

The Will of the Universe said, " Fine then. I believe you. You are weak at the moment. So I will tell you how this procedure works. So listen carefully."

Arjun nodded his head. He started to listen carefully.

The Will of the Universe said, " The power you sense here in this kid is my power. All you need to do is inject your Yin-Yan Inner Will! Then the will inside this kid will be replaced by your will! Continue this process until the Chaos power descend and bless this kid with your will."

Arjun nodded his head but not totally convinced. He asked, " Would their be any possibility for him to enter both City of Light and City of Darkness in the future? I don't think it is limited only for both of us?"

The Will of the Universe said, " There is a way!"

" WHAT?" , asked Arjun in shock.

The Will of the Universe said, " When I asked the Light and the Darkness to create the Universe, I made a law. No person in my Universe could train in two gates simultaneously. That was my Will! But you can also make that rule if you want. Or you may not. It's your will after all!"

The Will of the Universe continued, " If you allow this kid to enter both the gates, then he could also be a combat master and also be a supporter. But his products from the supporting occupation and damage output from his combat skills would be like an ordinary Willpower user. They wouldn't be as great as ours!"

Arjun said, " Because we both draw power from Chaos! People like Rick will draw power from either you or me!"

The Will of the Universe said, " That's right! The chaos would have only two Will who could draw power from it. There won't be a third person. Our chaos world now has two ' Will ' who draws power from the Chaos. That is you and me! So when this kid trains in Willpower, he could only enter through the gate of light and the gate of the darkness separately. Because the gate of light and the gate of the darkness represents us. But the gray gate represents the gateway to the chaos. Only we two can enter it."

Arjun said, " The Light and the Darkness were created by you, right?"

The Will of the Universe said, " Yes! I'm the one who created them!"

Arjun asked, " Then in the future I can create my own Light and the Darkness too?"

The Will of the Universe laughed and said, " What a silly question? If I could create, then why couldn't you?"

Arjun was stunned! He felt as if he has deeply underestimated the willpower. All this time he set his goal to reach the peak of the God Realm. But he underestimated the Willpower. Especially after entering the Gray gate, he needs to see a bigger picture! The three realms are nothing in front of him. Because he gets his power from the chaos. But those gods draw their power from The Will of the Universe who is no different than him.

The Will of the Universe said, " As you progress, you will understand everything. You still have very long way to go. So take one step at a time."

The Will of the Universe said, " I'll be taking my leave now. But before I leave, a small tip. Don't mess with those 12 supreme Gods yet. They are different than the other Gods in the God realm."

Arjun asked, " How strong I should be, if I have to fight against them?"

The Will of the Universe replied, " Your Inner Will should reach the Green realm at least."

Arjun nodded his head and said, " I understand. Right now I'm still at the violet realm. That means I have to pass through Indigo realm, Blue Realm and then I have to reach Green realm. It's a long journey. I will wait patiently."

The Will of the Universe said, " Good! Train hard kid! We will meet personally, when you reach the Red Realm. So be careful."

Arjun replied, " Yes. I'll be careful."

The Will of the Universe said, " Good! I'll wait in the Chaos World when you reach the Red Realm. Farewell. And keep the promise that you made earlier in your mind. Goodbye."

The Will of the Universe said those words and disappeared from Rick's body. Rick was suddenly dead! Because The Will of the Universe, took away his will from Rick! Nobody knows this. Because Rick was lying on the ground with no moment from his body. Only Arjun knew that Rick was dead.

Arjun then came back to his senses. He didn't delay it anymore. He started to inject his Violet Realm Yin-Yan Inner Will inside Rick's Conscience. The Red realm Magic Core started to fill with Violet Realm Yin-Yan Inner Will.

Slowly but steadily 12 hours have passed. At this moment, A violet colour Aura came out of Rick's eyes, mouth, nose and ears. His body started to shake as if he was given a current shock!

Gutherson shouted in anxiety, " RICK!!!"

Magmeel said, "Don't disturb him. Just wait patiently."

Gutherson and others calmed down. But they were nervous. Inside Rick's conscience, suddenly the violet realm yin-yan Inner Will disappeared and Circulated allover his body. His conscience turned pitch black. As if nothing exist within him.

At that time, on top of the Weissan City, the sunny day suddenly turned into dark clouds. Everyone who saw this was stunned! All the citizens of the Weissan City were scared. Even the big shots of this world who migrated to Weissan City were scared too.

Arjun sensed the change in the environment and a smile appeared on his face. He is very familiar with this power. He said in his heart, " Here comes the Chaos!!!"

At this time even Sitaram and others were stunned! They don't know what exactly is happening! At that time Arjun shouted loudly,

" Lord Chaos! I, Arjun Kumar, one of your two sons, who draws power from you, requests you to change this person Rick Melbourne's Will with mine. I offer my sincerity towards you and requests you to change his Will with mine and give him a new life."

Everyone were stunned! Even Magmeel was no different. He said, " Sh*t! Lord Chaos?"

Magmeel kneeled down on his toes and said, " I pay my respect to you, Lord Chaos!!!"

Everyone in the room were stunned by Magmeel's behaviour. But they understood why Magmeel behaved like that. Because the sudden change in the environment is the Chaos itself. They all copied him and kneeled down on their knees and paid their respects.

The chaos power has no life form. It's just an energy and power. But it felt pleased with their behaviour. Thunder started to roar from the black clouds all over the Weissan City. Then a Gray light came out of the clouds and fell on the entire Weissan Cty. The entire Weissan City turned transparent all of a sudden and immediately turned back normal.

Rick turned transparent too when the Gray colour Chaos power entered into his conscience. It repaired Rick's soul and brought him back to life! Rick suddenly opened his eyes and took a deep breath all of a sudden.

The gray colour aura disappeared. The black clouds disappeared and the environment turned normal as if nothing happened.

Arjun opened his eyes and said while smiling, " It's done. We have succeed!"

I hope you have enjoyed the chapter!!! Rick is the second main protagonist after Arjun. He deserves this kind of power to rule the universe along with Arjun!!!

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