

John said, "The plan is very simple. I wantyou people to create the constructs. Since we are lacking a huge amount of army to defend our city, we will fill this shortage in numbers with the constructs. But you people had to work hard."

One of them said, "But my Lord! I don't know how to create a construct. Our skills are shallow. Since we are in the War Realm, the librabries are filled with books with war manuals."

Another person said, "So all we know is how to create a basic weapons and armours. We don't have any knowledge regarding constructs. In fact, for us, the concept of construct is just a legend."

"Don't worry!" ,John smiled and said, "We have a very good teacher for you. He will not only teach you how to build a construct, but he will teach you many things in different field which is nothing but a legend in your eyes."

The two hundred people were excited. Finally they gained some confidence.

"We are not from this realm." ,John continued, "In our realm, we never set any difference between a Combat Master and Lifestyle Master. Everyone are equal in our realm. But when we saw the situation in this realm, we were truly stunned. So, there is no need for you to worry about any mistreating towards you."

All two hundred Lifestyle Masters' hearts wree at ease as they heard what John said.

John continued, "And now, we will tell you the benefits of working with us. The first benefit is salary. You will be paid a fixed monthly salaries. Food and accommodations are free for you. You will get the food to eat at regular period of time. You will be given a proper place to live."

"But this is not the important thing." ,John said, "The most importat thing is how much you prove your worth. Listen to me very carefully. If you could create huge amount of constructs army, then that means, our chances for victory would reach another level. If we were successful in defending the city, then the city will be saved. And we will proudly announce to the public that the reason for our victory is solely because of the armyof constructs."

John said, "And who created the army of constructs? The credit would go to you. The very same people who looked down on you will cheer for you. You people will become the heroes. You will become the major contributor for the protection of the City. You will become the saviour of the city. The people will start to respect you. They will finally start to learn your worth. They will stop looking down on you. You will receive the respect which you deserve."

The crowd of two hundred people were excited to hear this. They starved to death almost everyday. They were looked down on from the very beginning. Whenever they look in the eyes of the people, all they find is the expression which was filled with disgust. They had to hide their identity as a Lifestyle Masters and do some labour work to fill their stomach. And in order to do the Labour Work, they had to hide their identity as the Lifestyle Masters. Or else, they would be kicked out immediately.

The other City Lords had their own Lifestyle Masters who forge weapons and pills for the war. But the treatment they receive is very poor. So, they bear all the humiliation and work in order to fill their stomach.

But today they heard that, the committee will take care of them. They will be payed monthly fixed saleries. They would be given food to eat. They will be given a place to sleep. They would be thought interesting and unique forging techniques. They would be treated with respect. And most importantly, they are given the chance to change their destiny! They were given the chance to change their fate. They were given the chance to prove their worth. How would they not be tempted?

"But if you still are not convinced, please leave." ,John said, "We won't look down on you. Everyone are free to their own will. We won't stop you if you still want to leave. But those who wants to leave, please remember that you had sworn on your conscience that you are not going to reveal our plan to anyone. And those who are interested, please go to the next room. Because it is the place where you would be thought how to build the construct."

As soon as John concluded his speech, all two hundred people entered the next room. No one stayed or left the City Lord Manor. Today they are going to get the chance to change their fate. They are getting the chance to prove their worth. Who would leave after putting such a tempting proposal in front of them? So all of them entered the next room. As for John, he was happy to see this outcome. He simply smiled and gone back to meet with other committee members.

As soon as they entered the next room, they saw a young man who looked around thirty years old quietly sitting on his chair. They were stunned. How could this young man teach them the concept of Constructs? This is insane. But they didn't complain. After all, this person came from the world where Lifestyle Masters are respected. So he had the opportunity to learn various things. So they didn't try to mock him or something.

After settling down on the chairs, Arjun looked at them and said, "Hi! My name is Arjun Kumar! Today I am going to teach you the Art of Construct! I hope you people will learn it as quickly as possible so that we all together forge as many Construct as Possible."


Outside the gates of the City, a group of prople were standing. They all wore the black cloth dress. Even their face was covered with the black cloth. They were looking at the City Gates with eyes full of lust. They wanted to conquer this city. And today the opportunity has presented itself in front of them.

This group was very frightening. Their group has the number of around five thousand! An army of five thousand were here to conquer the City. At normal times, people would laugh at them. But today it is more than possible. So, they came here.

One of them who might be their leader smiled evilly and shouted, "ATTACK!!!"

As soon as the command came, the rest of the people behind them laughed evilly as well. They then moved forward to attack the City Gates!