

the protector : " In a world where everyone is taking each other's souls, I am here, to protect and save all those souls."

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3 Chs

chapter 2 part 1

Returning to the battlefield, that creature kept looking at the body of the young man who was swallowed up by the black smoke, and with a simple movement of his hand hidden under the robe, that smoke vanished and the body of that young man disappeared with it.

And that creature stood silently, and then slowly turned around and saw another creature wearing the same clothes as him and standing silently behind him and looking at him and said, "Was it necessary to lie to that boy?"

" about what ? "

"You told him that it was the right choice, but we all know that death is better than living in that world he moved to."

"Oh about that, hmmm, who knows , maybe he can change that world, so it's okay to have a little of hope right?"

"Tsk. That's the same thing you said to everyone else before him. You always say the same shit to everyone and we all saw the horrible end they all had."

"Come on !, don't talk like that! A little positivity won't hurt, right???"

"You are literally asking me to find something of which there is no trace of it in the first place! That world is hopeless, it cannot be changed by a single soul." Then black smoke appeared around that creature and just like what had happened to that young man, that creature had disappeared, leaving behind Footprints indicate that he was actually there and was not a mere imagination. As for that first creature, he stood there, looking towards the place where his partner was and he spoke to himself, "Maybe he is right…"

But then that creature raised his head up and He looked at the rain that was beginning to fall on the battlefield and said, "Maybe he is right, but there is always a sun behind every storm.

A light behind every darkness and There is always hope, and that hope is carried by that young man... I trust him... This is what matters . To me, that's the only thing that matters."

Then, that creature also disappeared into that black smoke.

And silence returned to shroud the forgotten battlefield...




"Where am I?" The young man's voice echoed as he looked around and the only thing he could see, was the eternal darkness.

The young man felt that he was still lying on the ground, but at the same time, there was a strange feeling in him, as if he was moving at crazy speeds towards an unknown place.

"Strange..." said the young man, who put his hand on his stomach to feel it, and said, "That's why I wonder why I don't feel any pain and I feel vitality in my body. The bullet wounds have healed..." He said while remembering his short meeting with that mysterious creature.

"It wasn't just a dream, then..." said the young man, standing on his feet and looking around for any glimpse of light in the endless darkness.

"Nothing..." The young man whispered to himself as he moved through the darkness, and the only thing he could hear was the echoing of his feet.

"If I were you, I wouldn't have taken any step further. You have reached the edge of this place… Although you have moved a few steps, you really won't believe the distance you have walked here." a stranger's voice came from behind the young man who stopped in his place and his heart stopped for a moment with him. Then he quickly turned around and looked around for the source of the voice, shouting, "Who is there?!!"

"Me? Hmmm you can say that I am the master of this place." That strange voice repeated, sounding like a whisper of an old man.

As for the young man, he looked to his right, where the voice came from now, and said with fear, as he took a few steps back, "Damn it ! , stop moving around me!"

"Ho-ho-ho, young man, you are actually wrong about something." said The mysterious voice that came from the left side of the young man , and then he continued with a voice that carried a special tone that even souls trembled because of it, "I am not moving around you, in fact, I am in Everywhere!" And then the young man fell to the ground in horror as he heard that voice come literally from every possible angle around him and said while looking with great fear, "w w what do you want? Why is this happening to me! I haven't done anything wrong!"

"Oh come on don't talk like that, why is that terror in your voice? I'm actually a very peaceful creature, I just wanted to give you a special first impression of myself only" The old man's voice answered in a calm tone after his voice returned to normal but then another whisper appeared. And he shouted at him.

"You crazy old man !, you made that kid piss his pants in every sense of the word and you're now saying that just to make an impression??? You were about to give him a heart attack! Why the hell are you using THE WILL in your ugly voice like that???" Said That voice whose owner sounds like he's much younger .

"Oh come on X, don't whine about it so much, it's just a simple joke, no big deal, okay?"

"Stop playing with words! We all know you always enjoy scaring our new guests!"

"Well, well, I'm sorry, my little brat. You have exposed me. Are you happy now? Anyway, let us put our dear guest in a respectable place, where he seems not to be in a very good shape," said the old man's voice, looking out from behind the darkness at the young man face that was filled of shock and fear.

X responded to the old man angrily and said, "What do you expect the reaction of someone sitting in the darkness , can't see anything and listening to two mysterious voices talking to each other? Even worse, you used that ancient energy in your voice! Do you expect him to dance for example???"

"Actually, it would have been very interesting if he did," said the old man's voice, laughing a little, and then There was a sound of snapping fingers , and the old man's voice said, "We have finally reached our destination."

Suddenly, the darkness disappeared, and the young man found himself sitting on a comfortable sofa inside a wooden hut with an antique design, and the refreshing smell of the authentic wood from which the hut was made fills the place.

But the young man was not in the appropriate mood to notice these details, as he was immersed in the depths of his thoughts, living the worst moments of his life, and repeating with every possible shred of fear inside his head, "What the hell is this! Damn it! What are these terrifying sounds??? I'm afraid! I want to escape! Help! I want these voices to stop! Help me!"

The young man was so terrified that he did not notice the guests in front of him.

An old man and a young boy of at least ten years old looked at that young man strangely, and then the youngest whispered to an old man and said, "Have you done something to this child? I mean, look at him, even if what he's gone through is scary and even if you use some WILL in your voice But not to that degree! I mean now he's in shock! Damn , he didn't even notice us!"

"Give me one Convincing reason to do something to him??? I only have a few minutes since I met him! Also, do you think I'm crazy to disobey the orders from above? ... Wait a minute... I remembered something" Then the old man quickly got up and He took out a huge book with a mysterious design from behind, and the young boy looked at him suspiciously and asked him, "Where did you get it from, old man?"

"Don't ask..." The old man said with a cold face without feelings as he quickly flipped through the pages of the book. Then he stopped at a certain page and looked at the young man while comparing the picture on that page with him and said, "I found it."

"Let me see!" the young boy shouted as he threw himself over the old man who only looked at him annoyed and the two of them began to read that page and after a short while they finished reading that page and looked at each other and the youngest asked the old man with great concern "Is Earth 12 is a world Without any kind of energies?"

The old man, who seemed to have aged a few more years, replied, "Yes..."

* swallowing *

Then they both looked at that half-unconscious youth and said at the same time, "Fuck…"


And now, if we look from above, we will notice an old man and a boy fighting with each other without mercy and all kinds of curses and insults being thrown at each other.

"Damn you, old, fat, dirty, retarded ! How did you not know that that damned young has no WILL energy or anything else! He is an ordinary young man in every sense of the word! You were about to break his mind and kill him with your horrible voice!"

"Come here, you little bastard!" Then the old man grabbed the boy by the neck with both hands, choking him and shouting at him.

"Damn you! You ugly toothless dwarf! How dare you yell at me! Also, you are the one who have been bothering me for so many years and come like a crying baby to work with me! Did you forget or what??? It was your job to know the history of each one Of the guests! But of course, as usual, you have been sleeping your eternal nap!" Then the old man looked at the boy whose face turned purple and then quickly freed him and said, "You deserve this! Damn lazy!"

As for the boy, he was coughing hard while trying to breathe and looked with red eyes at the old man and said, "I'll kill you later, old man! But now *cough cough* we have to find a solution to this nonsense! If the young man stays like this he will lose his mind completely!"

"Yes, yes, I am aware of the matter! I am thinking of a solution!" The old man said, placing his hand on his wrinkled forehead and closing his eyes. "Would it work for him if we put some WILL into him?"

"Of course not, he will die immediately, his body is not yet qualified for such a thing," answered the boy, who was still lying on the ground, coughing lightly and looking at the young man who, although his eyes were completely open, however he was not here, but was immersed in the depths of his mind.

"What if we erase his memory?"

"You're kidding right? Because of the energy in you, it has entered that young man's mind and is slowly spreading like poison! If we erase his memory, we are destroying the only wall that protects him!"

"So what? I mean there are a lot of solutions but it all takes a lot of time!" said the old man tiredly as for him these kinds of events had become too much for him to bear, as now he was looking at the young man asking himself what kind of trouble he had gotten himself into it.