

Arjun looked at the statues and became suspicious.

[These statues looks more real.]

[It has no qualities or aura that a statue releases]

Arjun became even more suspicious. If these statues were in these dangerous place, then it is definitely something dangerous. Arjun's suspicious grew even more.

[What these statues has to do anything with the death of those adventurers?]

[Who exactly is plotting all these?]

[What would they gain from all this?]

[There are eight statues in total.]

[Seven male and one female who is actually the Princess Shayana herself]

[In my Unique Dao Of Wisdom this mission was linked to the block where that mysterious customer Lance was located.]

[That means it has anything to do with that ba*tard Lance?]

[I have to escape from this d*mn place and better start concentrating on him]

[I don't know what will happen if I wait for them to make their move first]

[But let's be patient and see what will happen here first]

As Arjun was lost in his thoughts, he didn't let any changes to appear on his face. His face was totally expressionless.

At that time a stone door moved. Arjun didn't move. He found an old man with long beard and mustache came out from that stone door. He has no hair on his head. But his mustache and beard were around his chest level.

That old man walked near Arjun and stood in front of him. He started to inspect Arjun from top to bottom. He nodded his head in satisfaction.

He said, " An young man with a fine soul. Your soul is the strongest one that I have ever seen. Today the almighty god of death will be pleased with me. The god of the underworld will definitely be pleased with me. He will bestow the wish that I have."

That old man then walked towards the statue of Princess Shayana and laughed loudly.

"Hahahaha!", That old man said, " Elder sister! Look what I have found today. I will sacrifice the soul of this young man. Then the god of the underworld will help me and change my conscience and he will replace it with yours."

That old man continued, " You were the chosen one. You were supposed to become the queen of the Universe. But these six ba*tards have ruined your destiny. But fear not big sister. I will replace my conscience with yours through the help of the God of the Underworld. Then I will become the destined one. I will become the chosen one. I will achieve what you couldn't. I will become the ultimate king of the Universe!"

That old man continued, " I still remember what you told me and asked me to keep it a secret. You told me that you are called something 'WILL OF THE UNIVERSE' and had taken that huge responsibility. Once you reach the final level in cultivation then you will become the strongest existence whom the mighty Light and the Darkness has to pay their respects to you."

Arjun was instantly stunned. He looked at the statue of Princess Shayana and was lost in his thoughts,

[What the hell?]

[Princess Shayana was The will of the Universe?]

[That means she is my predecessor?]

[D*mn it! Princess Shayana was the former Will of the Universe?]

[No wonder why she was the Heaven Defying genius.]

[With this kind of talent, she became the Will of the universe]

[But she sacrificed her soul out of anger]

[I don't know how many successors she had after her death]

[But one thing was sure.]

[This brother of her has to face the dissappointment even if he succeeded]

[Because the next Universe Will has taken his birth]

[And that is me]

[But this bas*ard has killed many people and sacrificed their souls to that so called God of the Underworld]

[I must not let this continue any longer.]

[Or else I don't know how many people would die]

That old man looked towards Arjun and said, " Young man! Come here and pay your respects to my elder sister Princess Shayana!"

At that time that invisible force tried to move Arjun towards the Statue of Princess Shayana. But Arjun didn't move. The old man looked at it and was surprised a little.

He said, " Young Man! I order you to come forward and pay your respects to Princess Shayana."

But the result remained the same. Arjun didn't even moved an inch.

The old man suspected something was wrong. He tried to shout once again, " Youn….."

"How many times you are going to shout like that?" , Arjun said in the calm tone.

That old man was stunned. He said in shock, " You...You...How did you break out of my mind controlling spell?"

Arjun said calmly, " I wasn't affected by your spell to begin with. I was just pretending to be controlled by you. Because I wanted to learn what the hell was going non here."

"What?" , Said that old man in disbelief.

Arjun said, " You know what kind of crimes you have committed? You sacrificed so many innocents just to fulfill your personal goals. What meaning does it had even if you became the Universe Will?"

"Shut UP!" , That old man shouted, " You don't know anything about me."

Arjun said, " I may. Or I may not. But it doesn't mean that you have any rights to sacrifice the souls of the innocents. What do you want exactly? You think replacing your conscience with Princess Shayana's will help you in any way? You want to change your conscience and become the Will of the Universe. And you want to rule over the entire universe. Am I right Old Man? Or shall I call you Lance!"

That old man was stunned. He said, " How do you know my name? Who exactly are you?"

Arjun said, " It doesn't matter. But the thing is, your actions will shatter your hope and all the hard work that you have done."

Lance asked, " What... What do you mean?"

Arjun replied, " What I mean is that your hopes and hard work for becoming the Universe Will would disappoint you."

Lance was stunned. He asked, " How do you know about the word 'Universe Will'?"

Arjun took a long breath and said, " It's because, after the death of Princess Shayana, she also lost her power of the Universe Will. And the new Universe Will has already taken the birth in another Universe. Even if you change your conscience and replace it with your sister's, I don't think it would help you in any way."

Lance didn't believe Arjun at all. He said, " Why should I believe you? And what proof do you have to claim your words to be true?"

Arjun said, " I don't have any proofs. But I can take the heaven's oath and tell you that what I'm saying is truth."

"If you don't have the proof, then die!" , Lance prepared himself to kill Arjun.