
The King of Tricks and Magic

It's a story about the legendary magician! A legendary Trickster! In the modern world, he uses all kinds of trickery to trick all the geniuses and the smart people to perform magics! And one day, the legendary magician was sent to a world of swords and a world where real magic existed. As he summoned to the new world, he only brings 1 thing from the modern world, a deck of cards that evolved and become a magic card skill! Follow the magician's story as how he subdued dragons, tricked liches, and made the kings of countries knelt beneath his feet with his absolute trickery and his power to do the impossible! ----------------------------------------------------- One of the King Of Kings Series Status: Dropped. Sorry guys, I've decided to make the whole thing from the scratch with a new title: "Chronicles of the Trickster's Dominion" and add more depth to it. But the story plot line, and your lovely characters would still be found there, but it will have more intricate writing and world-building, and have the first 60 chapters free. Discord: https://discord.gg/x2dJ8xMF6h

Arkalphaze · Kỳ huyễn
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234 Chs


[Name: Ren Arken

Age: 14

Race: Human

Strength: 30

Agility: 2000

Vitality: 200

Mana: ~~~

Spiritual: ~~~

Intellect: 1, 000

Unique Skills:

-magic cards -appraisal -evil gaze -strengthen -leap -basic magics -fire magic -illusion magic -water magic -light magic -nature magic]



Demons, the mischief-makers of the supernatural world, diametrically opposed to their angelic counterparts in every way imaginable. While angels sprinkle joy and love like confetti, demons prefer to sow chaos and cruelty wherever they tread.

These nefarious beings are not above cozying up to the most despicable characters humanity has to offer, using their cunning wiles to manipulate and deceive for their own nefarious gains. They'll strike bargains with the morally bankrupt, offering tantalizing promises while quietly plotting to snatch up all the spoils for themselves.

What sets demons apart from the riffraff of the supernatural realm is their mastery of magic. Their very essence crackles with an abundance of mana, affording them unparalleled prowess in the mystical arts. With a flick of their infernal fingers, they can bend reality to their will, leaving lesser beings cowering in their wake.

But demons are no strangers to conflict, especially when it comes to their tumultuous history with humanity. Two thousand years ago, the world trembled as demons and humans clashed in a cataclysmic struggle for supremacy. With the demons harboring grandiose ambitions of ruling over all, they unfurled their banners of war, unleashing chaos upon elves, dwarves, and all manner of creatures unlucky enough to cross their path.

Faced with a foe as formidable as they were fiendish, humanity found itself teetering on the brink of annihilation. Yet in the face of overwhelming odds, they refused to surrender to the darkness that threatened to consume them. With a rallying cry, they forged alliances with their fellow races, standing shoulder to shoulder against the demonic tide.

Through grit and determination, the alliance managed to turn the tide of battle, vanquishing swathes of demons and driving the rest to the fringes of existence. But victory came at a cost, as the demons, rather than being eradicated, were instead sealed away in the farthest reaches of the world, their malevolent presence contained but never truly extinguished.

-Demonology book, Grandaria library, Capital of Grandaria.


As the tribe convened and reached a unanimous decision to liberate Magra and extend an olive branch to the Orc clan, Magra wasted no time in embracing the offer. With the prospect of a formidable ally by their side, the notion of unity filled Magra's heart with a sense of reassurance. Urgency drove their actions as they swiftly made preparations to retrieve the Surviving Orcs, mindful of the looming threat posed by potential demon attacks on their newfound allies.

Bark of wolves echoing

With Fedra mustering 300 goblin soldiers for the expedition and leaving a hundred to bolster the tribe's defenses under Ibra's watchful eye, the remaining troops, accompanied by Brad's Hunting division guide, were tasked with patrolling the perimeter. Meanwhile, the tribe's magicians stood guard, ensuring the safety of their homeland as Gurolf himself resolved to join the quest.

Mounted atop dire wolves, the soldiers prepared to depart, their ranks bolstered by the burgeoning population of fire wolves. The sight of his troops mobilizing filled Magra with a sense of pride and relief, his gaze brimming with hope for a brighter future.

"Hold tight, folks! Reinforcements are on the way!" Magra silently vowed, his determination unwavering.

"All set?" Aegir's booming voice cut through the air, signaling the troops' readiness.

"Let's roll, team! Time to rescue our new kin!" Aegir's rallying cry spurred the soldiers into action as they set off, Fedra, Gurolf, and Oz riding alongside him. With Geeta entrusted to safeguard her pregnant sister Gina, her heart heavy with longing for the Orc clan, yet tempered by the solemn duty she bore.

The journey commenced with fervor, the direwolves propelling the army forward with unmatched speed.


(From Magra's descriptions, their diverse species reminiscent of the magical beasts of his former world. Yet, it was the noble demons possessing both intelligence and formidable power that posed the greatest threat. A mere five common demons paled in comparison to a single baron-ranked demon's might, capable of decimating four orcs with ease.)

Intrigued by the demons' portrayal, Oz couldn't help but compare them to the vile entities of his past world, forever cast as the antagonists in tales of fantasy.

"Hmm, fascinating," Oz murmured to himself.

"Something on your mind, Ren?" Aegir's inquiry broke his reverie.

"Just musing aloud," Oz replied with a casual shrug.

"Quit daydreaming and put that brilliant brain to work, Ren. Can we pull off this mission?" Aegir demanded.

"Considering our current forces, the odds stand at 50%," Oz calculated.

"And why, pray tell, did you suggest this quest then!?" Aegir's frustration bubbled to the surface.

"I said, considering our current forces. Let's not discount the might of the orc reinforcements, Aegir. Besides, call it a hunch, but I've got a good feeling about this one," Oz retorted nonchalantly.

"Hah, you crazy son of a gun," Aegir chuckled, acknowledging Oz's unorthodox yet often insightful approach.

As the intrepid band traversed four hours without pause, the direwolves' swift stride minimizing what would have been a grueling 20-hour journey to a mere fraction of the time, a familiar sight emerged on the horizon: the sturdy fences of Magra's clan.

"That's my clan, dear goblin tribe lead—" Magra began, only to be abruptly cut off by the piercing shriek of a woman echoing through the air.

Sound of woman screaming

Amidst the harrowing cacophony, the ominous detonation of explosions rent the air, jolting the group into action.

Without hesitation, Oz vaulted from Agira's back, brandishing Geeta's sword with determination.

"Defend our allies!" he commanded, his voice ringing out as he surged forward, his qi-enhanced strides propelling him with unparalleled speed towards the besieged Orc clan.

Reaching the clan's gate, Oz was met with a chilling sight: a winged demon, its scorpion-like tail poised to strike a female Orc with deadly precision.

"Argh!" The agonized cry of the Orc woman pierced the chaos as the demon's tail found its mark.

(Time to put my newfound magic to the test.)

Focusing his mana and qi in tandem, Oz conjured a spell, channeling the raw power of fire into a formidable attack.

(I may not be conjuring hellfire just yet, but this blue flame will have to do.)

With a resolute thrust of his sword, Oz unleashed a blazing blue fireball hurtling towards the winged demon with explosive force.

Sound of explosions

As the smoke cleared, Oz surveyed the aftermath: the once formidable demon reduced to a pitiful remnant of its former self, its body ravaged by the ferocity of the magical onslaught.

(The power of magic... Impressive.)

<Host had just slain a demon [baron]>

<The Oz will be rewarded with the demon [baron] card>

<The quest "Orcs Hero" has been initiated; a reward will be granted upon its completion>

(A quest, huh?)

"Fascinating. So, the key is to exterminate these damned demons, eh?" Oz mused to himself, his confidence buoyed by his newfound magical prowess.

With renewed determination, Oz set about dispatching demon after demon, his sword and magic proving to be formidable weapons against the onslaught.

Meanwhile, the Orcs, initially puzzled by their unexpected savior, soon rallied to Oz's side, witnessing his relentless assault on their oppressors and viewing him as an invaluable ally in their time of need.

Inspired by Oz's bravery, the Orc warriors joined the fray, rallying to reclaim their homeland from the demonic invaders.

Surveying the Orcs' fierce determination, Oz couldn't help but smirk.

(Truly, they are warriors through and through.)

Amidst the chaos of battle, a towering Orc wielding a massive battle-ax approached Oz, bowing respectfully before addressing him.

"Esteemed warrior, who are you?" the giant Orc inquired.

"I'm Ren, a magician. Your friend Magra sought aid from me and my goblin tribe, and here we are," Oz replied.

"Where's Magra, then?" the giant Orc pressed.

"He's back with the goblin army," Oz informed.

"Army? What army—"

"Enough talk. Our allies need us. We can chat later," Oz interjected, his focus unwavering as he plunged back into the fray, the giant Orc following suit with unwavering resolve.

With over a hundred demons vanquished by Oz's hand and the Orcs rallying to their defense, the tide of battle began to turn. Yet, the relentless horde of demons continued to swarm, their numbers seemingly endless.

"Attack!" Aegir's thunderous voice echoed across the battlefield, rallying the goblin army into action.

Army Warcries

With disciplined precision, the goblins surged forward, swiftly decimating the demon ranks in a flurry of blades and magic.

As the Orcs observed the sudden arrival of their unexpected allies, their spirits soared, emboldened by the sight of their chief standing alongside a formidable reinforcement.

"Ren!" Aegir's voice boomed, drawing Oz's attention.

Racing towards him, Aegir confronted Oz with a mixture of concern and frustration.

"What were you thinking, charging in alone like that?" Aegir demanded, his voice tinged with exasperation.

"They needed help. If I hadn't acted swiftly, there would have been more casualties," Oz explained calmly, his gaze unwavering.

"Fair enough. But let's focus on the task at hand. What's the situation?" Aegir inquired, scanning the battlefield with a furrowed brow.

"Thus far, we're holding our own. But things are about to get tougher," Oz remarked, his eyes narrowing as he pointed towards the looming mass of demons ahead.

"Why's that?" Aegir pressed.

"That," Oz replied grimly, indicating the sizable demon horde awaiting them.

"What the hell!?" Aegir cursed, his shock palpable.

As they beheld the formidable demon army massed before them, a sense of foreboding settled over the group.

"There appears to be a noble demon among them. We need to prepare," Oz stated with steely resolve.

With a nod, Aegir swiftly rallied the troops, preparing them for the daunting battle ahead.

Spotting Magra approaching, Aegir turned to face him, his expression grave.

"Thank you, Magra, for your tribe's assistance. The Orcs will not forget this debt," Aegir said solemnly, acknowledging their newfound alliance.

"Save your gratitude for later. We have work to do," Oz interjected, gesturing towards the looming threat before them.

Momentarily stunned by the sight of the demon army, Magra quickly regained his composure, spurred on by the presence of their allies.

"Blackrocks!" Magra bellowed, rallying his clanmates to arms. "Stand firm! Let us honor our ancestors and our new allies!"

With renewed determination, the Orc warriors assembled, their ranks bolstered by the arrival of the goblin reinforcements.

"Together, we shall prevail!" Magra declared, his voice ringing out above the din of battle.

"Army leaders, allocate 20 percent of your forces to safeguard the women and children," Oz commanded, his tone firm with authority.

"Why?" Magra questioned.

"We're facing demons, Magra. We can't risk their safety falling into the enemy's hands," Oz explained bluntly. "Now, let's move. We need to shift the battlefield to our advantage. We can't afford to fight on two fronts."

As the leaders swiftly organized their troops and fortified their position, Oz wasted no time in issuing his final command.

"Are we ready? Then let's send these demons back where they belong!" With that, the newly forged alliance charged headlong into their first battle together, united in their resolve to emerge victorious against the forces of darkness.

Sorry for the late update guys. I'm having a big family trip for 2 weeks so I could barely found some time to make this chapter, so the updates will be slower than before.

Arkalphazecreators' thoughts