

In the middle of the town their exist a big gate. Inside the gate their exist a big pathway. If a person walks through this pathway then it will lead to a big building about 5 floor. Outside of the building that is beside the pathway there exist a multiple large scale of blocks with each block has different purposes. Each block has the resources and environment that could be used for different purposes. The building with each block is none other than The Weissan Academy.

Inside the Academy their exist around 10,000 people who are here for the Magic Core level test. Everyone were seated on a chair. The people who came for the test has the nervous face. Everyone's mind were occupied with the immense amount of tensiona for their future. Everyone wants to join the Academy.

The people with excellent results will be given admission for free. They will also be given the resources at the discount price of 50% of the market price.

Hence participants always want to have the better results during the test. The participants wants to calm down so that they could perform well during the test.

When everyone were trying to calm down two adults and a kid entered the Academy. They were Sitaram , Gnan and Arjun. When people saw Sitaram all the participants and their parents and the staff stood up and paid their respects.

" Greetings town lird!!!" , everyone said in unison.

"Please settle down everyone " , said Sitaram.

Everyone settled down. Arjun gone to the participants row and sat on a empty chair while Sitaram and Gnan went to the administration office.

Arjun was very eager for his turn. At that time he heard someone voice from behind.

" You look very excited. " , said that person. Judging from the tone it was known that it was actually a female.

Arjun said exitedly , " Ringo!!!"

" You are totally impatient. " Ringo continued, " Just wait for your turn patiently. "

" I can't wait. My grandfather will awaken my Magic Core depending on the level of my 'Magic Core level '. I have been waiting for this day for nearly one year you know. "

Ringo has three sisters in total. Elder sister name is Kiera . Second girl name is Mika. The third in order is Ringo. While the fourth in the order is Uma.

Ringo has kind eye. She has Pink hair with specks covering her eyes. She possessed astoundingly beautiful body. Peole always believed that when she arrives at her teenages then she will be even more beauty.

Uma on the other side has average looks. She never intracts with others except her sisters. People always believed her as someone boring.

Kiera who was 12 yearsold was already a stunning beauty. Students not only from her grade but also their seniors always constantly tries too woo her. But she just talks nicely but never cares much about it.

Mika was the same as Kiera. But the difference is student always approach her so that they can have a chance to meet Kiera through her. Obviously Mika knows their intentions and always be pissed off on them for using her as some kind of mediator. Ofcourse she never shows her anger on outside.

These girls are not blood related. There parents were given a certain mission to take down an Assassin Organization. They were quoted as one of the best people in power in the town. They went to complete the mission but they were not able to return. They were killed in the middle of the mission. Shortly their mothers were killed in the middle of the night. This incident happened 4 years ago. As per the name and location of the organisation nobody knows it. Since then these sisters were given a employee cottage and were leaving together in the town lord mansion. These sisters live together. Sitaram always took care of them. Arjun always spends time with them and quickly became friends.

Kiera was 12 years old and fourth grade student in Weissan Academy. She is 7 - star mage. Mika was 10 years old and was the second grade student. She was 4 - star magician. Ringo and Uma were both 6 years old along with Arjun. They were here to take up the entrance exams and to check their Magic Core level.

" Don't be impatient. Your turn wil come. " , Said Ringo.

" Did both of you awakened your Magic Core?" , asked Arjun.

Uma who came along with Ringo said with the teasing smile ; " Yes."

" Damm!!!!!" , Arjun's face immediately and continued , " You spend less time in training than me. How come you both were able to awaken your Magic Core? "

Uma said tesingly , " Maybe you need to put more efforts."

" Well. Whatever. My grandfather said that he will help me awaken my Magic Core. so I will catch up to you within no time later. "

" Oh! grandfather said that , then you are very lucky to have him. Afterall he trained big brother Aeron to such a degree.

" Thanks . " , Said Arjun.

Meanwhile a senior student of Weissan Academy came forward and made an anouncement.

He anounced , " All the participants have been given a slip during when you entered. You will be coming for the test as for the order that was written on your slip. Everyone take a look at your right. There are 10 people who are stationed there. The people with the slip numbers 1 to 10 will go for your Magic Core level test from these people. You see those crystals near them? They are Magic soul Crystals. When you put it on your palm , then it will show different colors for different person. The Magic Soul Crystal contains seven colors. They are Voilet , Indigo , Blue , Green , Yellow , Orange , Red.

The Announcer continued , " Those who gets Voilet are considered heavens child. Their future is boundless. After Voilet will come Indigo. Those who gets Indigo might not be considered as Heavens child but they are second to the Heavens Child. They will have the impressive future. "

"Then comes blue . Then comes green, then yellow , then orange, Then red. " , The anouncer continued, " The Weissan Academy will accept only the level from Orange to Voilet. The rest of the people who are with red color will have to leave. The Weissan Academy won't be accepting the people with red color of Magic Core level. Thank you for listening and I hope you cooperate with us. So if you have any questions please ask right now."

" I heard that the one who gets resources at the discount price for every high level they reach during the Magic Core level test. What will be the discount price of every color? " , someone asked.

"If a person gets the Orange level then they will not be given any discount. They have to pay their fees." , The Announcer continued, " Those get yellow will get the discount price of 10% for the resources. Those who have reached Green level will be given 20% discount price for every resources. Those who reached blue realm then they will be given 40% discount price for every resources and 10% Academy fee discount. Those who reached Indigo realm will be given 70% discount price for every resources and discount price of 40% in Academy fees."

The Announcer continued, " Their exist a special case where people gets the Voilet color level who are very rare. These people are found very rarely even in the district or in the Royal capital. They will be treated very good in other district or even in the Royal capital too. Such kind of cases never appeared in our town so far. If their exist such talent then our Weissan Academy will give them 100% discount price for every resources and for Academy fees too."

The crowd was throughly stunned with this revelation. Forget about the discount price for every level but if someone reach Voilet level then they will have the life full of worryless. Forget about the Weissan Academy but they will be treated greatly even in the Royal capital too. This treatment stunned everyone including Arjun.

" Any more doubts?" , asked the Anouncer.

There was no response from the participants and their parents. After some time the Anouncer said with a smile

" Then let's begin the Magic Core level test. "