

Arjun smiled in return and did not take Bruce's new attack seriously. He looked at Bruce and said, "Fine! Today I will make you open your eyes and let you see the true terrifying as of the ancient Dao system."

And just like the last time, he did not make any big scene. He applied the Dao energy on his right and and waited for Bruce to force at him with his transformation stage Dao of Wood.

As Bruce was nearing Arjun, he became surprised with Arjun's approach. But he didn't care. Without even trying how he could even tell whether Arjun has the power to defeat his transformation stage Dao with just one fist?

Bruce gave a loud shout and increased his speed. Within no time, he was in front of Arjun.

"Take this!" ,Bruce shouted and he attacked Arjun with his transformed domain.

Bruce's domain was slammed on Arjun. Arjun who was prepared for this with his right hand coiled with his Greater Dao of Wood energy simply punched the attack from Bruce.


Another loud explosion which is even greater than the last time took place. Despite retreating further back, people who were watching this coughed out another mouthful of blood due to their incapabilities in handling the shockwaves.

Even the Dao Masters like Theresa and others were affected somewhat. They never imagined that they would be affected despite having Mastry in the Dao Energy.

People got up once again. They coughed up a little and looked at the battlefield. They knew that things are getting heated up between Arjun and Bruce. So how could they have the time to care about their injuries to begin with?

As dust settled down, they were stupefied to see that, Arjun was standing where he previously was. But as for Bruce, he was kneeing on the ground. The blood was on the ground where he was kneeling.

The people were shocked to see the situation Bruce was in. His countenance was pale. He himself was shocked to see that his Transformation Stage Dao was actually destroyed by a mere fist.

Just how mighty is the concept of the Greater Dao?

People started to wonder. They even had the impulse to master it. But they had two problems. First, majority of the people here were not the Dao Masters. And secondly, even among the Dao Masters here, they doubted whether they could actually master it or not. After all, Arjun said that in the ancient days, in a particular generation only 50 people or less became the Greater Dao Masters.

They find it very hard to master the Grand Dao. And when it comes to the Greater Dao, they don't have any confidence at all. It took them great toil to master their current stages in the Grand Dao. And the future achievements in the Grand Dao was becoming even more and more uncertain.

And now a huge blow came to them when Arjun revealed about the Greater Dao. They knew that they have no choice to become a Greater Dao masters even if the opportunity was right in front of them.

So all they could do is to be depressed and watch how exactly the fight will unfold. That is the only thing they could do now.

Bruce stood up with great difficulty. He looked wt Arjun and said after a while, "Since the day I joined the Raven Sect, you are the first person who caused me this much trouble. And your cultivation is an entire stage lower than mine."

"Well, I will take that as a compliment." ,Arjun smiled and replied.

"Greater Dao ah? It is indeed one hell of a terrifying power." ,Bruce said after wiping out the blood from corner of his mouth, "But I am not done yet. Let us see how are you are going to take my next move."

Bruce's aura skyrocketed. It was even greater than the last time. The intensity of this energy was the highest most of the people I have ever tasted in their lives.

"What is the fears energy!"

"Damn it! So this is how strong Bruce is? And we don't even know whether this is his limit or not."

As people were shocked by the energy released by Bruce , Bruce was in a different state of mind. He knew that his opponent was definitely stronger than him. Right now he was facing too much trouble to even cause a little damage to his opponent.

And if his opponent had the similar cultivation base as himself, then he knew that his opponent has the power to kill him with just one finger.

So he knew that this is the time to go all out and that is exactly what is going to do now.

His energy erupted even further which made all this people here uneasy. All the trees, plants and even the grass on the ground in the forest resonated with his energy. He now had the ability to command even all the trees, grass and any plants within the forest. No one can be an obstacle in his authority. All of them were under his control and command. They would die for him. They would serve him. They would even kill others for him.

"This is... Supreme Stage of Dao of Wood!!?" ,Theresa shouted in horror and anxiety.

When people heard this, they were stunned as well. Supreme level of Dao of Wood! It was actually the Supreme stage! Including the people from the Eagle City, no one in the younger generation had ever seen a Supreme Level Grand Dao in their lives before.

They only heard about it in the past. This was the first time seeing it in person. This is the first and they were about to witness the Supreme Stage of the Dao of Wood!

Theresa and others became restless. There was a rumour that Bruce had mastered the Dao to the Supreme Level. But it was just the rumours. No one new whether it is true or not.

But now they were witnessing Bruce performing the Supreme stage of the Dao of Wood personally. Which means, the rumours were actually true. Bruce actually mastered the Supreme Level Grand Dao of Wood!

"Take this, Arjun! I want to see how you are going to stop this now!" ,Bruce said with excitement. He was never excited this match in his life before. He was always a genius within the Eagle Province. He never had any match in the province. So he always used to go outside in order to strengthen himself by meeting strong people and facing them.

But now he found someone who is not only stronger than him, but his cultivation baae was even lower than his own. Bruce knew that he finally met someone who is even stronger than himself. So there is no need to stay of guard anymore.

Looking at all this, Arjun finally became serious.