
What Matters Most

Sierra tapped her foot as she waited by the horse stables on the castle grounds. She kept herself hidden behind some forest cover. Soon, she saw a familiar silhouette coming in her direction. 

She noticed that the person was running towards her, waving their hands in the air. 

"Sierra! Run!" She heard Ida's voice loud and clear. 

But it was too late. 

As soon as she turned around, Sierra found the tip of the blade at her throat. She gulped as she reached for her sword as she took a step back. She was surrounded. 

"Sierra Bancroft, you're under arrest." The guard said to her. 

She looked straight into his eyes, unwavering. The guard was younger than her, she could tell. He barely had any experience. Opal slithered up Sierra's arm, coiling loosely around her neck. 

The little snake bared her fangs and hissed at the guard, causing him to stumble back. Sierra folded her arms. She had nothing to fear. 

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