

After listening to that buzzing sound Arjun was at high alert. Since he couldn't see anything he had to depend on sound. Even though he had a little clarity of what he should do, he knew that it is easier said than done.

He didn't dare tomorrow from his spot. He was afraid that the sound of his own footsteps would cause some difficulties in judging his opponent's movements. In order to make things even more convenient, he just closed his eyes. In this dark world opened or closed eyes have same meaning. So instead of trying to see his enemy in this dark world, he wanted to just close the eyes. At least when he closed his eyes, he could concentrate more.

Really soon he heard footsteps closing on to his direction. Arjun calmed himself down. Is he nervous? Definitely. But is he scared? Definitely not. He spent most of his concentration and tried to gasp the distance between him and the shadowy figure. When you felt that the distance is ideal, he threw a punch.


His fist completely missed the shadowy figure. The shadowy figure had a sword in his hand. He used slice on Arjun. A cut mark appeared on Arjun's chest.

Arjun suddenly jolted. But this split lack of concentration was enough for the shadowy figure to blow another sword attack.

This time that shadowy figure attacked on Arjun's vital spots. Arjun's blood flowed out of his body. He fell on the ground. He struggled a little on the ground for some time. And then he died.


Arjun suddenly returned to the room where he found the introduction manual. He looked at the surrounding. He was tired. He was taking a series of deep breaths. He didn't think anything for now. He wanted to first calm himself down. Only then he will try to process what exactly happened.

He took a whole two hours to calm himself down. Only now he tried to process what exactly happened? First of all the pain in the shadowy world was too real. There was no difference between the experience of pain of being cut in that dark world and the real world. The pains were extremely same.

And then, Arjun thought of when he died. At that time, he felt as if his head was gone blank. His mind was spinning. His eyes went blurry as seeing became difficult. That was truly horrible experience.

"Is that how a person feels when he was on the verge of death?"

Arjun thought in his heart. He sighed. He never experienced the feeling of death in the real world. So he never experienced how does it feels when a person was dying.

And then, he thought about his failure in judging the distance between him and that shadowy figure. He knew that he messed up completely in judging his enemy's location.

He clearly heard the sounds came from the footsteps of that shadowy figure. He only depended on his instincts and threw a punch. Hut he never knew that, that shadowy figure has carried a sword with him.

But Arjun wasn't discouraged. He knew that it was just his first time. With daily practice, he will definitely become proficient in the blind combat technique.

Arjun knew that, he had to alert all his senses and grasp the situation. He needs to remember different forms of sound. For example, the sound of the footsteps and the sound of the swordplay is distinct. He needs to remember these different sounds for the rest of his life.

And then, he also needs to gauge the accuracy. Even when he was blind, he need to train himself to the point where he could accurately pinpoint the location and every movement of his opponent. And the dark world is the best place for this!

Arjun was excited. He entered the Dark World again. Even though he had to bear the pain of being killed or injured, he didn't care. If there is no pain, then there is no gain.

After two minutes he came out from the Dark World once again. It was obvious that he died miserably again. And there was no change this time as well. He screwed up with his timing. He failed to grasp the timing and location of his opponent and his opponent's weapon. Just like the last time, he died before he knew what exactly happened.

He entered the Dark World once again. But he had to face the same results.

One day

Two days

As time passed, one week passed just like that. Even after one week, Arjun couldn't make much progress. But it doesn't mean that he was hopeless. He had a very little progress.

On the day one, he was completely hopeless. He was clueless of what he was supposed to do. But after nine days, he finally learned how to at least dodge the sword attack from the shadowy figure.

But it doesn't mean that he was able to dodge all the attacks from the shadowy figure. He was able to only dodge five to ten attacks. Even though it was just five to ten attacks, it was still a progress which was worthy of celebration.

No one other than Arjun knew just how much of an effort he put in order to have that minor achievement. One has to know that he died more than five hundred times for this minor achievement! That was truly an horrible experience. But he still did it.

But he felt that, because of his persistent hard work and courage, all his five senses advanced a little higher. He knew that all the training regime in the Mind Palace will develop everything related to Origin Energy. It is also Mental Energy.

Arjun knew that there exist no such thing as Mental Energy. The original name of Mental Energy is actually Origin Energy. Before Arjun, nobody was able to open the doorway for Mind Palace. The cultivation manual of the Origin Energy itself told Arjun.

Since no one opened the doorway for the Mind Palace, Arjun was sure that people came up with the name of Mental Energy. Since it is related to mental fortitude, people started to call it Mental Energy!

But from the cultivation technique, Arjun learned that the original name of the Mental Energy is actually Origin Energy!


He took a deep breath. He came out from his Mind Palace. Today is an important day. They are about to make preparations for the important event for the bright future of their city.

Because tomorrow, they are about to capture the Burning Water City!