keeping it hidden from prying eyes. This added layer of security ensures that the dragon sanctuary remains a safe haven for dragons and their trusted allies.

Caelan and Lyra, having been granted access by both Valyndris and Sari, can enter the sanctuary without issue. This trust further solidifies the bond between the members of the Arcane Dragon Vanguard Guild and the dragons they are allied with, promising a strong and united front against any threats they may face in the future.

The system congratulates Sari on completing the secret quest, "The Call of the Dragons." The rewards are as follows:

Breath Weapon - Sari is granted the ability to choose an elemental breath weapon, which she can unleash in her dragon form, causing devastating effects on her enemies. The elements available for her to choose from include fire, ice, lightning, acid, and poison.

Speaker of the Dragons / Emissary of the Dragons - Sari is now recognized by the dragons in the sanctuary as their spokesperson and ambassador. She will be able to communicate and negotiate on behalf of the dragons, forging alliances and ensuring the dragons' best interests are protected.

Chromatic Merging - Sari's bright red coloration shifts to incorporate the colors of blue, black, white, and green, reflecting her newfound connection with dragons of various elements. This change appears not only in her dragon form but also in her humanoid form, giving her a unique and captivating appearance.

As a young dragon, Sari's potential is vast, and these rewards will only serve to enhance her abilities and influence in the world. As she continues to grow and develop, the Arcane Dragon Vanguard Guild can look forward to a powerful ally and protector in their ranks.