
The Keymaster Chronicles

In a world shrouded in mystery and magic, a secret war rages on between humans and the elusive Arcadians. At the heart of this conflict are the Keys, powerful artifacts that can grant their wielders unimaginable power. But there's one key that stands above them all - the legendary Master Key, said to unlock the gates of Arcadia and grant any wish. Theriault, a young Keymaster with a deep personal motivation, seeks out this Key despite his limited knowledge of the secret society of Keymasters, he sets out on a perilous quest to find the Master Key and unravel the mysteries that surround it. As Theriault navigates treacherous landscapes and battles powerful enemies, he discovers exactly why no one has been able to get the master key before him. With every step he takes, he learns more about the hidden forces at play in this world of magic and power. As Theriault gets closer to finding the Master Key, he learns more and more about the treacherous world he resides in, and the dark forces who are also after The Master Key. Discord: https://discord.gg/ZDJQyuA77e

SageWritesNovels · Thành thị
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46 Chs

Chapter 7: Family Dinner Preparations


Shen Yi huffed as she looked at the hole in her wall, caused by her throwing her suitcase into it. She paced back and forth, the news going around the estate finally having reached her ears a day later...

"The heiress is to be married," She'd heard a servant whisper to a butler earlier that day, demanding instantly to know what they were talking about.

"Now Shen Yi," Her maid, a Filipino woman named Anissa, said in a chiding tone, showing her disapproval.

"You don't understand Ani!" Shen Yi exclaimed, jumping on her bed and burying her face into her pillow. "It wasn't even discussed with me. I wanted my marriage to be the one thing I could choose in my life, I didn't even find out from him or my mother, a servant was whispering about it!" Shen Yi complained, her anger rising with each word.

"I understand Shen Yi, but maybe this won't be so bad?" Ani suggested, trying to seem hopeful.

Shen Yi controlled her breathing, calming down as she sat on her bed. "Maybe... Maybe you're right, but I wish I had been asked formally..." She said, the anger rising again at the thought of marrying someone she barely knew.

The only reason Theriault was around was to get back the Phoenix key anyway, she just didn't understand how that had turned into her hand in marriage.

*Knock Knock*

Ani opened the door, revealing Theriault standing there, a smile on his face as he looked more clean. He had been shown around the Shen estate and decided to wash up for the first time since the auction.

He held a single red rose as he stepped in.

"Well, hello there my beloved," He said, keeping the smile up as Anissa quickly left the room and closed the door, deciding to give them privacy.

"Huh?!" Shen Yi said, her eyes widening as she stood there, shocked at the behavior change.

From the little time she'd been able to judge his character, she'd concluded that he was some kind of rich orphan who got lucky and managed to be accepted by a random key. This happened sometimes, though they usually joined families pretty quickly for protection and status.

With this she had decided he had some kind of past he was hiding, either because he was scared or because it hurt too much, and from talking with him she could tell he was either serious or oblivious.

So, seeing Theriault stand there, his pale gray eyes staring into her own brown ones, she gulped a bit.

"Why are you so surprised? Did you believe I wouldn't visit you? You think so lowly of your future husband?" He said, a sad expression coming to his face as he stepped closer, cupping one of Shen Yi's cheeks in his hand and leaning down.

'Oh my god Oh my God!' Shen Yi thought as she stood there frozen, seeing Theriault's face get closer and closer.

"Pft!" Theriault chuckled, letting go of her face as his normal demeanor returned.

"Your grandfather wanted me to give this to you," He said, standing up straight again, handing her the rose.

Shen Yi stood there, embarrassed that she had been tricked by sweet words and striking eyes. "Damn," She cursed, taking the rose and throwing it on her bed. "Is that all you need from me? The heiress of an estate is usually quite busy you know?" She said quickly, wanting to hide her face but deciding against it.

She didn't want to seem weak, or that she was in a vulnerable position, she wanted to come off as confident and uncaring.

"What did you expect?" Theriault teased, enjoying himself too much as he plopped himself on top of her bed. "I must say your family's estate is quite nice, living here wouldn't be too bad..."

Shen Yi scrunched up her eyebrows, not wanting to take the bait. Her curiosity was too much however and she saw down as well. "What do you mean? If we marry you will live here..."

"Hmm..." Theriault thought for a second before shrugging. "If I'm being honest, I don't think I can stay in one place for too long. I have many things I need to do in the outside world..."

Shen Yi looked at Theriault like he was speaking a foreign language, though he technically was since her native language was Mandarin.

"What do you mean things you need to do? Why would you ask my mother to marry me if you weren't planning on sticking around?!"

Shen Yi wanted to find any reason to hate Theriault and have her mother cancel the wedding, and she thought this could be her moment.

Theriault rolled his eyes. "I'm not entitled to explain myself to you, I'm no slave... Don't trip so much," Theriault said, sighing as he stood up. "besides, you already have a lover, so you don't even need to worry about me," With this Theriault turned toward the door.

"Another lover!?" Shen Yi yelled, looking at Theriault in disgust at the accusation. "I don't even have one love, and I am including you, we aren't married yet, and if I have my way we never will be," She said, reminding him that she still had power over the situation.

"Huh? I thought the old man was going to be your... Ah whatever, I don't care what you do in your spare time, while you go ahead and lead this estate I can go do my deeds in peace... Hold onto The Pheonix key for me, I'll get it once we're officially married..." With that, Theriault walked out the door, pausing for a second and turning back.

"Oh yeah... Your mother wants us to have a formal proposal, so expect that soon, I'll see you later tonight when I need to meet your family..." Theriault could only imagine the headache in store for him, but he had to remind himself this was all going to be worth it.

Theriault left Shen Yi sitting on the bed, the girl lying there, her eyes dull. "Damn it..." She said quietly, holding onto her key.


Theriault and Shen Zheng walked around the Shen estate, seeing all the people preparing for the family dinner in the courtyard before they walked into a large building.

"One of the many things about The Shen Family is our ability to impress boy, can you impress Shen Yi's cousins and siblings and aunts at tonight's dinner where we'll officially announce your proposal?" Shen Zheng asked, looking at Theriault as the boy looked around the grand library.

"So many books..." He muttered, trying to read the titles, but alas, he hadn't suddenly gained the ability to read.

"Yes, our library holds nearly 100,000 books, all on the history of the families, keys, the world and even fighting techniques. We mainly use general study books though... Would you like to have one?"

Theriault shook his head immediately, not wanting the old man to find out he couldn't read. It was embarrassing enough that he'd thought he was referring to his granddaughter as property, he didn't want to seem uneducated as well.

'Father if you spent half the time you did teaching me to fight to read instead, my life wouldn't be this difficult.'

"Haha..." A cold laugh sounded out next to Theriault's ear, causing the hair on the back of his neck to stand up.

"Look at you, all grown and getting betrothed, never thought you'd live to see the day... You know, considering everything," The hooded skeleton taunted, floating to the left of Shen Zheng.

"What if this old man just croaked? Wouldn't that be hilarious!"

"Shut the hell up," Theriault finally said, not able to keep quiet anymore as he turned toward Shen Zheng.

"Excuse me?" The elderly man said, scrunching his eyebrows and looking at Theriault as if he'd gone crazy.

"Ah... my apologies, you were talking about impressing the rest of your family? Is this some kind of tradition?" Theriault asked, quickly changing the subject.

'Yeah, this guy's going to hate me forever...'

Shen Zheng, squinting at Theriault for a second before clearing his throat, nodded. "Yes that's right, every man in the Shen family has done it, it's almost like an acceptance ritual, you gain approval from the family then that's the final step before you officially propose to Shen Yi. Then..." Shen Zheng's voice trailed off as they passed several students meditating.

"I don't know much about Chinese culture, what's the point of doing that?" Theriault asked, looking for anything to distract Shen Zheng from disliking him.

He figured things would go much more smoothly if he was well-liked by all the family members. Unfortunately, he wasn't having the greatest start.

"Meditation is necessary to cleanse the mind of evil spirits, some believe by meditating you can grow your power... But that's a load of shit,"

As they rounded the corner, Theriault saw students fighting each other, each one with a different weapon in a four-way free for all battle.

"Martial arts is very important to our family, it's the only other way to defend ourselves if you weren't chosen by a key..."

"Protection from what?" Theriault asked, a confused expression on his face as Shen Zheng looked at him as if he was joking.

Seeing he was serious, however, Shen Zheng explained. "Well, for one, other families. There are many different splits between the families, it's why some ally with each other to ensure protection, there have been plenty of wars between families, some drawing the outside world into them..."

Theriault nodded at the information. "Huh, I never knew that," He said, still watching the people fight.

"Yes, it used to be fairly common but we've grown more peaceful with each other once the attacks started becoming more frequent..." Shen Zheng explained, earning another confused glance from Theriault.

"Haha... You really are clueless about the world you've joined huh boy... Recently, there have been many Arcadian attacks."

Theriault stopped looking at the fighters, directing his full attention toward Shen Zheng. "What?"

"Yes I know, years of no action from them and suddenly, attacks every week, every family is starting to become more cautious... For them to act out like this, it's like something changed..."

Theriault looked away, trying to hide his surprise. "Well that's unfortunate, but I think I know what I'll do at the dinner now..."

They walked on, talking about basic things as Shen Yi watched from the library tower, staring down at Theriault.

"I don't know what to do..." She said, feeling a hand on her hip.

"Everything is going to be okay Yi," A man around 20 years old said, smiling at her as he leaned in for a kiss.

"Wait!" Shen Yi said, stopping him with her hand as she blushed. "I'm still not ready for all that," She said, looking away as the man sighed, a mildly annoyed look on his face as he looked down at Theriault.

"It's fine, you'll want to shower me with thousands of kisses after tonight, I'll get you out of this marriage and into one with me, do you trust me Shen Yi?" The man asked, staring dreamily at Shen Yi.

"Uhh, sure, I trust you," Shen Yi said.

'Ugh he's so annoying,' She thought, looking down at Theriault, 'At least I can choose him for myself though...'


Discord: https://discord.gg/ZDJQyuA77e