
The King of Creation is Born

One day Henry finds himself in a new world With Goddesses? What will Henry do in this new world and what will this world have in store for him.

PENGUINI · Kỳ huyễn
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21 Chs

The First Breakthrough

I was injured after being slammed into the column.

"I think I broke two or more ribs I can't tell" I said. Hibana rushed over to me and started to heal me while Mia used more of her Shadows to buy us some time. Maria also appeared injured but she said she was fine but we could tell otherwise.

"The pride of centaurs I guess" I thought.

Hibana finished healing me and I stood up ready to fight again. This time I tried something new, I knew how to use both Light Lance and Shadow Blade so I tried to combine them.

"Henry, you can't do that…. You could die. It is forbidden to combine opposite elements." Mia said

"I have to do something or we will all die, so I don't fear death. I will keep you guys safe no matter what" I said. Then as if time froze everything seemed to be frozen and a voice came to my head.

"Hey kid" a voice in my head said

"What do you want" I responded

"I can give you spells that will be able to kill the king and more"

"What is the catch"

"Kekeke... There is no catch I just want to see how much you will grow" the voice said playfully.

"I'll believe you for now so help me". And with that a new book popped into my head and I felt a pain like in the forest in my chest.

"What did you do to me" I said

"I have simply just expanded your limits and given you my mark of kinship"

"Who are you"

"You will find out soon enough" He said. I could feel in my body that I had become stronger.

"But who was he? It doesn't matter now what matters is that I save them" I thought. I turned around to Hibana, Maria and Mia and said

"I'm sorry for worrying you three" I walked over and embraced them. I didn't want to worry them again so I decided to get stronger.

"It is ok now everything will be fine" I said. The king swung at me and I lifted my hand and glared at him, stopping the blade with just one finger. The king has lived for hundreds of years and this was the first time he felt fear. He could see the aura around Henry and his instincts told him to run.

"Why is he so strong? Wasn't he just crippled by my blow" The king thought.

"Is this really the same boy from earlier? I feel extreme power from him and I am afraid of him. For the first time in my 500 years I have felt fear" The king thought.

The king tried to back off but then a raven appeared out of nowhere flying into the room and clawed the king's eye out. The ravens aura felt familiar to me but I didn't know from where. The raven stopped attacking and looked to me. He bowed his head and flew out. while flying out I could see what appeared to be Nordic Runes and that's when I realized It had the same aura as the Man who gave me strength.

"Perhaps he just wanted to see how much I would grow, he may be an ally" I thought. I then turned my attention to the king and used one of the spells from the endless book that was gifted to him by the man.

"Disperse" I said and multiple blackholes appeared and ripped the king to shreds and consumed him. Not even blood was left from the king he got completely consumed. It was now over the king was defeated and Maria, Mia and Hibana were now safe.

With this my consciousness faded and my mind went blank. I regained my consciousness but was in a blank plain. That's when I saw a man who greeted me in the same voice that I heard in my head earlier.

"It is Nice to finally meet you Henry" the man said and the crow landed on his shoulder

"My name is Odin, and I am your grandfather" he said and I stepped back in shock.

What do you guys think so far. I would like a honest opinion so that I can make this more appealing to future readers and to you guys. If it is lacking in action I can add more. If you want more harem then I can add more. etc...

This story is going to be long and it willl have plenty of Mythology in it so stay tuned and if you want to help contribute you can DM me with art and with ideas for future Mythology that I could add.

I love you guys, and be patient with this series because it will get better and it will have a manga eventually.



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