

Gnan almost burst out in anger after seeing the shamelessness of Charles. He wanted to say something in return with the anger tone. But an hand caught his hand and stopped him. Gnan looked back and found the one who stopped him was none other than Gutherson.

Gutherson looked at Gnan and shook his head. Which means not to interfere between those two. Gnan calmed himself down. He knew why Gutherson stopped him. Sitaram and Charles were old friends. They shared countless life and death battles together. So it was understandable that at this situation, nobody is more qualified to talk with Charles more than Sitaram does. So he looked at his father, wondering what would his father do.

"Fine!" , Sitaram smiled and walked towards an empty seat. Gutherson and Gnan followed him and occupied an empty seat each.

Charles smiled and asked in a friendly tone, " What would you like to drink? Would you like to take tea, coffee or your favourite orange juice?"

"I don't need any of that!" , Sitaram said, " And don't waste my time. Just come straight to the point."

"Man! You are as boring as ever." , Charles said, " Fine! What would you like to know?"

"Everything." , Sitaram said, " I want to know everything!"

"Fine then." , Charles's smile frozen and it was replaced with coldness, " We started our training together. After we completed our training under Master Magmeel, we started our journey in order to chase after our dream. But you took away most of the credit for our dream. I was like a side character in our dream. People always said that we were able to establish our empires mainly because of you. It was as if I never played any major role in establishing our empires."

"So you let the Assassins Organisation take advantage of your hatred." , Sitaram said, " You collided with them and you planned to finish me for good."

"But your grandson spoiled my plans." , Charles sighed and said, " Defeat after defeat. Since the day Arjun came into the situation, all we ever faced is defeat. And you were able to stand in front of me like this."

Charles concluded with the twisted face. He once again recalled the events of that day. He can't tolerate this n after all these years.

"That's it?" , Sitaram asked after a moment of silence, " Is that the reason you found for your incompetence?"

"Incompetence?" , Charles burst out in anger and said, " We both started everything. We both started everything together. How could you say that I was incompetent?"

"It's not the matter of who or when did we start!" , Sitaram sighed and said, " It's the matter of what you learned and how did you put it your knowledge in the outside world. You are saying that we both have equal amount of knowledge. But I totally disagree with you."

"Why?" , Charles asked in complex feelings, " Why do you think there is a gap between our knowledge? Did you forget that we both started learning at the same time? And what's more, we both were thought by Master Magmeel. I strongly beleive that we both have equal knowledge. But it was you who stole most of the credit. Even you pretended to be nice with all our students and made even my students to migrate to your side. You didn't even neglect them and sent back to me. Tell me, what exactly is more and better proof of your game?"

Sitaram went silent for a moment. He sighed and said, " So you took the situation that way. Fine then. Today I will tell you a bitter truth. So listen carefully. When we were learning from Master Magmeel, you never paid much attention to theorital subjects. Even today, I am sure that you didn't master even one subject related to the supporting occupation. You always cared about weapons. You always kept on training in combats, enhancing and perfecting all the sword arts. And at the same time you have neglected theoritical subjects. Why?"

"Because I never wanted to see the situation like people whom I cared about to die again." , Charles said, " Did you forget the horror of that dragon? Did you forget how that dragon killed and destroyed our village? I never wanted that scene to repeat ever again. That's why, I dedicated my life for only combats."

"Then how did you think that your students will stay with you forever?" , Sitaram said, " People who wants to get strong will never learn combat alone. They will try to learn theoritical subjects as well. Didn't you forget that Master Magmeel always tried to teach us all this back then? He tried to teach you many times. Just remember. He told you that Cultivation is not only about how good you are in combat. Even therotical subjects are also very important. So how much have you learned from Master?"

"That..." , Charles was speechless. But he had no reason to deny what Sitaram said. After all, he indeed concentrated only in combats. And Magmeel always tried to make him understand that the cultivation is not only about how good you are in combats. Even theory plays an equal part in this. But the terror of the dragon which destroyed their village right in front of their eyes made him determined to concentrate more on combat. In fact, only in combats.

"Initially, I thought you will understand all this on your own when your students migrated to my tutelage." , Sitaram said while sighing, " I thought you will open your eyes and start learning theoretical subjects. But you rather chose an entirely different path. A path that was no different than that dragon which destroyed our village."

Charles was stunned. But when he gave it a thought, he felt it was true. That dragon hated humans. So it feed on his villagers. Similarly, Charles started to hate Sitaram. Hence, he collobrated with the Assassins Organisation and planned to kill Sitaram. In some way, he was no different than that dragon which destroyed their village.

Charles sighed and said, " I wish the time would reverse back. So that I can correct my mistakes. But the people whom I sold myself are no ordinary people. And the people who are backing them are even more terryfying people."

"Even if we want to correct it, they will never let it happen." , Emma sighed and said, " To behonest, I never hated either you or Gnan. But we had to do it."

"Finding reasons again huh?" , Sitaram sighed and said.

"Think whatever you like." , Charles said with complex tone, " But everything will turn back to normal only when you die. I am sorry old friend. Nege! Do it!"

"<<Infinite Sword Formation!>>" , Nege yelled and placed a red flag at a fixed point. She said, " This is the formation array which the Assassins Organisation gave us to take care of you. Good Bye Father! , Gnan! and Uncle Gutherson!"