
The king of the players

Aaravlance123 · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs


After the fire was calmed, I went rushing inside, with people following me in.

Everything was burnt into ashes, all black in color. We went more inside, and what we saw was! Two skeletons, one lying on the sofa, and the other on the floor. I couldn't believe it all! It was so hard to believe that they were my parent's skeleton!!

When I opened my eyes, I was into my neighbor's home. They told me that I fainted after seeing it all. They all confronted me, and offered me to stay. But I couldn't live with all those pains. So, that night I went to the club and started drinking there and then I ended up here, in this Royal palace.


How I wish if my parents were still alive! Suddenly, I heard some knocks on my door. I wondered who might it be ? It was a maid calling me for the lunch. It was already afternoon.

I was asked to sit with The Royal family for the lunch. The King was present there too.The king was actually the son of The Grand Queen.And the Prince was the son of the The king and The grandson of The Grand Queen.I greeted them all, but as usual, I was ignored by The Prince. It was so awkward and was filled in silence. The Grand Queen broke the silence with her words. She ordered the Prince to go for shopping with me.