
Having the Upper Hand

Was it close enough?

Team Everlasting's Warlock player was more nervous than anyone right now, because according to their research, One Inch Ash was a very cunning person. He had successfully managed to close in on his opponent's side, but could it be trap?

Leopold didn't continue to close in or start to cast. Team Everlasting's Warlock wanted to observe a little more, but Red Flower Pavilion didn't give much cover. One Inch Ash turned suddenly and Leopold had nowhere to hide, becoming fully exposed in the other's range of vision.

The spectating members of Team Everlasting all let out sighs of regret. They could clearly see, from their omniscient view, that One Inch Ash hadn't been laying a trap and Leopold had really stumbled on a great opportunity to take the upper hand. However, he was overly cautious, so he missed it.