

"You got it." That voice continued, " The Will and Sou of the Universe. And you know the rest. The Ancient Universe Will gave birth to the Light and the Darkness. Then creation of the Universe took place. And then you humans came into the world."

Arjun felt as if a new door opened in front of him. All this time he thought that Lord Chaos is the Supreme existence. And for some reasons, it's existence was under huge threat. And the Ancient Universe Will lost the battle who was actually the Guardian for the Lord Chaos. And he lost the rights to be the guardian for Lord Chaos and was looking for a suitable replacement. Many candidates fell before him. And as of now, he became the candidate for the job of guardian.

Arjun took a deep breath and asked, " Then... I can assure myself that both Chaos and Astral are equally powerful?"

"Yes." , That voice said, " Your thoughts are right. They both are equally powerful."

Arjun asked, " Then could it be... Then it was Astral who is Lord Chaos's enemy? I know that both of them are brothers. But I couldn't find anyone else who could be strong enough to become a potential threat for Lord Chaos."

"You are wrong this time." , That voice said, " Even though they both are brothers... they don't even know each other."

"What?" , Arjun was shocked.

That voice said, " One is Chaos. And another one is Astral. Both of their energies has opposite properties. If they are near to each other, then they will explode and die. And it is the reason why you felt a huge pain in your body. It's because Chaos and Astral can't coexist with each other. As both Chaos and Astral can't coexist with each other, When you tried to merge both the energies, you felt the pain. As you tried to merge both the energies the opposite properties that I mentioned earlier took place and the resultant energy of that opposite reaction has created another Avatar for you. And it was the test that I put for you. If you were able to bear the pain and if you were able to give birth to an Avatar of yours, then you would have considered as passed the test."

That voice said, " I think you felt everything similar between you and your Avatar. Since both Chaos and Astral can't coexist with each other, the power has been split between you two. As you are the main host body who came from the Chaos World, you could train in Chaos Energy. And the Astral Energy was split from you along with the birth of your Avatar."

Arjun asked in Shock, " Could it be... I became the Will of the Universe and my Avatar is the Soul of the Universe?"

" No." , That voice said, " I said you have inherited my power now. From now onwards your Cultivation System itself changed."

"Cultivation system changed?" , Arjun asked in surprise, " What do you mean?"

That voice said, " All this time you were training in the cultivation system of Chaos. But from now on you will be training in my system. That's why I said that you inherited my power."

"Alright!" , That voice said, " First I will clear your confusion about Chaos. Before I tell you who is threatening Chaos, I will tell you about why Chaos and Astral needs a Guardian whom you known as The Universe Will for Chaos and Ancient Universe Soul for Astral."

That voice said, " Both Astral and Chaos are just energies. They don't have physical bodies like you human does. So they created the Universe Will and Soul and gave them their cultivation. Once they reach the final step, they will bind the Astral and Chaos and reach a new level which no one could ever reach. That new level is known as Lord of the Chaos for Ancient Universe Will. And Lord of the Astral for the Ancient Universe Soul."

Arjun started to scratch his head. He felt as if he was understanding everything. At the same time, he didn't understand anything. He kept on listening everything what that voice said.

That voice said, " That Ancient Universe Will reached the red realm in the Inner Will right at the same time as The Soul Of The Universe. They both achieved the power to bind the Chaos and Astral. There was nothing wrong with Soul of the Universe. He succeeded in binding the Astral World and became the Lord of the Astral. But it was different for Chaos. That Ancient Universe Will couldn't bind the Chaos World. He failed to become the Lord of the Chaos. Do you have any guess why?"

Arjun thought for a moment and said, " Weak Soul!"

That voice said, " That's right! Because of the weak soul. Lord of the Astral trains in the pure soul energy. So it wasn't any difficult for him to bind the Astral World. But Ancient Universe Will was different. Any person who receives power or inheritance needs to have enough Soul Power. The more powerful an inheritance is, the more strong the inheritor Soul should be. Because the source of any power or existence is soul itself."

That voice said, " In the Chaos World who can be more powerful than the Chaos. And in order to bind the Chaos just how strong the soul of the inheritor should be. But the Ancient Universe Will couldn't."

"So what happened next?" , Arjun asked.

That voice said, " Since the Ancient Universe Will couldn't bind the Chaos, Chaos did a stupid thing. He decided to split himself into seven parts."

"What???" , Arjun asked, " For real?"

"Yes." , That voice said, " But these seven parts are different from your Avatar. You and your Avatar might be two different person. But both of your souls are same. Both of you shares the same mind. Both of your visions were also connected. But these seven Chaos are different. They might be one in the past. But after partition they had their own consciousness. Their views, ideas and everything were different. It's like they are seven chaos world. It was like they were not one in the past."

That voice said, " These seven chaos started to awaken their own consciousness. After awakening the consciousness, they gave birth to their own Will of the Universe. That means in this universe there are seven Universe Will now."

That voice said, " But no one could predict the future. As days passed, these seven Universe Will binded the Chaos world and became the Lord of the Chaos. Because the Chaos was split into seven parts, the requirement for a powerful soul slimmed down. So it became easy for them to bind the universe."

That voice said, " But greed is something no one can expect. Among the seven Chaos World, your Chaos world was the one with greater power and treasure. So these other six Lord of the Chaos formed an alliance and attacked your Universe Will."

Arjun raised his brow. He started to understand what was happening.