The next night Arjun checked once again his Virtue of Kindness. This time the divine essence was much lesser than the previous encounter. Arjun was disappointed.
He looked at smiling Virtue of virtue of Kindness and asked, "Why exactly is your production of Divine Essence decreased today?"
Virtue of Kindness smiled and said with apology, "I am extremely sorry. Today I didn't receive enough kindness energy. With whatever kindness energy I received, I have turned into divine essence. I'm sorry for my incapabilities."
"No please don't blame yourself." ,Arjun said, "Your existence itself is very important for my future development. Just because you couldn't produce enough divine essence for one day, I wouldn't blame you. On top of that, you said that you couldn't receive enough kindness energy. I can understand."
Arjun handed over the bottle filled with divine essence to Virtue of Kindness and said with a warm smile, "You drink it. You deserve it for your hard work."
Virtue of Kindness was truly happy for the words spoken by his owner. He bowed down and said, "Thank you very much for your kindness."
He then received the bottle filled with divine essence and started to drink it. In the meanwhile, Arjun started to ponder why he received only this much of kindness energy. He then bitterly smiled. It looks like all his students have become numb to his awe inspiring teachings. Their respect for him is no longer as high as it was during the first day.
Arjun sighed. He couldn't do anything about it. No matter how big a thing is. it won't keep inspiring people every day just like how it will inspire them on the first day. One day we will buddy would become numb to such Heaven shaking thing. And that's exactly what happened today.
Today his Virtue of Kindness was able to produce only 22 drops of divine essence. Virtue of Kindness drank only 14 drops of divine essence. He then gave the rest to Arjun and said, "I think I am full. From here on I couldn't drink the divine essence anymore. Until unless I reached the Sovereign of Law, I won't be able to drink any further."
"I understand." ,Arjun said with smile, "You can go back now. I will call you if I need any help with."
Virtue of Kindness gave a warm smile and immediately entered into Arjun's heart. After his Virtue of Kindness left, Arjun lost in his thoughts.
"Since Virtue of Kindness left, What should I upgrade next?"
Arjun immediately wanted to upgrade his system. But he understood that upgrading a Dao to Law of Sovereignty won't take that much of Divine Essence. So, he wanted to Upgrade something that would help him out of the desperate situation. Especially in the middle of the war. He needed to do something that will pull him out of the trouble. He thought for a moment and summoned his Cardinal Sin of Pride!
Pride looked at Arjun with arrogance that was at it's peak. It looked at Arjun whom he couldn't defeat even a single time. He immediately had an urge to fight and win against his owner.
It is the matter of my Pride!
Pride thought. But Arjun said, "I am sorry. I am not in any mood for duel. I called you here for another reason. Keep your calm and listen to me carefully."
Pride stopped. He silently listened to Arjun. Even though he maintained silence, it doesn't mean that his Pride has simmered down. Pride was listening and at the same time looking at Arjun with extreme Pride which has 'I will defeat you someday' written on his face.
Arjun ignored his arrogance and gave the bottle filled with Divine Essence to him. He said, "I think there is no need for me to give you any introduction regarding this bottle. This bottle contains 8 drops of divine essence. Just drink everything and it will make you strong."
Pride didn't immediately take it. He just don't want to take anything from his opponent. Even though he submitted to Arjun, it doesn't mean that he submitted entirely. His Pride' won't allow him to submit to anyone that easily. That's why, he didn't take the bottle immediately. His Pride won't allow him to.
Arjun sighed. But he was extremely patient while dealing with any of his cardinals. He said, "I know what was going through your mind. But I promised you that if you trust me then I will help you to get strong. I told you that if you follow me, then I will make you look down on everyone in the world. After 10 days you will receive your chance to look down on everyone in a grand war. And you need to possess enough strength to look down on everyone. So I'm going to ask you one last time. Are you going to drink it and get a little stronger? Or should I find someone else?"
"Me. Me. Please give it to me." ,At that time Greed came out and said with greedy tone, "It looks like he doesn't want it. Please give it to me instead. I won't disappoint you."
"Sure." , Arjun smiled and said, "If your big brother Pride doesn't want it, then this bottle will be yours."
"Why it happens to be him?" ,Envy came out from Arjun's heart and said with envious tone, "Why it should not be me?"
"Food!!!" ,Gluttony came out as well from Arjun's heart and said, "That stuff looks delicious. Please give it to me."
Gluttony was extremely hungry. His gluten was at his peak as if he didn't eat anything for some time now."
"Shut your fucking mouth all of you!!!" ,Wrath also came out. He shouted with extreme anger. His anger was at a point where it could even melt a mountain. He shouted, "I think that thing should belongs to me! Rest of you just piss off!"
"That thing look tasty!" ,Lust also came out from Arjun's heart and licked his lips. He said, "All the wonderful things in the world should belongs to me. Including that golden liquid."
"I thought you are big brother to all of them. But look at the fight here. Are you sure that you are strong? Even your brothers are looking down on you. What kind of Pride you have? And with this kind of Pride how do you plan to look down on the entire world?" ,Arjun hit on Pride's pride.
Pride looked at Arjun with arrogance. He took the bottle and drained it completely. Immediately the familiar Golden Energy swirled around Pride as his power upgraded to a new heights.