

Garth suddenly opened his eyes. He looked around and found out that he was in the same room which he was familiar with a hundred years ago. Of course, the hundred years span was his own personal experience. In the real world, only one hour passed.

Garth wouldn't have learnt this truth if The Demon Garth wouldn't have told him that one year in the real world is equal to hundred years in the hell he was in.

Garth sighed. If it wasn't for the warning from the Demon Garth he would have definitely committed suicide. But the Demon Garth said that even if he committed suicide he could still be dragged into the hell!

Garth definitely don't want to go back to hell. Honestly, he was fed off with his own life to the point where he will get peace only if he died. So why would he care if the Church he worked for stays alight or doomed. He doesn't care about anything anymore. All he wants to do is to die peacefully. If he is going to be doomed, then he will definitely drag the people behind him into this mess. And coincidentally, the Demon Garth wants the same thing. So it's kind of win-win situation. So he didn't care about anything anymore.

"How are you feeling, child!" , Pope asked.

Garth sat down. He looked at the Pope and smiled. He said in delightful tone, "I am fine now! That alter ego has left. I don't see him anymore. Thank you priest Sully!"

"Don't mention it, child!" , Priest Sully smiled and said, "It was my duty!"

Garth smiled. But no one knew that it was just a fake smile. No one knew that the thing Garth was about to do will bring a huge calamity upon them.

"What exactly happened, child?" , Pope asked, "Can you tell us now?"

"I don't know My Lord!" , Garth said, "After your orders, I went straight to the warehouse and slept. And you already knew what happened next."

"This is strange." , Pope looked up and said, "You have killed many people in the past. But nothing like this has happened before. But why now all of the sudden? I don't know. But I feel like you were delibrately put in this situation."

Garth was stunned. He suddenly remembered something and said, "My Lord! You are right! How did I forget this?"

"What happened?" , Pope asked hastily.

Garth then told about Arjun's medical pill which he buyed just outside the warehouse. Pope and others were stunned. They suddenly understood just what kind of danger they were in right now. And what was worse is that they learned about it now.

"That means, Someone already knew the truth?" , Pope was angry. He showed his anger for the first time. If someone like Pope was getting angry, then they should know just how grave the situation is.

"Tell me!" , Pope shouted almost, "Who is he? How does he looks like? Tell me every details about that person."

Garth was shocked when he looked at the angry Pope. This was the first time he had seen ever peaceful Pope this angry. This shows just how grave the situation is.

Garth then started to describe how Arjun and Rick looks like. After completing his description, Garth said, "My Lord! I think it's pointless to search them based on only their facial description. I think they were wearing a disguise. If they have the guts to appear in front of me, then they will definitely come with changed faces."

"You are right." , Pope gave it a thought and said it. Hde knew just how grave the situation more than anyone else. As a Pope, he has the highest authority in the Church matters. And of course, he has the highest amount of sensitive information more than anyone else as well. No one knows better than anyone else, that if the truth was revealed, then what kind of punishment they will receive from the Sovereign of Deception! He just don't want his church to fall in this mess.

He said, "After three days, those people are going to be executed, right? Then I will personally go this time. As the resident of the city, the City Lord has given an invitation to all the influecial people, organizations, families. On that day, I will personally go."

"But my lord!" , Priest Sully said, "Wouldn't it lead towards too much of a commotion if you personally go to such a small matter?"

"You are right!" , Pope sighed and said, "We don't have much time. If we try to look for those two people who gave Garth those pills, then we will definitely run out of time. We won't find them. But if my guess is right, then those people has some kind of relationship with the prisoners. They will definitely attend the exexution."

"If they will attend the execution, then they will definitely try to expose us by using any methods possible." , Bishop said.

"That's right." , Pope sighed and said, "That's why I am going personally. I will do my best to capture them before they do expose us. Or else, we would be exposed."

"But My Lord, how are you going to find them in the middle of such a huge crowd?" , Grath asked a little terrified.

Pope said, "Believe in God, My Child! God has many ways to help us. I will take the Divine Plan from the Almighty God! Then we will follow it. The God would never abandon us. The God will definitely show us the way."

Everyone nodded their heads. This is the matter of the God's prestige. The God will definitely help them for sure. This is the unquestionable faith that they had in the God.

"But this is an emergency!" , Pope said, "This is the situation where the possibility of extinction is very high. Even though the God won't let that happen, we should not sit idly either. So summon the protection army. Ask them to divide themselves into three teams. The first team will be enquiring the arrival of all the newcomers. No matter how many of them are, kill them with no mercy. The second team will try to search for those two people. If they found those two people who gave that whatever pill to Garth, then they had to capture them alive. If they showed any signs of resistance, then kill them immediately. We can't afford to take the risk at the moment. And for the third team. Their duty is to keep an eye on the City Lord Manor. If they find any suspicious people, then they should kill them unanimously."

"Am I clear?" , Pope asked.

"Yes, sir!" , everybody replied.

"Then disperse!" , Pope gave the command.