
the journey of the world

Peter_Eberechukwu · Hiện thực
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in the beginning

sitting down thinking of how the next day might be it scares me cause I feel like it would be bad my heart beats fast my mind has gone dark I feel like I am in a cage I can see the key,but I can't reach it.

I every we're is dark but I can see but what is it that I see it has no name is it real or is it an illusion every day that passers the lesser I understand what is going on my mind is tell me something but my thoughts is saying something different.

what should I do I try to talk to someone about it but everyone I talk to all say you are so funny but every time I lay down to rest I keep thinking of tomorrow is it real what is tomorrow, tomorrow is not real tomorrow is a thought in our head.

so what can we do,we can not create tomorrow we can only imagine it I lay down thinking the year 2015 am feeling twisted then i start to pray,to GOD for him to show me away from this darkness the cage am in I prayed and prayed and then it happened I was given an opportunity I was free my mind was at peace I started to see the world in a different way surrounded my self with friends people that made me feel Safe I was happy slowly the darkness was gone .

it was march 2017 that is when it started the voice came it came first as a whisper then slowly it turned into a noise it told me constantly that I was nothing and nothing I did or yet to do was relivant and slowly I was drowning in this voice my mind was breaking I started pushing every one away the friends that we're there for me I told them things I regretted I felt as if the world hated me at times I prayed for death I cryed for death I begged for GOD to end me I doubted my existence it felt as if life was point less .

but then hope came it should me the there was no need to Rush cause we can't control time we can only walk with it, every moment is a memory and every time is a tool that we must learn to walk with so I stopped trying to control time I just learnt to walk with it