Arjun said, " No matter what, don't let anyone know about the Soul Core or Soul training? It should be highly confidential matter. Just train in both Divine Power and Soul Power. But never use the Soul Power until unless your life is in critical situation and when your Divine Power is completely drained."
Sitaram replied, " Don't worry. We can understand even if didn't tell."
After some moment of chitchat, Magmeel said, " If you don't have anything else, I'll take my leave. I have some urgent matters to take care of."
Arjun said, " I have nothing else to give you. But don't leak about either Soul Core or Yin-Yan Eyes or <<Space-Time Formation>> to anyone. Even though I didn't meet any other Fire Dragons, I really don't trust anyone."
Magmeel asked, " Why is that?"
Arjun replied, " As long as I know, there are two kinds of dragons. One is the dragons who loves humans. And the dragons who are against humans. Even the fire dragons are no exception. If you tell me that all fire dragons are human friendly, then I'm not going to believe it. There might be some fire dragons who treats humans as foods. They might be loyal to you, but what if all that loyalty is nothing but an act. What if they are spies of other elemental king dragons. If they learn about all the things I gave you, then all your brothers will learn about it. As situation gets worse, your father, The Dragon God may learn about it. They will eventually conduct an investigation which will lead to me."
Magmeel smiled and said, " Not bad. You have certainly matured. Relax! I know even if you didn't tell me. I'm a fire dragon king afterall."
Arjun smiled in return. Magmeel also smiled. He soon left the Royal Palace. The atmosphere returned to normal in the room. Everyone were calmed down. But those loyal troops of Gutherson were stunned. They were stunned because of the conversation between Arjun and Magmeel. They thought,
[The emperor doesn't trust the fire dragons?]
[What the hell is that supposed to mean?]
[But what does that fire dragon mean by 'I'm fire dragon king afterall'?]
They all tried to connect everything they learned so far from Arjun and other's conversation. But as they connected everything, more questions lingered in their hearts. They felt irritated and decided not to think about it anymore.
Soon everyone entered the <<Space-Time Formation>> and started to train. As for Arjun, he took a deep breath. He was really busy. He created Soul Core. He created couple of Divine Arts. He didn't get time to train in something that he was very eager in.
That's right! It was Dao. Since the day he witnessed the very few dragons using a unique power known as dao, his heart was attracted to it like a magnet. The most eye catching matter is that some dragons with low cultivation levels are not only in the higher position than some dragons with higher cultivation level, but they are respected deeply by the dragons with higher cultivation level. The only reason for this scenario is Dao.
If the reason why the dragons with low cultivation level were respected by the dragons with higher cultivation level is dao, then the dao is not to be neglected at any cost.
So he entered the City of Yin-Yan. But he was confused. There are two Dao buildings in the City of Yin-Yan. One is in the City of Light and the other was in the City of Darkness. He didn't know from where to start.
After some time he said, " Lord Chaos! What exactly is Dao?"
The guide book appeared with an answer, " Dao is everything. Dao is the concept on which the Universe functions. This concept is known as 'Dao Laws'. Let's take fire for example. Everyone knows that the main property of fire is burning. But very few would know why exactly the fire burns. Why would fire possess the property of burning? Why exactly fire didn't have the property to cool instead. There is the reason why fine has the property to burn. This 'reason' is known as Laws."
Arjun understood what Lord Chaos was trying to explain. In other words Dao is the concept of grasping the essence of the mechanism of an element.
Lord Chaos continued, " There are different kinds of Dao. Fire has many dao laws. The combination of all fire laws are known as Grand Dao. But every Grand Dao has it's counterpart. For example, Grand dao of fire has water as it's counter part. The Grand Dao of Light has the Grand Dao of Darkness as it's counterpart. In these two, Grand Dao of Fire and the Grand Dao of Light comes under Great Dao of Alpha. Where The Grand Dao of Water and Grand Dao of Darkness comes under Great Dao Of Omega."
Lord Chaos continued, " You are the Universe Will. That's why I gave you the buildings with both Dao of Alpha and Dao of Omega. When you enter any room inside the building of dao, then you will feel the Dao Laws. Try to understand the Laws. But let me remind you. You need to be a genius among the genius if you want to master any Dao Arts. The understanding of dao art may boost your cultivation. The understanding of dao is one million times tougher than advancing in cultivation. If you master the dao arts, then it may advance your cultivation too."
Arjun asked, " So where should I start with? Is it Dao of Alpha or Dao of Omega?"
Lord Chaos replied, " Without beginning there is no end. Without creation there will be no destruction. So start with Dao of Alpha and end with Dao of Omega. Dao of Alpha stands for Creation. While at the same time Dao of Omega stands for Destruction. If you start with the creation, then in the future it will make things easy for you when you are about to start with Dao of Destruction. It will help you a lot."
"Thank you, Lord Chaos!" , Arjun replied.
Arjun understood the meaning of Dao. Dao is the understanding of the mechanism hidden within any element or attribute. These understanding is called as Dao Laws. These Dao Laws if one could understand, then one could gain the pure and natural essence of the universe. This is the reason why dragons with low cultivation who can use the Dao laws were respected by the Dragons with higher cultivation power who doesn't have any Dao insights.
Arjun didn't hesitate anymore. He entered the City of Light and then entered the building of Dao of Alpha.