"Well, he is truly annoying!" ,Gutherson sighed and said, "Just because he was from the Silverwing Clan, did he think that he was a big shot or something? Silverwing Clan might be one of the three hegemonies of the city, but it is limited to the Solar City itself. But there are countless Clans and pavilions out there who are better than the Silverwing Clan. So why was he so arrogant?"
"His confidence came from the rumors!" ,Jason said.
"Rumors?" ,Gutherson thought for a moment and then asked, "You mean... the rumours which states that the barbarians are always trash compared to the noble citizens of the city who had an identity?"
"yes." ,Jason said, "In his eyes we are nothing but the barbarians who could be taken down whenever he wants to. But when you overpowered him and his people and then displayed one sided show, they couldn't accept this. On top of that, you have insulted him and his clan over and over again. All these things were something he couldn't accept at all cost. This is the reason why he behaved so annoyingly."
Gutherson was impressed with Jason's analysis. He said, "You are growing up. Keep up the good work. This is the area where you kids were always lacking. And you kids are showing improvements."
"Thank you, grandpa!" ,Jason was ecstatic. He then said, "But we are not good in the combats. This is what annoys me."
"Improving in combat requires a lot of confidence, willpower and lost importantly, Luck! Only then you can improve in combat abilities. Well, this is not something you can do in one day. It will require time and experience. Don't worry. Our life is long. And we will participate in many life threatening fights. As you have the experienced people like us with you, you will definitely achieve experience in combat as well. Keep patience." ,Gutherson said.
"Yes. I understand. I will keep that in mind." ,Jason replied. He then asked, "What should we do now?"
"Let's recover first." ,Gutherson said, "We have to capture their Young Master here. Then we will go and hunt the monsters."
"There is no need for that." ,At that time a voice rang out within the minds of both Jason and Gutherson.
"Boss!" ,Jason said.
"What do you mean by that, Young Master!" ,Gutherson asked.
Arjun replied, "There Young Master is with the people who are trying to stop us. Don't worry about him. We will capture him. You people need to recover and you had to go and capture those monsters. Then you need to take them to the domain of the Silverwing Clan. Just remember. Don't kill any Yellow Ranked Monsters. They all belongs to the Sabretooth Clan. We will start hunting the Orange Ranked Monsters."
"We got it." ,Gutherson and Jason said.
"I received a message from Grandfather!" ,Arjun continued, "They have taken out that Good for nothing Young Master Wayne and are doing well with sending the monsters to the domain of the Sabretooth Clan. You guys need to go as quickly as possible. But only after you recover your strength. As for father's team, they have destroyed the formation they were trapped in and are recovering just like you. But since they had to defeat their opponents just like you people did, they will join you later."
"It's good to hear that they are doing fine." ,Jason said. He then asked, "And how are you people doing boss?"
"Well, to my surprise, our little boy Ben has grown up. He is doing exceptionally good. I sent him alone in order to destroy the Formation we are trapped in. And guess what? He understood the complications involved in the Formation. And he is now doing the job to destroy it." ,Arjun replied happily.
"Well, he is doing his best." ,Gutherson also felt happy, "Well, since he is under your capable hands, I have no worry about him. Please make it quick and reach us quickly, Young Master!"
"Got it. Don't worry, Grandpa! That's the plan." ,Arjun replied and disconnected the mental connection between them. And then Gutherson and others sat down in order to meditate.
But the Keth Clan who were under Gutherson's command, they were all remained speechless. The barbarians in front of them were complete monsters. They first destroyed the Formation they were trapped in.
Learning the Art of Formation and Runic Language became a must for even all the Combat Masters. Even though they can't create it, they can actually use as much accumulated knowledge in these two fields as possible in order to destroy the Formation they were trapped in. Since all the cultivators are showing a lot of interest in the traps and other Formation Array, all the Combat Masters had no other choice but to learn as much as they can.
Even in the three Tier-1 Clan, it became mandatory for all the Combat Masters to learn the Art of Formation and Runic Language. In fact, it became a common thing for a combat master to accumulate as much knowledge as possible in the field of Formation and Runic Language. But it is obvious that a Combat Master could never beat a Lifestyle Master in the Art of Formation and theArt of Runic Language.
Even their three Clans Combat Masters were the same. They couldn't show much improvement in the art of Formation and Runic Language.
But Gutherson and Jason's knowledge in the field of Formation and Runic Language was completely abnormal. They surpassed everyone in these two fields. In fact, they even had an insane thoughts. They thought that both Gutherson and Jason might have accumulated the knowledge in the art of Formation and the Art of Runic Language that has surpassed even a Lifestyle Master of their generation.
Later they discarded this thought. How could the knowledge of Combat Master surpasses the knowledge of our Lifestyle Master in the field of Formation Array and Runic Language? It is impossible. They might be geniuses who the world might have not seen. Since they were living the life of a Barbarian, no one were able to find them.
As for where exactly they learned the Art of Formation and the Art of Runic Language, they didn't know. But they are sure about one thing. Arjun and his friends are much more terrifying than they could imagine. After all, they managed to sense something was wrong and escaped from the trap in just two days. This required a lot of knowledge in thr field of Formation and Runic Language.
With this thought, they gave up on thinking about Arjun and his friends. Some things never changes. Arjun and his friends are clearly geniuses. It is improper to compare themselves with the genius like these barbarians. With this thought within their minds, they all stopped thinking about Arjun and his friends and continued with their meditation. Because they knew that after they have recovered, there is a big job waiting for them.