
The Keymaster Chronicles

In a world shrouded in mystery and magic, a secret war rages on between humans and the elusive Arcadians. At the heart of this conflict are the Keys, powerful artifacts that can grant their wielders unimaginable power. But there's one key that stands above them all - the legendary Master Key, said to unlock the gates of Arcadia and grant any wish. Theriault, a young Keymaster with a deep personal motivation, seeks out this Key despite his limited knowledge of the secret society of Keymasters, he sets out on a perilous quest to find the Master Key and unravel the mysteries that surround it. As Theriault navigates treacherous landscapes and battles powerful enemies, he discovers exactly why no one has been able to get the master key before him. With every step he takes, he learns more about the hidden forces at play in this world of magic and power. As Theriault gets closer to finding the Master Key, he learns more and more about the treacherous world he resides in, and the dark forces who are also after The Master Key. Discord: https://discord.gg/ZDJQyuA77e

SageWritesNovels · Thành thị
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46 Chs

Chapter 5: Arriving in Beijing

Morning came and MRR's auction and its after party finished, with a goodbye from Charles Mccline, the Keymasters, and all the other rich people who were oblivious to anything that had occurred the night before, packed their bags to go back to their home countries.

Shen Yi, not having seen if Theriault had returned, sat next to her grandma in the taxi to the airport.

"LimLim..." Shen Yi said, using her nickname for her grandmother. "Should we talk about-"

"Not here child," Shen Lim said, glancing at their driver and looking out the windows of the taxi.

Of course, Shen Yi had told her everything, from the young rich boy who'd won the auction for the Lingjang figurine being a key master, to her using her key power to control Jinnouchi, she had told Shen Lim everything.

Jinnouchi sat in the passenger of the taxi, his cloak still over his face as he sat in silence.

Shen Lim had explained that now and for as long as she owned The Key of Love, Shen Yi would have full control over this man's will.

If she wanted to release him she could, but Shen Lim didn't recommend it as releasing him too early could have adverse effects contrary to what she wanted.

They didn't delve deeper into the subject, but Shen Yi guessed it would be dangerous to release Jinnouchi so early after taking control of him. For now, he could be a bodyguard of sorts, and also a bank of all kinds of information.

Shen Lim had said to wait till they were back in Beijing however, safe in their Family's base of operations and away from the other key masters of the world... and any others who would try and take the artifact away.

"We've arrived!" The cheery taxi driver said, quickly parking and stepping out to open the door for Shen Yi. Jinnouchi woke up, stepped out of the car, and opened the door on Shen Lim's side.

The last command given to him by Shen Yi had been "Be something of a butler for me until I figure out what to do with you," So doing this felt natural to him.

"Why thank you," Shen Lim said, pleased as she stepped out of the car, holding her dress up so it didn't get caught in the door.

"Come along we need to check in YiYi," Shen Lim said, giving Jinnouchi her luggage and walking forward with a delighted grin on her elderly face.

Shen Yi and Jinnouchi followed, the controlled man struggling under the bags he was carrying. "I can always carry mine," Shen Yi offered awkwardly, seeing him struggle for them left a bad taste in her mouth.

"I wouldn't dream of it my love if a few bags is enough to stop me from obeying your will then may I be struck down where I stand," Jinnouchi said, his hood falling as he did so.

He wasn't exactly young, but he wasn't elderly. If Shen Yi had to guess then she'd say he was around his high twenties, maybe early thirties. Either way it irked her to hear him call her "My love," with such passion.

The three checked in, bought a new plane ticket for Jinnouchi, and went to find their boarding station.

Suddenly, Shen Yi felt someone bump into her, her head turning to see a pale boy with dark hair and gray eyes wearing a black zip-up jacket, white shoes, shredded jeans, and a loose black tie around his neck.

"Don't look so surprised," Theriault said as he steadied the girl, falling in step with her as neither Jinnouchi nor Shen Lim noticed his presence.

"I thought you-"

"What died? Someone like that couldn't kill me, not even if I wanted to die..." Theriault looked around before redirecting his gaze to Shen Yi.

"The Lingjing figurine... Where is it?" He said.

Though his tone wasn't forceful or even showed any hostility, Shen Yi still got the message. He wanted what was rightfully his, and he expected it immediately.

"I..." Shen Yi began to say before stopping. What was she supposed to tell him? She couldn't say she didn't have it. It was tucked right in the strap of her bra under the sundress that she was wearing.

How could she tell someone who rightfully owned something that she couldn't give it to him?

Theriault saw the hesitation and his smile tightened. "You do have it right?" He asked, an edge to his voice as he placed a hand on Shen Yi's shoulder.

"Yes I have it," She answered quickly, "But I can't give it to you... Not now, and probably not ever," Shen Yi said, getting ready to use her key ability if Theriault got violent.

"Are you..." Theriault said before tightening his grip on her shoulder, stopping her in her tracks as he looked down at the amber-haired woman. "Joking?" He finished, his eyes cold as Shen Yi looked up at him, her expression conflicted.

"You don't understand, this artifact could help my family gain some recognition and respect from the rest, we aren't the richest, we aren't the prettiest, we have nothing that we're the best at... but with this artifact that could all change."

Theriault was about to respond, and not kindly either, before he felt a hand on his shoulder, causing him to turn his head to see he was face to-face with Jinnouchi.

Shen Yi looked to the side and saw Shen Lim standing there with their luggage, watching curiously from a short distance.

"Unhand my love," Jinnouchi said, an edge to his voice as he reached into his pocket and wrapped his hand around his key.

Theriault glanced at Jinnouchi's hand, then to his pocket before smiling and releasing Shen Yi. "Haha... No need to get violent, I'm just trying to get something that belongs to me..."

Theriault looked back down at Shen Yi, "Do you mind telling your betrothed to let go of me and explain the situation..." Theriault took another glance at the man, "You like them older huh?"

Shen Yi's face burned in embarrassment, but she managed to muster up the courage to step back, looking at Theriault defiantly. "I can't give you this artifact, you don't understand what it is and what it could do-"

"It's The Phoenix Key, crafted from the body of Fenghuang, an immortal bird in Chinese mythology representing the ascent of a new emperor," Theriault interrupted, smirking a bit as he saw Shen Yi's shocked expression.

"I studied," He explained as he glanced back and forth between Jinnouchi and Shen Yi, emphasizing the hand still grasping his shoulder.

"Ah," Shen Yi said, "Jinnouchi let go of him please," Shen Yi finished, looking back at Theriault as the boy brushed off his shoulder.

"I don't want to fight, but you are making it hard to get my property peacefully..." Theriault warned, not moving as he stared down at Shen Yi.

"I believe I may have a solution..." A voice interjected, causing both of the teenagers to look to the side and See Shen Lim.

"Why don't we bring you to Beijing with us and you can speak with the house elder... YiYi's mother," Shen Lim said, a bright smile on her face.

Shen Yi looked at her grandmother in shock, surprised she would suggest such a thing. The only ones ever permitted to enter the family estate were family, allies, and lovers.

Shen Yi blushed as she realized what her grandmother was up to. Sly was the old woman, she was still trying to secure Theriault's fortune for the Shen family, hoping to raise their status.

This way, not only would they get money, but status as well from having the Phoenix key.

"Theriault thought for a second before shrugging. "Fine... I'll gladly take it up with who's in charge... Besides, I've never been to a family's estate before, would be a nice learning experience for someone so new to this world," Theriault finished, a smile on his face as Shen Yi wanted to bury her face in her hands, Theriault had no idea what he had agreed to.

Shen Lim's smile widened as she outstretched her hands. "Oh how cute, we can teach you everything you need to know about being a key master son, don't you worry!" She said cheerily, wrapping her arms around the pale boy.

Theriault widened his eyes, his body jarring before relaxing, an awkward expression coming to his face.

"Oh, what's wrong dear? You're all frozen," Shen Lim teased.

"I've... Never been hugged by someone like this before," Theriault confessed, looking away with an embarrassed look on his face as Shen Lim hugged him again.

"Aww, you're just too cute!"


Theriault fell asleep on the plane. He hadn't meant to, but staying awake in such comfortable conditions was nearly impossible.

It had been nearly a week since he'd last slept, making the arrangements to go to France and also preparing the cash to auction, he had just forgotten to sleep.

Shen Lim talked with Jinnouchi, both of them sharing stories of their life as Shen Yi, seated opposite Theriault, watched him as she fell deep into thought.

She couldn't believe the lengths her grandmother was going, after all, she'd done to choose for herself she would be forced again into something she didn't want to do.

This wasn't about the Phoenix key anymore, this was now a ploy to get her married, which Shen Yi wanted nothing to do with.

She wanted to enjoy her early adult years, she was only nineteen, and she wanted to do normal teenage things that she saw in American television shows.

She wanted to drink and party and go to college, she wanted to be broke and live paycheck to paycheck, and going along with that she wanted to get a job.

What she didn't want was going through a miserable marriage and end up like her mother.

Shen Yi shivered at the thought, she definitely wouldn't let that happen.

Though Shen Yaling was the leader of the Shen family, she was miserable behind the scenes. Shen Yi saw it all, whenever her parents would fight. Whenever they made up. Whenever they did anything, Shen Yi saw how miserable both of them were being in a forced marriage.

She didn't want that for herself. Shen Yi looked at the sleeping Theriault. 'He looks so peaceful when he's sleeping,' She couldn't help but think, a major contrast to the almost creepy look he had when he was awake.

Nine hours later the plane landed in Beijing, China.

"Ah, much better," Shen Lim said as she breathed in. "Foreign countries are nice but it's best being at home," She finished, leading Jinnouchi off to get their luggage.

Theriault hummed, looking around the airport with a curious look on his face.

"What's wrong?" Shen Yi said defensively, ready to defend her home from anything the American boy had to say.

"Nothing," Theriault replied, choosing not to explain and just flashing a sly smile and following after Jinnouchi and Shen Lim.

It was nearly an hour to her family estate, and during the taxi ride, Shen Lim, Jinnouchi, and Shen Yi decided to educate Theriault on the world of the key masters.

"Do you know how the keys first came about?" Shen Lim asked Theriault, her tone as if she was speaking to a child learning a subject for the first time.

Theriault thought for a second before nodding. "Yeah, the humans wanted a way to aid the gods in the fight against Arcadians... Or the dragons," Theriault said, earning a nod from Shen Lim.

"Yes, a weapons smith crafted many keys that had magical qualities, using special materials to give humans the power to fight as well..." Shen Lim paused to collect her thoughts, "There was one key though, the first key to be created, The Master Key."

Theriault listened intently, his eyes widening slightly.

"The Master Key was used to seal the realm Arcadia from the mortal realm, taking away a lot of the dragons' power and also sealing them in the mortal realm... They are still out there somewhere, the fight is still ongoing... Which brings us to the families, and allies."

Theriault nodded to show he was listening as he looked outside, seeing the city of Beijing for the first time.

"Each major family were part of the original leaders, and the minor families came along later through power or wealth. That is what the Shen family is, we were given The Key of Love to protect and use as we see fit, that's what the families are, keepers of certain keys."

"So..." Theriault interrupted, "The families protect their keys, but also use them and designate one person to hold them?"

Shen Lim nodded, "While each family is designated a key that is passed down from heir to heiress and such, it doesn't mean they can't have more keys, but every family has a key tied to their bloodline, and everyone else in the family is trained from a young age to be ready to protect it..."

As she finished explaining, Shen Lim's face lit up as she looked out the window. "We're here..." She said as the others looked outside as well, "Welcome to The Shen Family estate..." She said proudly as the taxi stopped.

A man walked up to the car, dressed in a full suit, Theriault guessed he was a butler. "Hello, what is your business here?" The man asked the taxi driver, who looked between the house and well dressed Chinese man in awe.

"Hey! Zheng!" Shen Lim yelled, opening the door, "How about you stop interrogating the poor boy and instead help your wife out of the car!" Shen Lim yelled, an angry expression on her face as the man, Shen Zheng looked at her in shock.

"Darling, we didn't expect you back for another day," He said, smiling as he walked up to Shen Lim, kissing her deeply as Theriault, Jinnouchi, and Shen Yi looked away awkwardly.

"If only you were half as passionate in private as you are in front of others..." Shen Lim muttered annoyedly as the rest of the crew stepped out of the taxi, grabbing their luggage and bidding the driver farewell.

"Who are these two?" Shen Zheng asked, looking at Theriault warily, and then directing his attention toward Jinnuchi.

"Well..." Shen Lim stood on her tiptoes, whispering into her husband's ear, Shen Zheng's expression changing from shock, then anger, and finally he smiled and looked at Shen Yi.

"You finally used your power? Great!" He complimented before turning back to Theriault, squinting his eyes. "You guys get settled back into your rooms, I'll have this one trained," Shen Zheng said, gesturing toward Jinnuchi, "As for you... Follow me," He finished, gesturing toward Theriault as the boy felt great pressure all of a sudden.

"What's up with this atmosphere..." He said to himself, taking one last look at Shen Lim and Shen Yi before following the elderly man, "Feels like I'm being led somewhere important..." He thought as the large gates of the Shen Family Estate opened, revealing a mini city even more beautiful than Beijing.

"I will take you to our family leader..." Shen Zheng said, walking forward with Theriault right behind him.

Discord: https://discord.gg/ZDJQyuA77e