
The King of Tricks and Magic

It's a story about the legendary magician! A legendary Trickster! In the modern world, he uses all kinds of trickery to trick all the geniuses and the smart people to perform magics! And one day, the legendary magician was sent to a world of swords and a world where real magic existed. As he summoned to the new world, he only brings 1 thing from the modern world, a deck of cards that evolved and become a magic card skill! Follow the magician's story as how he subdued dragons, tricked liches, and made the kings of countries knelt beneath his feet with his absolute trickery and his power to do the impossible! ----------------------------------------------------- One of the King Of Kings Series Status: Dropped. Sorry guys, I've decided to make the whole thing from the scratch with a new title: "Chronicles of the Trickster's Dominion" and add more depth to it. But the story plot line, and your lovely characters would still be found there, but it will have more intricate writing and world-building, and have the first 60 chapters free. Discord: https://discord.gg/x2dJ8xMF6h

Arkalphaze · Kỳ huyễn
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234 Chs

Status and Real Strength

Hi guys this is Arkalphaze.

I'm going to explain to you guys, in case someone misunderstand and confused about why does Oz who have a low status, could face a lot of strong figures in the story.

First, I'll explain about the status.

The status will only shows you the power your body could emit, so it's limited to the specs of your body and the mana your body possesses. Oz's body had an exception because he got summoned from earth, and Oz got the power name Qi form his previous world, that is not detected by the status board.

By using the Qi, Oz could utilize his skills and strength for multiple folds from before. And my suggest is don't get too focused by the status boards, I put the board only to shows the growth of Oz from chapter to chapter, and to show Oz's skills cards.

I purposely didn't show the items cards and the species cards (like goblin duke card and etc) because there will be so many in the future.

And also the reason why Geeta couldn't see Oz's power, it'll be uncovered in the story later.

Thanks for reading :)