

Russell was angry. If people saw this, then they would be shocked. Russell always made himself appear as if a humble man. No matter how dangerous the situation worse, as long as people remember it, Russell always looked very calm.

But today for the first time they saw him with both tense and angry face. This was the first time they had seen Russell like this.

Others may not know this, but Gnan and Gutherson clearly knew who killed Russell's shadows. But they remained silent. They wanted to see and enjoy Russell's suffering.

For the past one month, Russell had made them suffer a lot. If they don't even enjoy Russell's suffering as long as possible, then both of them had to admit that they were nothing but saints.

"How can this be? Another ten shadows were gone?" ,Russell shouted as if his most precious jewellery was taken away from him by some unknown person.

"Does this has something to do with you people?" ,Russell looked at the smiling faces of both Gutherson and Gnan, then asked.

"You got to be kidding me." ,Gnan said with no control of smile on his face, "We were helpless against those shadows. You put us here as the hostages for the past one month. What exactly do you think we could do as we are right now?"

Russell didn't speak anything. He was not in any position to speak anything anyway. Because in the process, he lost twenty eight more shadows. They were killed just like that by some unknown person!

"How is this possible?" ,Russell couldn't hold back his frustration. This is the problem with the people of the Astral World. They remain calm as long is this where under their control. Things had gone out of their control even to a slightest degree, then they will start to panic. Only very few people had what it takes to stay calm in any situation. But from the looks of it, Russell is definitely not one of them.

He looked at Gutherson and Gnan. They were smiling at Russell's suffering. Looking at their faces, Russell said harshly, "No. You have been staying here for one month. And you people were definitely trying to study the mystery of my shadows. I know it all now. It was definitely you people's doing."

Gnan became serious. He never thought that this bastard was this mean when things don't go his way. He shouted, "Do you have any idea what we were doing? Even the Dao attacks had no affect on it. We had no idea what the hell is up with those shadows. We were doing nothing but to sit here all thanks to your doing. And now you want us to admit that we were behind whatever happened to your dear darling shadows? What exactly did you take us for?"

Russell didn't think anything at all. He said, "Do you honestly wanted me to believe that. No. It has to do with you people. Except you people, no one has the time and reason to deal with my shadows. I always rated you people's mind highly. You people have good talent. And one month was more than enough to understand the mysteries of my shadows. It was definitely you people's doing."

Both Gutherson and Gnan remained speechless. They didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Gutherson asked, "Do we have to take it as a compliment or insult? Tell me!"

"Think whatever you want." ,Russell said, "I don't care. I will know once you people give me your lives. At that time, I will understand if the destruction of my shadows had anything to do with you guys or not."

"Don't be ridiculous." ,Gnan shouted. But it was pointless. Russell's senses were dominated by his rage. He was now acting completely non reasonable and irrational.

Russell brought more than 15000 shadows. He pointed at both Gutherson and Gnan's direction and shouted, "Kill them!"

Both Gutherson and Gnan became serious. Saying "I give up" was definitely not an option for them. They were aiming for the championship. How could they admit defeat for such a thing.

"We will fight to the death!" ,Gutherson said as his battle spirit of the former General of the Star Moon Empire rose. Gnan didn't say anything. But he was thinking the same thing.

The shadows sped up and moved towards both Gutherson and Gnan. Gutherson and Gnan took out their weapons to fight the shadows. They don't know how to fight them. But it doesn't mean that running away was any option for them. They don't have such option as well.

But at that time, the shadows suddenly stopped at their tracks. It's not that the reason why they stopped was because of the command issued from their owner. It was because they couldn't advance any further.

"What happened?" ,Russell was stunned. He looked at his shadows who stopped their advancement which was not according to the orders he issued.

He then looked at both Gutherson and Gnan and pointed his finger. He said angrily, "See? Why do you think my shadows had stopped without my command? If was because of your doing. Now I am even more certain. The reason why my shadows were killed is because of you people's doing."

Both Gutherson and Gnan were remained speechless. They didn't know how big of an idiot this Russell is. But even they were in the dilemma. Just why did these damn shadows stopped? Was it Arjun's doing?

And their conjecture was proven right. Arjun's voice rang out from Russell's back, "The disappearance of your shadows has nothing to do with them. The one who killed your shadows was me."

Russell was stunned. He didn't sense the presence of any person here. He was jolted as he instantly turned back. He found a person with young man's features standing behind him. This person was looking very strong and powerful from his aura.

Russell immediately recognised who the other party is. He said, "You are... Arjun?"

"That's me." ,Arjun said, "And the one who killed your shadows was me. It wasn't them."

"How did you do this?" ,Russell asked.

"I think you have a general idea by now. Everything has it's counter force. The light has darkness as it's opposite nature. Similarly, fire has water as it's opposite nature. Metal has wood as it's opposite and counter natured element."

Arjun smiled and said, "Similarly, the Dao has it's opposite nature as well! This is one of the ancient lost techniques. And that is.... The Power of Desire!"

"The power of Desire!?" ,Not only Russell, even Gutherson and Gnan were shocked. This was the first time they heard about the existence of something like that.