

Sovereign of Deception was anxious a little. At the beginning he wanted to kill both Arjun and Jimmy if they were to betray him and wished to join the higher influential forces. But he controlled himself. Because he had two reasons for that.

The first one is that he was not sure that Arjun will join the higher influences. The second reason is that Arjun doesn't know about the events that was taking place in the Celestial Realm. Well, at least he thought at the beginning. But very soon he discarded that thought.

When the Sovereign of Deception met Jimmy for the first time, Jimmy gave him an impression that Jimmy and his family has a very strong background. His master is too strong that, even the Sovereign of Deception has to think twice before making any move against him.

This was the impression Jimmy gave it to the Sovereign of Deception. And the Sovereign of Deception never forgot this fact. This is the reason why he didn't try to persuade Arjun and others to go to the Celestial Realm along with him. The Sovereign of Deception feared the powerful mighty backer Arjun and Jimmy had.

This is the reason why he feared to attack Arjun and Jimmy. And this is also the reason why he was almost assured that Arjun and Jimmy won't show any interest in the offers from the higher powers from the higher influential powers of the Celestial Realm.

Initially he didn't want to tell Arjun and Jimmy about the events that took place in the Celestial Realm. He wanted to keep Arjun and Jimmy away from the possibility of joining the major powers of the Celestial Rank. But he knew that he had to tell both Arjun and Jimmy. Because even if he didn't tell them, there will come a time where he will eventually know the truth. Or they will definitely know about the events that took place in the Celestial Realm from that powerful background Arjun and Jimmy had.

Instead of losing face later, the Sovereign of Deception felt that it is better to tell the truth to Jimmy himself. It will at least show both Jimmy and Arjun just how loyal the Sovereign of Deception is! This is the reason why he revealed it.

Jimmy thought for a moment and asked, "I don't think that the mighty Sovereign like you have come here in order to tell me the events that is taking place in the Celestial Realm, right?" ,Jimmy asked.

"No." ,Sovereign of Deception sighed and said, "It's because we hid your identity, we are facing a huge problem. The other major influences started to inject doubts on us. They said that despite offering such a huge benefits, the "Unknown Genius" of the Church of Deception is not showing his face for the public. He is not giving any reply. The atmosphere was as if, that "Unknown Genius" which the Church of Deception claimed to be part of their Church never exist. Does that "Unknown Genius" really exists? Or could it be that , in order to win the hearts of people, the Church of Deception is deceiving people by claiming that their Church has successfully re-forged the Spatial Rings?"

Sovereign of Deception sighed. He continued, "Different people started to trouble us by injecting different types of doubts. Due to this, the flow of Divine Essence is still falling down at a rapid pace. Because of the doubts injected by other major powers, it is forcing the people to believe that the Church of Deception has truly deceived the world about that "Unknown Genius". I am helpless at the moment. I couldn't find any solution. So I came here to find you. You tell me. What should I do now?"

Arjun was lost for words. He didn't know what to say. It's not that he had some kind of kinship with the Church of Deception. But if the Church of Deception is thrown back from the competition, then the Sovereign of Deception will have to face the negative Divine Essence. Arjun receive 1% of the Divine Essence from the Sovereign of Deception for every product he releases in the market. If the Sovereign of Deception faces the loss of devotees, then he will indirectly suffer from the impact. And this is something he don't want to see happen.

Since this problem has started because of him, Arjun decided to solve it himself. He said, "What exactly is the current situation? What exactly the people want us to do to gain their trust back?"

Sovereign of Deception sighed as he said, "They want us to reveal your identity. They want you to come to the public and let them see how you look. This is their demand. They want you to prove to the world that it was you who forged the Spatial Ring!"

Arjun smiled. He asked, "Is this what public wants? Or is it something deliberately done by those major powers in the Celestial Realm?"

Sovereign of Deception replied, "You know the answer. Isn't it obvious? It was of course done by those major powers in the Celestial Realm."

Arjun smiled. He said, "First of all, I am not going to reveal my identity. But I can give them a name through which they can recognise the works of my brother. At least, that's what I can do to calm the situation down."

"A name?" ,Sovereign of Deception asked curiously, "What is the name you want us to use to call your brother?"

Jimmy said, "Since our childhood, my brother always thought a name which he wanted the world to recognise him. He wanted the world to know him with the name Goldflame! So tell the entire Celestial Realm that the name of that "Unknown Genius" is Goldflame!"

"Goldflame?" ,Sovereign of Deception has too many questions. But since he knew his limits, he didn't ask anything back. He said, "Alright. I will introduce your brother with this name. But it still didn't solve our problem right?"

"I know." ,Jimmy replied, "The world wants me to reveal my identity. Ask them why exactly they want my brother to reveal his identity? He forges the products. And they buy the products back. If they are interested, then they can buy the products. If they feel that the Church of Deception is deceiving the people, then they are free not to buy the products from the Church of Deception. They are the king of their own choices. It's not like we are forcing them to buy our products right?"

"My brother has nothing to prove anything to anyone." ,Jimmy said, "If they are still dissatisfied with our reply, then they can take their leave. But Goldflame will only reveal his identity when he wished to. Just because the world wants to see him, he won't appear. Because Goldflame is not the slave of these damn Major Powers of the Celestial Realm!"