
The Kaiser

A young boy named Lucian looks at his father with great admiration. His father was a great adventurer, and he looks up to him. His dream was to become a great adventurer just like his father or even greater than him. But a sudden turn of events will change the young boy's heart.

WatashiwaMe · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

Letter of Invitation

"Yay! I got it, I got invited at the Arcanum Academy's final Assessment for newcomers mom!"

The fact that my sibling Eurasia got invited in a very prestigious academy in our kingdom has made her lively early in the morning.

"hohoho, Of course the academy will not let a hardworking, tri-elemental magic user slip off their hands! Surely, they saw a great potential in you my dear."

Eurasia is my younger sister; at a very young age, she already possessed three different elements of magic.

Some people are unfortunate to not be blessed by magic, so they choose to focus on physical trainings.

Some are fortunate to be able to manipulate two different magic elements but they were very much in the minority.

But, my sister is an extraordinary one; she is able to control three different types.

However, she's very bad in light manipulation— her third element,

Still, she is said to be a one in a million for the fact that she is able to control three elements.

Aside from being greatly blessed in magic, my sister is also blessed in her appearance.

She is very beautiful just like our mom when she was still young.

Her skin seemed like a flawless porcelain, Downcast eyes that speaks innocence and curiosity wherein each one has different color— blue and hazel. Her long hair as white as a snow, flowing over her waist seemed to never entangle and just waves with the wind.

(Aggh! Making such noise early in the morning, Im still sleepy!)

footsteps became louder as it approaches towards my room.

The door creaked, marking that someone opened it, but im pretty sure its my mom.

Surely, she'll wake me up to share the good news about Eurasia being invited to the final assessment which I already knew since I was listening to their conversation.

"Lucian, wake up."

My mom's voice is so soothing, It feels like its lulling me to sleep again.

(Sigh, mom I already knew about that.)

My body craves more sleep but I'll just forcibly wake myself up just so I can listen to what she's gonna say which I obviously know already.

"Ahh, mom, good morning"

After seeing me awake, she greeted me with a sweet smile as she caressed my hair.

"Come, your sister has something to say to you, she has some good news."

(Just as what I have expected. I'll just act as if I didnt know about it.)

"Really? Okay, okay."

We headed to the dining table— Eurasia was already sitting primly on the chair as she interlocked her fingers, patiently waiting for us.

She beamed a smile as a greetings.

Mom served our breakfast; as always, she cooks healthy meal which I like.

( Her food looks good I must say!)

"Thank you mom!"

I glanced at her and smiled gladly. I then turned my gaze to the appetizing breakfast in front of me—I'm about to drool over it.

"It's a mother's duty to take care of her children, Thats why, there is no need to thank me alright?"

She said, she then signaled Eurasia to share the good news.

"Brother, please take a look at this!"

She shoved the letter at my face; my eyes grew larger because not only did she got invited to the final assessment but she also would be granted a scholarship if she passes.

"Chadaan! I got invited at the Arcanum Academy brother, I will use this opportunity to study hard, train myself and become an excellent mage."

The atmosphere between us is awkward. I think she just forced herself to talk to me.

(No wonder, we havent had a quality time for a long time. But man! She's really determined to become a great mage.)

I broke the awkward atmosphere between us by a subtle smile, I then leaned forward and patted her head

"Im proud of you lil' sis."

She beamed a wide smile and hugged me right away.

"Yay! Thanks brother!"

Our mother looked pleased after witnessing that sweet brotherly love.

"Im glad that you two get along. By the way, Lucian, arent you gonna try to enroll in an academy too? Even if its not as prestigious as Arcanum."

My sister released me from her tightly wrapped arms and said,

"Mom is right brother, I know you have a great potential in becoming a great adventurer like our father. You are defiant, courageous and strong."

(Its not like I cant get into an academy, its just that, I dont like it"

"I can consider, just give me some time for it."

Eurasia did an akimbo as her brows knitted, She stared at me with sharp eyes.

"Well... Its better than refusing right?"

My sister was about to get mad at me, thankfully, mom came to my aid

"Lucian, your sister's final test will be this afternoon, they will be assessing her magic power. You should come with us and support your sister."

Asked mom as he held my shoulder.

"Yes you should atleast come brother! Okay? I'll go and prepare my stuffs!"

My sister switched back to normal—a lively, cheerful one.

(I guess I cant say no to that huh. Well, its better than wandering around the town, I better get ready too.)

I nodded as an agreement.





As we arrived at the Arcanum Academy, we were welcomed by a lined up statues of cavaliers as well as the iconic statue of the Arcanum Academy's founder, Guchel Maximus.

The school grounds were occupied by tons of people from different social classes.

As expected, nobles are the center of attention, you can distinguish them from other people by their fancy clothings.

(I wonder what kind of magic they possess.)

As I wander my gaze over the huge buildings of the school, the slant morning light exposed its glory. No wonder why almost everyone is determined to pass the final assessment; It is evident on their faces.

A guy, who I think, is a professor of the academy, greeted us with a friendly smile on his face.

He then introduced himself.

"Good afternoon, my name is Alfred, I am a professor here in Arcanum. I am assigned to specifically welcome the Amory family. This beatiful white-haired girl is Eurasia Amory, right?"

My sister slightly bowed her head and answered.

"Good morning professor! Yes I am Eurasia Amory."

She lifted up her head and beamed a smile at the professor.

"Nice to meet you miss Eurasia Amory, Please follow me to the lobby because you will be assessed in a couple of minute.

Mrs Amory, please follow my assistant Gabriel; she will escort you to your seats, Now If you'll excuse me."

The little ceremony ended with a formal bow.

(I think the school has their eyes on my sister, they even sent a professor just to welcome us.)

His assistant nodded as a compliance to his order.

"Well then, mother, brother, I'll be off now, make sure you cheer for me, okay?"

After that, we headed to our respective destinations; now, we have arrived in front of the spectators room,

Gabriel lightly knocked on the door and opened it.

After entering the room, there are already tons of people sitting inside.

A middle-aged man stood up to greet us.

"Hello, good afternoon. I am Ferlon, the head master of Arcanum Academy. Please take a seat"

(Seriously? We are welcomed by the Headmaster of this academy himself? This proves that my assumption is right.)

"Greetings Headmaster Ferlon, my name is Alessa Amory, and this is my son Lucian Amory. We are sent here by Professor Alfred."

My mother gladly greeted him.

"I'll be direct to the point Mrs Alessa, we took a liking to your daughter, because of the reason that she is a tri-elemental user. At first, the professors refused to believe it; tri-elemental users are rare, more than one can ever imagine, That is why when she showed her capability of manipulating three types of magic elements— we were astonished. Very much, I even rubbed my eyes to make sure its real.

We are wholeheartedly welcoming the family of such an exceptional child!"

(It really is about my sister. Even the head master is interested in her. Even tho she is bad at her 3rd element, it doesnt change the fact that she can control 3)

"Thank you for your warm welcome Sir Ferlon"

My mother bowed as she thank the head master, and we sat down waiting for the assesent to start.

My mother and the other professors including the principal was talking, I was focused on looking at the surrounding where the assessment will be held. We are inside a room exclusive for the professors who will watch the assessment, located at the highest part of the colosseum.

I crossed my arm while my eyes scanned the entire colosseum, there are a lots of parents and students watching the assessments of the new comers. Its almost like watching a show.

The participants are coming out of the waiting room, finally the assessment will start. My mother, the professor and the principal focused their attention at the center of the colosseum where the assesent is being held.

(Now lets see if there are other tri-elemental user in here.)

A few minutes have passed, I saw a lot of talented mage, some even controlled 2 types of elements, they were from the noble families. They used common elements like water and fire, but the other one was using light magic and he's really good on controlling his light.

And now, it is my sister's turn. She looked like she was looking for us, too bad she cant see us up here.

Their test was to knock out 30 targets as fast as they can, so that the professors can assess their ability, power, speed, accuracy and how well they can control their power. And now, the test for my sister has begun.


(I cant see where brother and mom are sitted. Im getting nervous, there's a lot of students in this colosseum, I bet they're already a student here who decided to watch the new comers.)

I cant chicken out, my brother and mom are watching me right now! I will show them and everyone here what I got!

As I studied the positions of all my targets, a log as big as an adult person. they are a bit far from where I stand, 50 meters I think?

I guess for us mages, they want us to attack it using long range spells.

I gave a thumbs up the the assessor to signal that Im ready, all I need to do is to knock all 30 targets as fast as I can. I can do this!

I closed my eyes took a deep breath. As I opened my eyes, I emtied my mind so I can focus on the targets in front of me.

As I heard the assessor told me to begin, I began surrounding myself a couple of ice spears, the students who were watching were surprised, for I was able to produced 15 ice spears in almost an instant. The targets were quite far, I never tried firing a long range attack so I just gave it my all and fired 15 ice spears at once!

The professor who assessed me looked impress for what I did. No wonder he looked impress, I was the only applicant who managed to create 15 Ice spears in an instant.

Out of 15 spears I fired, only 6 of them hit the target. My accuracy isnt that good especially when Im handling multiple spears at once. I still have 24 targets left, I need to do my best and impress my brother! Some of my attacks just barely touches the target, its hard controlling multiple spears at once, I need to boost my next attack so even if it just scratch the target, I'll be able to bring it down!

I generated only 10 ice spears for my second wave of attack, I took a glance at the professor who assessed me but he looked quite a bit disappointed, maybe because he thinks I cant maintain creating 15 spears? Well, wait til you see this!

As I completely generated 10 ice spears, I coated it with lightning so that even if it just scratches the edge of the target, the lightning will toast it down!

The audience were all at awe for what I did, as I fired my spears with all my might.


I quickly regained my balance and put my left arm forward to create 3 swords made of light.

The audience were all speechless as a light made of sword became visible. The light sword arent perfectly formed but it is enough to impress everyone who were watching.

There are other students too who were assessed at the same time as me but everyones eyes were locked on me.

"Piercing light!"

As I fired off the light sword, it left a light particles on its path making it looked very beautiful.

Out of 3 light magic I fired, only one hit the target.

(As expected, I really suck at my 3rd element, even the sword wasnt formed perfectly


All of the ice spears combined with lightning hit 10 targets at once. I need to take down this 14 targets left at once so I'll be the fastest one to finish, Im a bit exhausted, but this will be the last attack.)

I gathered all my strength and a small blizzard consisting lots of small ice spears was swirling around me together with lightnings buzzing around. This is one of my special attack, but it consumes a lot of mana, but it doesnt matter for now, I need to do this in order to show everyone what the Amory family can do!

My spell was like an ice storm raging inside the colosseum, the temperature around me dropped as I poured more mana into my skill.

It was hard for me to cast blizzard together with lightnings around it, so before I get exhausted, I fired it off,

"Eurasia's special skill! Thunder storm!"

As my skill rampaged along its way through the target, the ground was being shocked by the lightning leaving a burnt mark, as my skill approached the remaining targets, my ice spears that was buffed by my blizzard struck all the targets, some of them got struck 3 to 5 ice spears. Then it got electrified by my lightning as the targets where smoking and some targets are even burning because of the lightning.

My knees fell to the groud as my spell disappeared.

(Huff, huff .. I-Im exhausted, I think a little more than that then I'll pass out. this is the first time I used that skill in that size. I shouldnt use that skill carelessly next time."

The students and parents who were watching were all shocked of what they just saw, Eurasia was one of the applying participants who wants to study at Arcanum Academy, but they didnt expect a tri-elemental mage would appear, not to mention, Eurasia was not even from a noble family!

The professor ran to my aide as he supported me on standing up,

"Thank you sir. Im sorry my knees are a bit weak, Im a little exhausted."

I apologized for troubling the professor on helping me stand.

"No need to apologize, please take a sit."

He placed me on a chair near the waiting area as he gave me a water.

"Honestly, when I saw you produced ice, lightning and light at your interview yesterday, I didnt expect you could use them all to this extent. Because controlling many elements will only make you exhaust faster, and aside from that, your focus will be divided on each element, so each element you possessed will not be trained very well and becomes weak. So I wasnt really expecting much about you. But to think you even surpassed the fastest time on destroying the targets, and not to mention, you displayed such magnificent skills out there!"

(The professor were praising me so much, I cant help but feel happy and I wonder what would my brother think about my skills, I bet he would praise me a lot, Im so excited!)

"Thank you professor! Even though I displayed such a skill, but I dont think I could freely use them on battle because it consumes a lot of my mana just like you said, so I easily get exhausted."

"Then all you need to do is train harder, right? And you've come to the right place. And I guess there is no need to wait for your result at this test. I believed that what you did out there was beyond everyones expectation. Then, I, professor Alfred, welcome you Eurasia Amory to Arcanum Academy!"


(Wow! To think she would go all out, the students who were watching were all amazed by her amazing skills"

We quickly went outside to congratulate my sister, the head master came with us so she could greet my sister too.

As we walked around the area searching for Eurasia, my sister suddenly hugged me from behind, she looked very happy.

"Brother! Did you see? You saw what I did right? Am I amazing?"

My sister gave us a very bright and cheerful smile,

"Yeah, I was also surprised too, to think you can control all of your elements to that extent, but I was nervous you would get exhausted you know. So you'll be careful next time, okay?"

I replied to my sister,

Our mother congratulate her and hugged her, then the head master introduced himself to Eurasia, she was shocked as she was personally welcomed by the head master. And now she is officially a student and a scholar at the most prestigious school of the kingdom. Arcanum Academy.

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Hello everyone! First of all, I would like to thank everyone for reading my work. I apologize if theres a lot of mistakes on my work, this is my first time making novel. If you have any suggestions, please leave it in the comment section, I would appreciate if you'd give me your comment about the story for it will help me improve a lot! Please do rate my work and send some love if you like the story! Its still in ch 1, so I hope you'll stay and read the next chapter. Thank you! And love lots everyone! 💖