

Both Reynolds and Alfonso had the grim expression on their faces. Their bodies started to sweat non stop. They were shaking from fear.

Jimmy asked, " What do you mean by 'Killed the King'?"

Edward said, " That's right! These bas*ards came to me and bribed me. They said that if I help them in king's assassination, then they will help me and make me the new king. So I helped them in this plot. We killed King Bloom together."

Jimmy asked, " But King Bloom's death was an accident right? A wild animal killed him because of the king's careless. So how could that be a plot?"

Reynolds interfered and shouted, " You bas*ard! Stop lying!"

Jimmy said, " King Reynolds! I said I'll handle it. Please calm yourself down."

Reynolds shouted in anger, " And who the hell are you to order me? I'm the king here! So get lo...!"

Before he could complete his words, an invisible force struck Reynolds. Reynolds flew backwards all of a sudden and collided with the wall and fell on the ground.

Everyone who saw this were stunned! Because what they saw was Jimmy raising his hand towards Reynolds. And Returned flew back all of the sudden and collided with the wall. It was shocking.

All of them looked at Jimmy in disbelief. They were really shocked. They suddenly remembered that when guards were trying to assassinate Edward, all of those guards felt dizzy and fell on the ground and lost consciousness. The people were no idiots. They figured out that Jimmy did something and the guards lost their consciousness.

After witnessing these two incidents the nobles had only one opinion about Jimmy in their minds

"He is strong!"

Reynolds got up from the ground. He looked at Jimmy and said in disbelief, " How did you....?"

Before he could finish his sentence, Jimmy interfered and said, " So what if you are a king? I don't give a s*it even about an emperor! You are just a small king! So shut the f*ck up and stay silent! You will get your chance to talk. I don't care about anything. But if I found that anybody is trying to harm the princess, then they are dead meat! Do you understand?"

Reynolds felt chill down in his bone. He knew that his plot failed. He was scared. Even Alfonso was scared too! He almost wet his pant.

Kiera was enjoying the show. She was trying very hard to control her laughter at the moment.

Jimmy said, " Edward right? Tell everything that you know? Or else I will give you the punishment that is even worse than death."

Edward felt terror. At least he pretended to. So that he won't draw anything suspicious from the crowd.

He said, " When king went to the jungle, he took prince Alwyn with him. Reynolds and Alfonso found this as the perfect moment and followed them secretly. Even I went along with them.Then we found a right moment and stabbed him from behind. King died! Later we fed his dead body to a Wild beast and spread the rumours that king was careless and a wild beast attacked and killed him."

Everyone were stunned to hear that. They looked at Reynolds and Alfonso with anger gaze.

Jimmy asked, " Then what about the prince Alwyn?"

Edward said, " We spread the rumour that prince Alwyn ran away from fear. But in truth we kidnapped him."

Jimmy asked, " What about the queen? I doubt that it's a coincidence that she died immediately after king's death! Did you do anything to her?"

Edward said, " We gave her a juice which would send her in depression state. And with the news of king's death, queen died. We spread the rumours that she died due to depression."

Jimmy asked, " Then what about prince Alwyn? You said you kidnapped him! Then how did he come back?"

Edward said, " We brought him overnight! We killed two of our guards and spread the rumour that Prince Alwyn killed them because of psychological disorder. We put him in the prison and crippled his cultivation base!"

"WHAT?" , everyone in the room shouted in unison. The nobles were literally pissed this time.

Jimmy asked, " You already knew that he is an heaven's child, right? Why would you destroy his cultivation base? It would be better to kill him right? Why would you kidnap him instead of killing?"

Edward said, " We know that after king Bloom, it was prince Alwyn who was next in line for succeeding the throne. On top of that he has an advantage of being an heaven's child! So we crippled him. We kept him as an hostage. Because after prince Alwyn, it was princess Kiera who was in the line for succeeding the throne. In order to blackmail her, we have to keep prince Alwyn alive."

Jimmy asked, " What would you blackmail her for?"

Edward said, " For this marriage ceremony. Prince Alwyn lost his mind. That means he is unfit to ascend the throne. So, if prince Alfonso married her, then the throne would automatically goes into the hands of prince Alfonso! But in order to make her accept this marriage, we kept Prince Alwyn as hostage. Princess Kiera accepted for this marriage out of helplessness."

Jimmy asked, " That means, it was you people who spread the news about Princess Kiera plotting the assassination of her own parents. Am I right?"

Edward said, " Yes! We actually wanted to kill princess Kiera and prince Alwyn too. But we thought that it would draw unwanted suspension. So we spread this rumours about her in the public to damage her reputation. We decided to make the world believing that she plotted an assassination plan against her husband but failed. Then we would execute her in public. As for prince Alwyn. We would have announced that he passed away because of Psychological disorder!"

Everyone were stunned. They looked at Reynolds and Alfonso in disgust.

Jimmy asked Kiera, "Princess Kiera! Did you accept for this marriage proposal on your own free will?"

Everyone looked at Kiera. They also wanted to know the answer for this question.

Kiera lifted her head. Everyone saw tears coming down from her eyes.

She said, " No! What that Edward said is absolutely right! These people have my brother as an hostage. In order to protect him, I had to accept for this marriage. I had no other options. He is the only family left for me."

When Kiera said this everyone started to believe it. They all are highly influenced and experienced peoples. They know that it was actually a flawless plan.

Jimmy looked towards Reynolds and said, " King Reynolds! Please ask your people to bring price Alwyn here?"


.Reynolds started to feel a huge headache. He was sweating non stop. He thought,

[ Now, where would I bring him from?]