

The man with mask emitted very dangerous aura. And the vice leader of the Raven Sect could tell that, this person's cultivation has reached much higher level than his own. So addressing "senior" was not exaggerating.

The man with mask said, "I don't like to drag things. I will get straight to the point. You have hired us to assassinate some people right?"

"That's right senior! I have hired you for this very same purpose." ,The vice leader of the Raven Sect said after some hesitation. He asked, "Is there any problem, senior?"

"Unfortunately it is. All the assassination team which we sent to eliminate all the targets were killed!" ,The man in mask said.

"What!?" ,The vice leader of the Raven Sect said with tone which was filled with complete disbelief. He asked, "How can that be? The Black Devil Guild is a mighty organisation. How can your organisation failed to take some group of people down? And according to the senior, they were killed?"

The man in black emitted a cold aura. He said, "I don't care what you say. There is no doubt that your target had some unfathomable existence as their backups. They all disappeared even before the start of the mission. In fact, they were all silently eliminated without any commotion."

"A formidable existence as a backup? It can't be. They were just a bunch of barbarians. How could they have a backup with strength which surpassed even your mighty organisation? Are you kidding me?"

The vice leader of the Raven Sect completely lost his mind. He unconsciously became rude with the man with mask. His instincts of being arrogant has overtaken his mind. He said things which might get him killed!

The mask man emitted a killing intent. This killing intent was a suffocating one for The vice leader of the Raven Sect. It became very tough for him to even take breath in between the immense killing intent!

The vice leader of the Raven Sect was scared. He held his head and suddenly remembered that his status as the vice leader of the Raven Sect will not help him in front of this man with mask.

He said, "I... I am... Sorry, senior! I unknowingly crossed some limits. Please forgive me."

"Since we failed to assassinate the target you hired us for, I will overlook your rude behaviour. But I won't give you a second chance. Be careful!" ,The Guild Master said coldly.

The vice leader of the Raven Sect felt chill down his bone. He said immediately, "Thank You for the forgiveness, Senior!"

The Guild Master didn't care. He played the recording crystal of his elite team which was disappeared all of a sudden mysteriously. The vice leader of the Raven Sect looked at the recording crystal and was shocked. Especially the part when all the people in the team who performing well disappeared suddenly. He didn't know where exactly things have gone wrong.

This sudden unexpected and shocking events made the vice leader of the Raven Sect remain silent. He couldn't say anything as he was trying his best to try to comprehend the mystery behind this. But no matter how much of his experience he used, he couldn't grasp the mystery behind the sudden disappearance of the team from the Black Devil Guild.

He looked the guild master of the Black Devil Guild. A sudden realisation struck his mind which made him remain stay silent in embarrassment.

Even the senior in front of him couldn't comprehend the mystery behind all this. If he understood it, then there is no way he would have bothered to come and meet him. Then how could he understand it when this senior couldn't understand it for himself.

The Vice Leader of the Raven Sect laughed at self mockingly. He knew that he made a stupid thing just now.

"Senior, how could I help you with regards to this matter?" ,The Vice Leader of the Raven Sect asked with respect.

The Man with Mask said, "It looks like you yourself doesn't know anything about this strange occurrence. So I will get to the point. Tell me everything you know about the target. I want to know everything. Everything you know about the target from how you knew them to begin with. And how you became enemies with them. Tell me everything so that we can have a lead to investigate everything."

The Vice Leader of the Raven Sect thought for a moment and said, "I don't know anything about them. In fact, I didn't even see their faces before."

The Vice Leader of the Raven Sect said everything he knew. From the visit of his disciple Loren to the events that transpired in the forest during the preliminaries. He didn't dare to hide anything. Especially after he saw the death of those strong people. Even he was forced to believe that Arjun and others background is not so simple. As for why they are barbarians, he didn't know. In fact, everything is confusing him.

It was just a simple assassination attempt. It should not pose any difficulties. But he had no choice but to take things more seriously. Or else, who knows, maybe he will be the next person to die unknowingly.

The Guild Master heard everything and sighed. He knew that he will never get anything from these people. He knew that even if he met Loren, everything will remain pointless. He had to find another way to find solution for this issue.

As a professional, he knew that the key for his Guild's job is information. The more information he had, the better it is. It will become easy for them to assassinate their targets more thoroughly and easily.

If they attack anyone blindly without proper knowledge and information, then they were not called as professionals in terms of assassination.

Their guild was not like the Assassination Organisation from the Chaos World. They kill people without mercy. But the Black Devil Guild is different. They kill people only after taking their targets through clients.

Unlike the Assassins Organisation who enjoys creating chaos and had the intent to rule the entire world, the Black Devil Guild always stay in their limits.

Even though the two organisations were not saints, from their deeds one could say that the Black Devil Guild is far better than the Black Devil Guild.

Black Devil Guild had a creed. They can't drop the job once accepted from their clients. If it wasn't for this rule, then the Guild Master of the Black Devil Guild wouldn't have come this far to meet The Vice Leader of the Raven Sect.

After giving it a serious thought, the Guild Master of the Black Devil Guild said, "This is an serious issue. I have a plan in my mind. I hope that you will cooperate with me. If things goes wrong, then you and my entire organisation will be wiped out by that 15 existence."