"Consequences?" ,Captain of the Burning Water City laughed and said, "You might have the capabilities to kill my 5000 brave soldiers. But not even a seventh awakening stage expert could kill my 50000 soldiers. Needless to say, you alone. What qualifications do you think you have to threaten to kill us? Brave Soldiers! Attack!"
The fifty thousand soldiers looked at each other with pride. That's right. They are the proud soldiers of the biggest city in the entire region. Nothing in this region could fade them away. No one in this region could defeat them. And no one in the region apart from their City's higher officials has the right to question or dominate them.
"Attack!" ,One of the soldier shouted loudly.
"Attack!" ,Another soldier shouted as well.
Everyone's morale reached sky high as all of them marched forward. They no longer have any questions in their minds. All traces of doubts have been erased up. Who are they? They are the pride of the Burning Water City!
"So be it!" ,Jimmy smiled a little devilishly and commanded, "Sloth! Put them in a sleep!"
But he didn't receive any reply. At that time he heard snoring coming right by his side. Jimmy look at it at his side only to find that Sloth was sleeping.
"Sloth!" ,Jimmy shouted angrily, "Wake up!"
Sloth woke up with a jolt. He looked at his surroundings hastily and asked, "What did I miss?"
"Sloth!" ,Jimmy was patient. He commanded with a serious tone, "Put them in sleep!"
Sloth Could sense a tinge of angriness coming from his owner. He knew that his owner is dead serious. He noted he head and said, "I will."
Sloth looked at the fifty thousand soldiers marching at them with killing intent. But these many killing intent didn't make Sloth fear them. To the contrary, he was even lazy to take them seriously. All he wanted he is nothing but to sleep.
"How good it would be if I gone back and slept nicely?"
Sloth thought. He was disappointed. It became tough for him to open his eyes for even five seconds. But what could he do? If he didn't do as his owner asked him to do, then he had to face his owner's devilish side. He definitely doesn't want to see that.
"Dream World!" ,Sloth shouted with great difficulty. Immediately huge amount of aura gushed out from him and rushed towards the fifty thousand marching soldiers.
At that time the fifty thousand soldiers felt that they wanted to sleep. Their speed slowed down. Walking became more difficult. Their eyes became bloodshot as it was also watering. They even yawned. Opening their eyes became difficult for them.
As time passed, even taking one step forward became difficult. They were trying their best to control themselves. But no matter how much they tried their situation didn't turn in their favour. To the contrary, it became even worse.
Thud! Thud! Thud!
One after another people started to fall on the ground. They just submitted to their fate and fell asleep. Only a little strong willed people tried their best to stay awake. But how could their willpower be stronger then Jimmy! Really shortly everyone fell asleep. No one stayed awake. All 50,000 of them fell in a deep sleep. They were even snoring loudly.
Hearing this indistinct snoring sounds, and the fifty thousand soldiers who fell asleep, everyone were dumbstruck. They were totally speechless. Be it the attackers or be it the defenders, no one knew what the hell was going on. Those who were awake look at each other only to see 'surprised' expressions on their faces.
"I am going to give you the offer once again!" ,Jimmy shouted, "Surrender now! Don't make things difficult for yourselves. Because you people are no chance for winning!"
The soldiers from the enemy camp were hesitating. With their 50,000 comrades in a deep sleep, it could be said that they still have only 50,000 left. But even among those 50,000 soldiers not everyone were participating in the war. There will be scouting Squads, Elite team that protects the city Lord manor. Some of them were outside doing some missions. So as of now they had only 35,000 soldiers left who were participating in this war. Of course it is my excluding those 50,000 soldiers who were in a deep sleep.
"Attack!" ,The captain himself came forward. He knew that the situation is getting from bad to worse. First he put 50,000 soldiers in a deep sleep. And this instilled fear in the hearts of the remaining soldiers. And when they were in fear Jimmy asked them to surrender.
And when the demoralised soldiers were asked to surrender what would be the result? As an experienced captain of the biggest city in the Flake Region, he knew the answer very well. Are demoralised soldier will definitely surrender. This is an absolute truth which he learnt from its experience.
"Attack?" ,Jimmy smirked and asked, "Why? Can't you predict the outcome of the war? This war is meaningless. I don't want to shed any more blood. And this is the reason why I put them in a sleep. You people have family. The family that is waiting for your return. The very same family who might be praying for your safety. If I want you to kill you it wouldn't take long time. I could've killed you anyway I want. But I didn't. Why do you think that is?"
"Stop your nonsense." ,The captain of the enemy side shouted, "A soldier who dies in a battle poses the greatest honour. They will be the favoured child of the God. How could I am a kid like you understand this?"
"Don't give me that shit. I don't give a damn about your War Realm's rules!" ,Jimmy said angrily, "A God is someone who protects all his devotees. Which kind of God would encourage you people to participate in the war? Just open your bloody eyes. Don't get blind yourself from some ridiculous words from that church."
"You insult our God?" ,Captain took the advantage of Jimmy's mistake. Yes. Going against the will of the God is taboo in the subsidiary realm. And Jimmy's words which were against their God is the major unforgivable crime. The Captain was thinking how to raise the morals of his demoralised soldiers. And Jimmy has unknowingly given him that chance.
"You blasphemous person! You are asking for the divine punishment for insulting our God!" ,The Captain then looked at all his remaining 35009 soldiers and shouted, "Listen to my commands! Activate the Thunder God Battle Formation!"