

Both Lance and Weissur were having a tough fight against each other. At that time both of them prepared another spell to go against each other.

Weissur used the Dao of Metal and manifested it into a spear. As for Lance, he used the Dao of Darkness and wrapped it around his sword. Both of them were ready to go against each other.

Both of them moved forward. The distance between them was shrinking. And when they found that their enemy has reached into their zone they attacked each other furiously.

But when their weapons were about to claah, a portal opened in front of their weapons. And very quickly golden flames came out of the portals and clashed against their weapons.

At that time both of them felt as if their hands go numb. They understood that the flames that clashed against their weapons is no ordinary flames. It was the flames created using Dao!

When they were wondering who was the Dao Master that blocked their attacks, a voice came from their back,

"That's enough! You people have really created a mess in my place."

Both of them looked at the owner of the voice and were stunned. The person was familiar to them.

"It's you!" , Weissur exclaimed.

"How did you escape from my Zombies?" , Lance said in surprise, " And what the hell are you doing here?"

"What am I doing here?" , Arjun said, " Actually that's my question."

"What do you mean?" , Lance asked.

Arjun sighed and said, " You should learn the art of investigation. You are fighting on my turf. And yet you ask me what am I doing here?"

"Your turf?" , Lance was taken a back, " Don't tell me, you are Arjun!"

"Bingo!" , Arjun said.

Lance suddenly understood everything. He started to curse his own idiocy. The cursed sword walked into his home, and he simply didn't know it. If he tried to learn how exactly the person who took the cursed sword looks like, then he would have ended it back in the wavery hills.

Lance was furious. He wanted to kill each and every person who are in front of him. He was that furious.

Arjun sensed Lance's anger and sneered.

He said, " Let's finish this Lance. Let's finish this once and for all."

Lance said in a hoarse voice, " Yes. I am thinking the same. Let's end this."


Howard was the Core Disciple of the pavilion lord Weissur. Weissur always loved Howard. And it is one of the reason why Howard was very proud of being the disciple of the number one pavilion in the city. It was because of this reason why no one dared to go against him.

Ben knows all these too well. But he knew that if Star Moon Pavilion was given enough time, then it won't take much time for it to grow and become the number one pavilion in the city. But the current supreme power like Galaxy pavilion won't allow it to grow that quick. So Ben has to step forward and display his strength.

Howard is currently at the 9th level of Divine Origin Stage. As for Ben, he was at the 7th level of Divine Origin Stage. Ben clearly knew that he is at the disadvantage here. But still he was proud that he received the same power as Arjun. And he would do anything to not disappoint him. After all, both Arjun and Ben has the power of the Fire Dragon. The power of dragons are always powerful. Especially when I comes to penetration. It can penetrate through the hum's defence very easily. So Ben thought he had a chance.

Howard moved forward with his metallic transformed body. He was moving at an average speed. But that's in the perspective of a cultivator of 9th level of Divine Origin Stage. But for Ben who was at the 7th Level of Divine Origin Stage, it was very fast for him.

At the same time, Ben was a total noob when it comes to combat. So Howard's average speed was very fast for his eyes.

Howard approached Ben in no time. He used his strong metallic fist and punched Ben in his stomach. Everything happened very quickly.

Ben flew back and crashed on a boulder. He coughed a mouthful of blood. It was very quick. He didn't have the time to even react.

"Ben....!" , Craig shouted. He took a step forward in order to help him.

But Ben showed his hand and signalled him not to interfere.

Ben said, " No one comes. He is my opponent. And I don't want any help. I want to defeat him with my own power without any help."

"But... " , Allen tried to convince Ben.

But Ben interfered and said, " No buts. Did you people forget what big brother thought us. If I take any external help to defeat him, then it will be a stain on my heart. That stain will act as a bottleneck in my future advancement."

Allen and others retreated. They had seen more than enough. They swore in their heart. If they get away from this mess in one piece, then they will seriously train hard and get stronger and stronger. They don't want anyone to control their fate. So they looked at the battle with great anxious.

Howard didn't stop there. Since his birth no one has ever insulted him. But today for the first time someone has insulted him in front of his own pavilion members. This hit his pride. What's more, the one who insulted him was his former slave.

So Howard decided to give him a slow and horrible death. So that he can give Ben as an example to the people who wants to go against him.

Howard grabbed Ben and lift him in the air. He started to punch Ben on his face non stop. Since Howard has the metallic hands, his punches were effective. Blood started to blow out from Ben's face. His face started to get swell like a balloon. He started to feel numb.

At that time he built up enough courage and released mass amount of Golden Flames from his body. Golden Flames came in a huge mass. Finally Howard couldn't take the heat and released Ben and retreated three steps back. Ben fell on the ground.

Ben started to pant non stop. If he let Howard go with his attacks for a few more moment, then things would have been very nasty for Ben.

Arjun who was busy with his fight, didn't stop to take a look at Ben and others situation. When he looked at Ben's situation, he decided to give him some advice.

Arjun said through telepathically, " It looks like you have some difficulty in dealing with your opponent, Ben."

"Big brother?" , Ben was stunned.

Arjun continued, " Your enemy is stronger than you in cultivation, Ben. But he really suck at something which might help you as an advantage."

"What is it?" , Ben asked.

"Try to figure it out for yourself. " , Arjun said, " I can only provide you some guidance. As your teacher I will only provide you with 20% of the assistance. That means I will only guide you on the right path. The rest will be up to you."

Ben took Arjun's words as an encouragement. He said, " Leave it to me, big brother! I will not disappoint you."

"That's more like it!" , Arjun smiled and said.