

They pores force within the mouth of "The Venus Flytrap". But that was not important at the moment. They wanted to know what is this glow. And they wanted to know what it will do next.

As people were wondering what will happen next, Bruce's domain and Arjun's "The Venus Flytrap" were about to clash very soon. Even Bruce prepared himself mentally for another defeat as soon as collision takes place.

But reality turned out differently. It was out of the expectations of every spectators including Bruce. Initially the glow from the mouth of "The Venus Flytrap" made Bruce suspicious. But since you don't know anything about the concept of the Greater Dao, he decided to go with "wait and see" approach.

But even before his domain clashed with "The Venus Flytrap", "The Venus Flytrap" which opened it's mouth and was shining with golden radiance has done something out of every person's expectations.

A giant golden colour flames came out from it's mouth. This flames gave every person the feeling of extreme danger.

And where is soon the joint flames that came out of the mouth of "The Venus Flytrap" engulfed the entire domain of the Supreme Level Grand Dao of Wood which was combined with the Dao Energy of Water.

As far as their eyes could reach, the only thing people could see was nothing but flames. It actually engulfed the entire domain and people couldn't see how exactly that poor domain was faring. So people who were already dumbstruck were looking at the giant flames with mouths wide opened.

The energy and heat it generated would turn even a Dao Master into ashes despite using their Dao Energy as a protective shield. If it wasn't for Sitaram who use his Greater Dao of Light to protect the people, the people knew that they would have been dead by now.

As people looked at the giant fireball that had engulfed the Domain, "The Venus Flytrap" which was the creator of all this mess gave them a feeling as if a Fire Dragon was using Dragon's Breathe.

After a while, "The Venus Flytrap" stopped it's attack on Arjun's command. Even though it stopped it's attack, the heat generated from that attack still remained in the surrounding. The people could still feel it despite the barrier from the Greater Dao of Light created by Sitaram.

But it is not necessary at the moment. They were more worried about the result of the battle. And sure enough, they saw something expected this time. Truth is, as the battle progressed, people believed more and more that Arjun will win.

And this time, the battle had too much insanity. Bruce looked as if he never stood a chance against Arjun. This time it didn't make any difference. The Domain which he created was completely crushed. If Arjun didn't stop the attack in time, then even the trees would have been burned into ashes.

Arjun used the Dao Energy of Wood and took all the trees under his control. The trees were innocent. So he would never harm them. As he took all the trees under his control, the trees started to acknowledge Arjun as it's king and followed every orders.

Under Arjun's control, all the trees, plants and grasses went back to their initial position and settled down. The forest returned to it's former glory as it more looked like the forest unlike when Bruce controlled them to his use for the fight against Arjun.

As for Bruce, he was on the ground. He wasn't dead. But due to his domain which was burned, he as it's master faced some severe damage. His internal organs were almost torn into pieces.

People were gasping for breath. They never imagined that Arjun would be this strong. And the heavenly defying genius like Bruce is on the ground with uncertain future in the cultivation world.

The people were convinced that Bruce's legend and future has come to an end. Even though they never had the final confirmation, they could tell this after witnessing everything that has unfolded.

In their eyes, it was simply a miracle for Bruce to stay alive at thus moment. After facing all that insane spells casted by Arjun, no one would have survived it. Bruce was not any exception.

If it wasn't for the advantage Bruce had in the form of cultivation base, he would have been dead by now. Dragging fight this long itself was a miracle. So they could not see any future for Bruce any longer.

"Am I going to die?" ,Bruce asked with weak tone.

Arjun shook his head and said, "No. You will be fine."

"What use is to stay alive if your internal organs will no longer function as it was in the past?" ,Bruce pitied himself as he continued, "In my view, I am in the state which is even more worse than death."

"No. As I said, you will be fine. You will be able to cultivate in the future without any issue." ,Arjun said this and walked towards Bruce. After coming near to him he sat on his toes and placed his hands on his chest where his heart lied. He then injected his Void Qi to repair Bruce's internal organs.

Arjun shook his head and said, "I am a combat master. So I don't have any ability to heal like a Lifestyle Master. But I can at least do some emergency treatment though. But I have to spend my Mental Energy a little for it to work."

"Mental Energy ah?" ,Bruce lost in his thoughts. He then asked, "If a battle of Mental Energy broke out between us, what do you think my chances are against you?"

"Less than zero!" ,Arjun said bluntly. He said without any hesitation, "You might think that I might be exaggerating with my comments. But I don't speak anything with absolute confidence unless I am pretty sure about it. As for why I am confident, I cannot tell you that. But all I could tell you with confidence is that there exist no person in this world that could beat me when it comes to the concept of Mental Energy!"

Bruce was surprised a little in the beginning. But he knew that Arjun has no reason to lie to him. As for the reason, that might be Arjun's secret. So there is no way Bruce will go deeper into it. After all, everyone has their own secrets.

"But I still don't understand how exactly a descendant of the Scott Clan ended up in this fucking Raven Sect?" ,Arjun asked.

"How did you know that?" ,Bruce asked in astonishment.

Bruce shuddered when he heard this. He also has his own secrets. He would never reveal it to anyone though. But he still could not understand how Arjun was able to reveal his biggest secret!