"Enter into your conscience?" ,Sitaram asked, "What exactly is the procedure?"
"I can't tell you here." ,Arjun said, "It is kind of confidential."
Sitaram and others didn't ask anymore. They don't know why Arjun asked them to enter in his conscience. But since he is going to tell them after all nine of them entered his conscience, they didn't further complained.
Arjun would naturally never hides his secrets from them. But today he is secretive with others. Only the nine of them were summoned today very secretively, they could understand how serious this matter is.
In fact, Arjun was secretive about this issue back in the Life Realm. They understood how serious the issue is. So, they didn't ask any further. They entered into their own conscience first. And very soon a tunnel opened in each of their own conscience where it's destination is Arjun's conscience.
Everyone of them entered Arjun's conscience indifferently. But as soon as they entered, they were shocked by what they were welcomed with.
If there was a City, then it would be fine. But Arjun's conscience was totally empty. It was as if they were in a pitch Void! If they could see anything within Arjun's conscience, then that was only that weird liquid. And they weren't foreign with that strange liquid. They saw Arjun using that liquid during battle against the Assassins Organisation back in Life Realm. And Arjun called it with the name Void Qi!
"Big Brother! Your conscience... I don't know how to say it. But it's kind of empty." ,Ben said in astonishment.
"It's not empty." ,Arjun smiled and said, "It's just that, you can't see it."
"Can't see it?" ,Gnan asked in confusion, "What's that supposed to mean?"
"You will understand very soon." ,Arjun said, "But right now, please follow behind me."
Even though the nine of them doesn't understand, they just followed behind Arjun. Very soon, they stopped before a giant door.
Looking at this giant door, Ben and others rendered speechless. They all looked up to see the door's ending. But it was futile. The door was so huge that, they couldn't even see the ending. They were truly frightened when they saw this door.
"What is this giant door?" ,Gutherson asked.
"Be patient, Grandpa." ,Arjun smiled and said. Back when he was forced to come near this door, he was stunned as well. He expected the similar reaction from others as well. Back then he had to inject his Yin-Yan Inner Will to open this door. But this time he doesn't have Yin-Yan Inner Will at all. What he has right now is the mighty Void Qi which is waiting to reach the Primordial level!
Arjun didn't waste time. He injected his Void Qi on the hole which was located right at the centre of the ground. As soon as he injected his Void Qi, it was as if the lock opened, a "Clucth" sound came from the door. The very next moment, the giant door shook as if an earthquake came and under the frightened crowd, the door opened.
Arjun then turned back. He ignored the terrified expressions on the nine people and said, "It's alright. You won't be harmed. Please walk through this door. You willl find the real frightening thing after you walk through this door."
Arjun continued, "It will be safe to discuss everything that we can regarding all your questions. I will clarify everything as soon as we all pass through this door. So, be prepared."
All nine of them took a deep breath and passed through that giant door. But what they were welcomed with was nothing but pitch blankness. It was as if they were in the middle of a Void! They had seen the void within Arjun's conscience. But the sensation they received from the place their standing right now is much worse than the Void within Arjun's conscience. This feeling is indescribable.
Arjun said, "This is the true Void Realm! I received my power of void from this very same place."
"What?" ,Arjun's revelation truly shocked them. But they felt it reasonable though. They would never doubt Arjun's words.
"Back then I told you that it was Lord chaos who gave me the power of void!" ,Arjun said, "But that was a false statement. That wasn't the case. Because I lied it to you. The secret is very important to hide. But since you're going to receive the power of void, I had to tell you."
Arjun took a deep breath and said, "All this time without that Lord Chaos is the strongest existence under heaven. But that is wrong. There exist someone who is much stronger than Lord chaos. And we can consider this existence as the father of Lord Chaos! The name of this existence is Void!"
"Void!" ,They were listening everything incentively. They knew that they were about to hear the biggest secret of their lives!
Arjun said, "Everything begins from nothingness. Without nothingness there is no something. Everyone look down on the number 0. They give much importance to the number 1 compared to the number 0. But people carelessly neglect that, Without 0, there is no 1."
Arjun continued, "In similar fashion, I could confidently say that without the existence of the nothingness like the void, there exists no something known as Lord Chaos! In other words Lord chaos was born from the eternal Void!"
The crowd were listening and trying their best to engrave each and every word Arjun was saying.
Arjun said, "As per how are encountered this fateful situation and inherited the Power of Void.... the beginning was truly hateful. Back then when we went for cultivation, I was strolling in my City of Yin-Yan. But some kind of invisible force controlled me completely and brought near that ancient looking giant door...."
Arjun then detailedly explained his encounter with the Void. How Jimmy was born. And how he kept on walking in the eternal Void for trillions of years. And finally, when he finally met the Void! He detailedly explained everything to the nine of them.
After one hour, Arjun completed his explanation. But those nine people's hearts were in complete Chaos! They can't believe such a thing actually happened. But they knew that Arjun has no reason to lie. Softer coming themselves down, They finally digested what Arjun said.
Sitaram has always been the calm person in the group. He asked, "So what should we do to help you?"
Arjun said, "In order for my Void Qi to reach the Primordial Level, I needed to give the Chaos and Astral power to ten candidates! Nine of you are here. So, your soul would be ripped into two pieces and an Avatar for each of you will take birth. But remember. The Soul tearing process is insanely painful. If your gut is not strong, you will die! So, I want you people to be prepared mentally!"