
The King's Lady

Zoe Elizabeth has the King's head.  In her hands.  Under her skirt.   Everywhere you could imagine. It's shocking because four months ago, the whole of OO1 swore the King would have Zoe Elizabeth's head. Zoe is an enigma with the destiny of death. Chased out by her family, she finds mercy in the eyes of Maximus, the same man that ruined her life. She has vowed to make his life hell, but Maximus has other plans for her.  Maximus is a quasimodo with a painful past. A sadistic powerful monster whose life mission is to steal Zoes power and make himself the most powerful man on earth. But when he discovers new feelings towards the dainty priestess, he is forced to face the monsters of his past.  With mysteries surrounding their families, dark secrets are unveiled, Maximus' betrayal is out in the open and Zoe finds out an even bigger legend that could bring chaos to all they have worked for.  Could Zoe and Maximus embrace their love in a world filled with danger, scheming creatures and betrayal?  Or will they drift apart the more they find out the dirty secrets surrounding them?

Loneliest_Empress · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs


Zoe walked to the entrance to meet the Madam. Madam Cardboard acted like she didn't see Zoe, and announced to the woke kitchen. "I have spoken to the main kitchen and the other two. For the Kings drink tonight, you all know what to prepare?" 

The head worker, a woman that appears to be in her thirties and looked awfully familiar to Zoe rushed forward. "Yes my lady. We have gotten the list already." 

The king's meal was no easy task that anyone could just take on. During the time she has spent in OO1, she has watched the staff plan out a whole course, and do their best to make it perfect. Sometimes, she would be served the same food as Maximus. But she mostly eats in her room, so she wasn't really sure if they did it all the time. The main kitchen was for preparation of course meals and the main dish. Healthy ones that will improve the King's health. Although, she wished they would give him food that would earn him two weeks in the hospital. 

She was sure the whole OO1 would know peace during those fourteen days. 

The second kitchen was for the provision of ingredients and the third was for desserts. The fourth Kitchen, which she was in, has three jobs. They cleared up after the other kitchens, arranged the King's food trolley and prepared the King's oh-so- healthy drinks, that Zoe suspects might have a touch of human blood. She refused to believe that Maximus has normal meals like any other human. 

"So why did you call my name? What do I have to do in this?"

Madam Cardboard ignored her question and informed the head worker. "Give the King's food trolley to Zoe tonight. She will be serving his dinner." Giving Zoe a warning glance, she turns around to leave. 

"What is that? What do you mean I will be serving the King dinner? Since when did that become my job?" 

"It is the king's order and you will honor it!" She strictly informs, turning back to glare at the young lady. She would not understand what riles her up so much about the King. Yes he has his flaws. Numerous at that, but it is his protection that is keeping her alive. Is she more worried about losing the position she already lost because she helped him, than staying alive and fighting for bigger things? Why couldn't this young lady think of the bigger picture? 

But Zoe was no fool. She might have been brought up sheltered and protected. Protected to the point of not knowing two streets in the country she called home, but she was aware of the things Maximus does to his workers. To the ones that serve his food. She may have not been here for long, but she knew how things work, and Madam Cardboard wouldn't have her fooled. 

"Maximus ordered it? He isn't going to try nonsense with me right?" 

Madam Cardboard grabs Zoe by both arms and shakes the young lady. "Zoe Elizabeth! You need to wake up. The King is doing his best to save you and you are being rather ungrateful." 

Although she was hurt by her hold, she managed to say. "Maximus is the ingrate. Not me. I am in this situation because of that dog!" 

"Zoe!" She screams and it makes not just Zoe flinch, but everyone else. It was the first time they had seen the Madam raise her voice and look so angry at someone. It seems that Zoe has managed to successfully cross the lines. "If the King were to yield to the court and send you back to Greece, do you know what will become of you?" Zoe felt her eyes sting with hot tears but she kept it away. "You my dearest will be beheaded. That beautiful face of yours gone to waste. Your family wants you dead, the whole of Greece wants you dead. His highness is the only one...the only one who fights to keep you safe. This..." she paused, looked at the whole kitchen and watched how her lower lips trembled. "...is OO1's thank you for saving the King. We keeping you here so that you can be alive...is the King's way of reciprocating the favor you did for him." Madam Cardboard closed her eyes as if to contain some emotions and squeezed her arms. "You will serve the King dinner tonight and you will be polite. Understand?" 

She nods her head, finally letting her tears fall. At the moment, if she were to see Maximus or even catch a glimpse of the man, Zoe was sure she would rush at him and attempt to kill him. 

Pleased with her response, she released the lady and smiled. "Good." She knew she had been too lenient with the lady when the King brought her over and it was only because she would be a great tool for the King. Not to mention, she found herself weirdly drawn to the Lady in some manner. Adjusting her clothes, she turned around in a sweep and had barely taken three steps away when she looked sideways and reminded. "Ah...that reminds me Zoe, you will not call the King by his name again." 

Mary and Dan were quick to rush over and console the crying Zoe once Madam Cardboard left. They gave her words of support and told her to not look down on the King too much. Maybe he wouldn't do anything to her. But only Zoe knew how fast her heart drummed against her chest. It doesn't matter if Maximus does something to her or not. Serving the king his food in a closed space, with just the two of them would make anyone's imagination run wild. And Maximus hadn't really established a good reputation regarding his penis. To Zoe, he was like a community dick. Free for all. 

Maximus didn't look reasonable enough to not want to try something lewd with her and with the insane power he wields, she doubts anyone would come to her rescue even if she were to scream at the top of her lungs. Her family was the only family he had to give some face to. And Zoe was no longer part of them.

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