

Rick got up and started to tell everyone that all he could see in his conscience is nothing but pitch black colour.As if there exists nothing but blank.

Sitaram replied, " At first it will be pitch black. Later once you start your breathing exercise, you will start sensing a light element enter your conscience. As you do more breathing exercises, you will be feeling that the light element will keep expanding."

Sitaram kept on telling the entire procedure needs to be followed in Willpower. But Arjun was awfully quite. Right from now onwards Rick will draw power from Arjun to train in willpower. So Arjun could see through the memories of Rick.

What Arjun saw was how Gutherson told Rick about their past. How they were living in a cottage in Scrooge empire. How angry Rick was when he heard his grandfather's past. How Rick was over training with the grudge in his heart for the Assassin's Organisation for killing his father! How the same organisation was responsible for his Mother's death.

After seeing everything, Arjun understood why Rick's conscience was total mess earlier. Because he was training the magic power with the grudge in his heart. His foundation was totally in the worst situation.

Arjun looked at Rick and said, " Rick! Do you believe in me?"

Rick was stunned! He said in shock, " Boss! what kind of question is that? Of course I trust you!"

Arjun nodded his head and said with the serious tone, " First of all Congratulations! Now you train in Willpower. But you would be drawing power through me. So I could see through your mind! I have seen your past and learnt how much you hate the Assassin's organisation! "

Everyone in the room were stunned. Especially Gutherson. He never heard anything about having grudge against the Assassin's Organisation from Rick in the past.

Arjun continued, " That's why when I started the process earlier I have seen that your conscience was totally in an horrible situation! Your foundation was really in the worst situation!"

Everyone were shocked. Gutherson looked at Rick and asked, " Is what young Master said is true?"

Rick nodded his head slowly in agreement. He didn't said anything. Not a single word.

Gnan asked, " Why?"

Rick gritted his teeth and said, " Because they killed my parents!"

Nobody said anything anymore. That answer was enough for them to understand everything. After All, every one of them has the same grudge against the Assassins organization!

Arjun said, " A serious advice Rick! Every person in this room had some grudge against them. Even me. Even I know that I'm weak at the moment to destroy their organisation. So I have been patient all this time. If you want to train in Willpower, then you need to have peace of mind completely. If you don't have the peace of mind, then you will have the same ridiculous foundation as during the Magic Core! So calm yourself down. The more calm you are, the better it is."

Arjun said, " And the most important thing is, don't train with the goal of destroying the Assassins organisation. You and me are destined to rule the entire universe. We both have the responsibility to take care of a universe which I will be creating!"

Everyone were stunned when Arjun said Creating the Universe part.

Sitaram asked, " What do you mean by creating the Universe?"

Arjun sighed and said, " All this time I was stupid! I really underestimated the power Of Will by setting my goal only for the peak of the God Realm! When I was in Rick's conscience, I met The Will of the Universe once again!"

Arjun kept on telling what happened in Rick's conscience. He said how the Will of the Universe said what benefits Arjun will have, if he creates his own Universe!

All of them opened their mouths subconsciously in shock! After listening what Arjun said, they all felt, they have underestimated the Willpower more than even Arjun.

At this time Aeron broke the silence and said, " You can create your own Light and the Darkness too? That's way too insane!!!"

Arjun said, " At first I felt the same way. But after thinking about it, I felt it was logical. I mean both me and the Will of the Universe draws our power from the Chaos itself! Don't you think it's actually possible for me to create my own Light and the Darkness, if the will of the Universe could?"

Aeron thought for a moment and said, " Yes. That's right! It's actually possible!"

Arjun then turned to Rick and said, " Rick! Don't overthink about the Assassins organisation too much. The Assassins organisation is just one of the small hurdles that we have to overcome in order to become the dominators of the Universe! What's more you will be playing a key role within the Universe that I will create in the future! So always look at the bigger picture. Whenever you train in willpower, think with the mind to become the dominator of the Universe!"

Rick said, " I want to boss! But I can't let go about the horrible situation my father was in, when he was chased and was killed! If my mom and dad would be alive, then my mind would be in peace."

Arjun smiled and said, " That's it? I can bring them back to life in the future!"

" WHHAAAT?" , Both Aeron and Gutherson asked in union.

Sitaram said, " That's right! He has the River of Destiny, through which he can bring anybody back to life!"

Arjun said, " But I can't use the River of Destiny untill I reach the Blue realm in the Willpower. So if you train hard and get stronger, then I can reach the Blue realm very quickly than expected! That means the more quickly we both train, the more quickly we can bring your parents back to life. But you need to be patient!"

Rick's eyes lit up in delight! That's it! That was the motivation he needed. He was now whole heartedly determined to become the dominator of the Universe. Arjun could see through Rick. He felt delighted to see Rick's determination!

Magmeel was silent all this time. He was closing his eyes since the conversation began. He suddenly opened his eyes and asked in surprise, " Are you people idiots?"

Everyone were stunned! Sitaram asked, " What is it Master?"

Magmeel said, " My power boosted insanely in my Devine power and the willpower since the Lord Chaos left! Don't you guys feel any changes in your power at all?"

Everyone were stunned when they heard what Magmeel said! Everyone entered into their conscience and checked their status! Everyone were instantly stunned! Everyone shouted in Unison,