

Immediately he entered the Building of Dao and took the cultivation manual for the introduction of the Greater Dao. He started to read it immediately.

After around three hours, he finally completed reading and understood how to train in the Greater Dao.

Grand Dao is the art of learning a Dao of ten natural elements completely in a formulated procedure. While learning the Grand Dao, a cultivator first learns how to give a shape to the Dao element. Giving it a shape is called the Manifestation Stage!

Later using that very same natural element of Dao and Manifested element, the cultivators will create a Domain. This process is called the Domain Stage!

Then using his already learned Manifestation and Domain Stage, the cultivator will start to learn how to transform everything within his domain into the Dao element he is learning. This process to transform everything within his domain is called as the Transformation Stage!

Then using the knowledge in Manifestation Stage, Domain Stage and Transformation Stage, the cultivator will combine it together and make it one. The procedure to turn all three stages into one is called as Supreme!

At that time there will be no Manifestation Stage, Domain Stage and Transformation Stage. There will only be one thing. The Dao of one of the ten natural elements. It will be the Grand Dao!

But splitting it into parts and learning it has a major backdrop. A Dao element has different types. For example, Dao of Fire has different types. Like it might be burning type, heat type, scorching type and many more. So when a cultivator learns and develop it to the Supreme level, then that cultivator could only have one type of Dao of Fire!

If that cultivator trained in the Dao of Fire in the direction of burning type, then that cultivator will no longer have the properties of other properties like heat type, scorching type properties in their Dao of Fire. The Dao of Fire with burning property is the inly Dao of Fire path that cultivator could use.

That means, even though the Grand Dao will help a cultivator to learn it and help them further to walk on the path of a True Sovereign, the fact that it is still incomplete still remains. This is where it's fault lies. The Dao if Fire might be complete, but it is still incomplete in another sense.

As for Greater Dao, it doesn't have any different stages. It wasn't split into different types. When a cultivator learns in the Greater Dao, he will learn the source meaning of the entire Dao! That cultivator needs to understand all the properties involved in that particular Dao!

For example, if a cultivator is trying to learn the Greater Dao of Fire, then he needs to learn all the properties involved in the Dao if Fire! It doesn't matter whether it is a burning property, scorching property, heat property and so on. That particular cultivator needs to learn all these properties at the same time.

Learning Grand Dao's Manifestation Stage itself proved to be extremely difficult for many cultivators! Needless to say, Greater Dao which involves learning all the properties of the Dao of Fire! This is where it's difficulty lies.

Learning Greater Dao became a huge headache for the ancient cultivators. So the Grand Dao came into existence making it a little easier for the cultivators. This is the reason why there was an old saying regarding Greater Dao- "Learning Greater Dao requires not only Immeasurable talent, but it also required tremendous amount of Luck!

This is the reason why Arjun first learned the Unique Dao of Luck! He doesn't know what kind of talent he possessed, but since Luck happens to be one of the requirements, Arjun immediately learned the Unique Dao of Luck first! And now it is time to learn the Greater Dao!

Arjun seriously started to think about it. After a long thinking, he decided to master the Greater Dao of Wood!

He had his own reasons when he chose to learn the Greater Dao of Wood! As a person who learned Pill Concotion to the Transcendence Level, Arjun has very grip over the different types of plants. He learned how to raise the plants. He also learned what are the mechanism involved during when a seed grows to become a plant. And then he understood how then the plant furthur grows to become a giant tree.

Since learning Greater Dao requires Luck and immeasurable talent, Arjun decided to start the concept that he was very familiar with. Since this is his first attempt for learning the Greater Dao, Arjun doesn't want to make things even more difficult for himself.

Arjun entered the Building of Dao. He chose the gate of Dao of Wood. Immediately his vision darkened for a split second. But very soon his vision returentd to him. But the scene in front of his eyes changed once again. Instead of the Dao of gate, he was standing in a desolete land. He was standing on the land. There was no trees. There were no animals. There was nothing n this land. There was only him. And strangely there was something in his right hand.Arjun looked at it and found out that the thing in his hand was actually a seed.

A plan immediately popped up in Arjun's mind. He looked back and found out that there was a lake filled with water. So he immediately planted the seed and burried it in the ground. He then started to gather and serve the water on top of the land where the seed was actually planted.

Time passed. Six months passed just like that. Arjun didn't care about the outside world as learning the concept of Greater Dao is extremely important for him. He was completely immersed himself as he was trying to understand what exactly he need to accomplish here in order to learn the Greater Dao of Wood. In these six months, the seed grew and became the plant. But it was so natural that Arjun couldn't find any difference between the growing pattern between the plants in the real world and the plant that grew in front of his eyes.

Strange! What am I supposed to do in order to understand the Greater Dao of Wood? What is so different about the two seeds? I couldn't find any difference at all. I don't even know where to start thinking.

Arjun was truly lost in his thoughts. He don't know where exactly he needs to guide his analysis pattern. He truly couldn't understand where exactly he need to start thinking. In other words, he has no idea about what was happening. And he has no idea about what exactly he was supposed to do.