
Push and Pull

Desert Dust's fist struck Stolord's Kaleidescope Parasol. These two rivals of ten years would always clash against each other, neither one backing down.

Stolord's Charge was stopped, while Desert Dust stumbled back. The Knight's Charge had slightly higher priority than Collapsing Fist. With this advantage, getting past Desert Dust was an easy matter. The problem was that Han Wenqing wasn't the only person that Ye Xiu needed to get past.

Tiger Flips the Mountain!

Ye Xiu had opened a path past Desert Dust, but Lin Jingyan's Dark Thunder blocked it with a Tiger Flips the Mountain. Ye Xiu had no way to advance and could only retreat.

During this time, Han Wenqing was able to stabilize his Desert Dust. Dark Thunder's Tiger Flips the Mountain had missed, so he quickly followed it with his own attack.

Launching Kick!

Desert Dust flew threw the air with a kick.