
The king of the zombies fell in love with me

The end of the world is coming, and the zombies are surrounding the city Charlotte Devlin found a handsome boy, but she didn't expect that the little boy was actually the king of the zombies? Charlotte doesn't know what secrets are hidden, nor how he will affect the fate of the world. However, Charlotte knows one thing, that is, she cannot leave the man who has grown into a war god beside her. Even if the world has become so cruel and merciless, the strongest king of the zombies in the world will be beside her, braving all obstacles for her.

Dreamtracker · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
15 Chs


After saying these words, Charlotte felt a little heavy and relieved. These words were cruel, and she knew it. While hurting Malone, she also hurt herself, but she felt relieved to be able to say such cruel words in one breath.

"I'm leaving. You have to take good care of yourself." She turned around, opened the door, and left.

Malone's gaze shifted to the window and onto Charlotte, who turned and left, shutting the door behind her. The rusty security door slowly closed, and the house fell into silence.

A deathly silence.

Charlotte descended the stairs, feeling a little depressed.

She looked up at the top floor, but from this angle she couldn't see the window. The mute must be sitting by the window.

She is not a particularly soft-hearted person. She has killed before. In this chaotic world, people who have no one to protect them cannot survive without being ruthless.

Since the gunshot wound on the little mute's stomach has healed, let's just pretend that nothing happened between them. Since she was able to survive here before, she can surely survive in the future. Since she is unable to make changes, there is no need to take responsibility for her future.

She met the mute boy by chance, and he always ignored her. Maybe he was annoyed by her and didn't want her to disturb his life. Let it be, let him fend for himself. Maybe it would be easier for him to just let her go...

As she thought about it, the more reasonable it seemed. She took a deep breath and decided to just walk away and have a good time.

After figuring this out, she walked quickly to the car, but when she turned the corner, she noticed that her car was gone. The red, conspicuous old car was not in its original place!

She froze for a moment, then looked around and noticed that the road was different from the one she came on, and the street was also different from where she parked. She had just been thinking and accidentally took the wrong road.

She hit her thigh with a fist, complaining about her memory. Without the car navigation system, she couldn't survive. To be honest, she also had to thank the zombies for not being able to fly yet. The solar-powered satellites flying in the sky would not be attacked, ensuring that her satellite navigation system could still be used. Otherwise, she would die even faster.

She returned dejectedly to find the way, planning to first return to the downstairs of the little mute's house, and then rely on her unreliable memory to find the way back to where she had come before.

Finally, she unexpectedly found her car, but she looked at her car from a distance and heard a very strange noise near the car, like a beast growling, or someone grinding their teeth and groaning.

She was familiar with this sound, which was the sound of a zombie.

She pulled out a Glock from her waist. She had brought two guns out today, one for Malone and one for herself. Both guns had mercury bullets, which were very effective against zombies, one shot for each.

She wasn't panicking at all. There were seventeen mercury bullets in Glock's magazine, and judging by the sound, there couldn't be more than four zombies behind her car, so seventeen bullets were more than enough.

She held the gun and approached slowly.

At this time, three zombies appeared. These zombies had been dead for a long time, and their skin was a dry, iron-blue color, like the skin of reptiles. Their bodies were broken and riddled with dried blood clots and organs, hanging in strange ways, looking ferocious and terrifying.

They spotted Charlotte, just like cheetahs seeing an antelope, and rushed towards Charlotte at a speed comparable to that of a sprinter.

Charlotte saw their veins, which were black under the livid skin, already coagulated and dried up!

It's a four-generation zombie!

"Shit!" Charlotte also forgot to shoot and ran away.

The fourth generation of zombies is the strongest variant of zombies currently, and they began to appear about three years ago. The biggest difference between them and the first, second, and third generation of zombies is that they are very fast and physically strong. More importantly, mercury bullets can eliminate ordinary zombies no matter where they hit them. But the fourth generation is different. Charlotte must use a mercury bullet to blast the brain exactly in order to truly eliminate them.

For the fast-moving fourth generation zombies, it is too difficult to aim at the brain.

Charlotte began to run as fast as she could, but these zombies were not only fast, but also had amazing endurance and patience. Unless the scent of the prey completely disappeared from their sensing range, they would not stop until they caught Charlotte.

Charlotte really felt that she had been very lucky these days. Because the satellite city was close to the city of Moon, the army would sometimes go out to scour the area, and there were actually not many wandering zombies. Unfortunately, when she went out, not only did she run into a zombie that was surrounding her car, but she also ran into a fourth-generation zombie, which was one in a hundred. It was really a nightmare.

According to experience, the best way to escape from zombies is to jump into the water. Zombies can't swim, but Charlotte knows the area well. There are no rivers or lakes within a twenty-kilometer radius, so she can only run on two legs.

Hearing the approaching zombies behind her, as if they could smell the disgusting stench of the zombies, Charlotte hurriedly turned around and fired two shots, hitting the zombies right in the body.

The zombie paused for a moment, then chased after him.

It's useless if you don't hit the brain.

"Mother Fucker!" Charlotte cursed and turned around to enter a supermarket. The supermarket had long been abandoned, and the shelves were empty, with all the goods having been smuggled away by smugglers.

Charlotte ran left and right, using the huge shelves to hide her tracks. But the fourth generation zombies were different. They seemed to have intelligence, and three of them separated to intercept Charlotte, one on each side and behind. Charlotte had to give up hiding and desperately ran to the shops outside the mall. But she didn't expect that just as she ran out of the last row of shelves, two hideous zombies came out from both sides, very close to Charlotte, with their claws almost reaching her body.

Charlotte let out a cry and quickly stopped and backed away, but her retreat was no match for the zombies' charge. She was about to be caught in the attack when she raised her pistol and fired at the heads of the two zombies. Fortunately, she managed to blast away more than a dozen bullets and, at close range, she managed to blow the brains out of both zombies, spilling black blood and brains all over the ground, making the stench unbearable.

Before she could recover, a third zombie appeared at the exit of the shelf in front of her, only three meters away.

She forced herself to calm down and her mind was racing: If she turned around and fled at this distance of three meters, leaving her back to the swiftly moving zombies, she would not be able to escape their clutches, even with her own acceleration.

She can't escape, she can only kill this zombie.

She quickly recalled the number of shots fired just now, from the first shot to the last shot, a total of fourteen shots and fourteen bullets. That is to say, the last bullet was the only one left in the magazine of the pistol.

If this shot didn't hit, her only outcome would be death.

But to hit the brain of a zombie, with the high speed movement of the zombie, it requires a close enough distance. She lifted the gun and aimed at the brain of the zombie.

The zombie rushed towards her with lightning speed, its fangs menacingly flashing with a greenish light, about to bite Charlotte.

Charlotte didn't change her expression, and when the zombie was only one centimeter away from her gun, she pulled the trigger.