

As soon as they heard the command from Jimmy, they were jolted as they came back to their senses. Even though they don't know how Jimmy was able to disappeared and then suddenly appeared from one place to another, they still knew what their responsibilities are.

Jimmy has worked very hardly in order to destroy the enemy's formation. Even though his disappearance from the ground and then his sudden appearance on the formation of the Burning Water City and destroying the enemy's formation and then disappearing and reappearing on the ground looked very easy to their eyes, but everyone could see that it is very tough to execute.

One needed, timing, precision, and most importantly one need to have reflexes in order to destroy the formation and then come back.

They didn't know how exactly their supreme commander did this, but the fact is that he still did it. And his hard will should not go to vain. Since they knew what exactly they were supposed to do, and since their commander has issued an order to attack the formation less enemy's camp, they knew that the final phase of the war will begin now!

And this final confrontation with no formation will decide the outcome of the war! This confrontation will decide who won and who lost. This final confrontation will decide who will have the final laugh. The final all out war has begin!

"Attack!" ,Bill gave his orders.


"Attack and capture the city!"

"We should not put commander's hard work in vain!"

Jimmy's shocking stunt raised the morale of all the soldiers. They knew that in terms of numbers they are still in the disadvantageous situation. But not many days ago, 200 soldiers defeated 5000 bandits with no casualties taken. If those inexperienced soldiers could pull something like this, then why can't they defeat the army of 35,000 soldiers with the complete number of 20,000 soldiers!

Yes. Everyone were well aware that Blackwood Bandit Group can't be compared with the well trained professional soldiers of the Burning Water City.

But weren't they also professionals in the war? They are. They came this close in capturing the city. They knew just how important it is to capturing the Burning Water City. Because this war is not about the conquering a city and adding a little strength to their already existing ranks. This is not about quest of conquering the world.

Then what exactly all this is about? This is all about survival. Their city is in the most dangerous situation since the very beginning. Because of the Church of Deception, their City Lord is in a Coma stage. Their City's strength has been decreased to 20% of it's original strength. They were in a complete hopeless situation.

Everyone thought that their City's lordship will fall in someone's hands. In whose hands it will fall, they didn't know. But they were prepared in their harts for the worst. They were prepared to accept the new City Lord.

But unexpectedly, the rise of committee has given them a new hope. And their hopes were not in vain. The Committee was much more smarter than they have ever imagined. They defeated the mighty and ruthless Blackwood Bandit Group with no casualties taken.

And now they are one step away from capturing the biggest city in the entire Flake Region. This is not about adding stress. This is not about capturing and ruling another city.

This was all about survival. They had the danger of five city's alliance who were about to wage a war against them. And capturing this city would enhance their city's total strength to a never seen heights.

Capturing the Burning Water City is extremely important for them. If they captured this city, then they will have a mighty army under the committee which not even the City Lord Ferlin had.

"Attack!" ,At that time the completely pissed captain of the Burning Water City shouted. He let the enemy casually enter his ranks. He let the enemy to destroy their City's ace Thunder God Formation! He let the city's morale down.

In his experience something like this has never happened before. These many failures are even worse than death for the Captain of the Burning Water City. This is akin to slapping his pride. This is akin to an utter humiliation on his part.

This humiliation needs to be washed away. This humiliation could only be washed with the blood of the enemy. And most importantly the blood if that person who miraculously appeared, destroyed their ace formation and then silently disappeared. That person needs to die.

Captain of the Burning Water City was fearful of Jimmy. He doesn't want to admit it but he knew that deep down he was scared. He was scared about Jimmy's existence. By now if he didn't understand that, Jimmy is the current backbone of the entire army... no, he is the backbone of the current Argemeddon City, then all his past experience needs to be reevaluated. If they could kill Jimmy, then the Captain of the Burning Water City was confident that defeating this small army which was looking difficult will become very easy to capture!

Jimmy needs to die. And the Captain believed that he is the only person here who could kill Jimmy! So he also joined the advancing army of the Burning Water City who are about to confront the army of the Argemeddon City in the decider.

And very soon the two sides clashed against each other. The clash of weapons rang in distinctively. There were hand to hand combat experts exchanging their techniques with each other.

The final phase of the war began. But the Captain of the Burning Water City's eyes were not on the war. His eyes were glued on Jimmy. His opponent is Jimmy. Jimmy is the most important enemy that needs to be taken down.

He immediately jumped down. He was an expert who has the cultivation base of advanced stages of the second awakening stage. In terms of cultivation, he was indeed a little stronger than Jimmy. So ge has some confidence.

He immediately jumped on the battlefield. But he didn't join others. He marched towards where Jimmy was standing. If he could kill Jimmy, then he knew that this war is as good as over.

He decided to sneak attack Jimmy and make sure that Jimmy was killed in one blow. And in order to do it, he needs to be extremely patient. He needs to find a way to give a powerful blow on Jimmy's vital spots.

And sure enough. He waited fifteen minutes patiently. After waiting for fifteen minutes, he finally got the chance to hit Jimmy's vital spots. He marched forward like a ray of light and hit on Jimmy's vital spots.


What do his or her his attack was perfectly parried by Jimmy! Jimmy turned back and said, "Did you run out of patience now?"