After having spent a few months on Naboo, Mew once again returned with Padme, who had notified Mew about a few incidents having happened on Coruscant. Apparently there had been a bombing and Ahsoka had been accused of being the perpetrator.
Not seeing how the child could ever do that, as the chance was abyssmally small, Mew decided he would help figure everything out. When they arrived on Coruscant, Mew was once again greeted by the plantless life.
He really disliked the absence of natural life. The whole planet had been mechanized. It wouldn't be a surprise to him if the planet died one day. Leaving Padme behind, as she had her Senate duties to fulfill, Mew entered the Jedi temple once more and was greeted by a lot of energetic younglings who wanted to play soccer again.
Declining, for now, Mew headed to the Jedi High council, who were in deep discussion why they did not forsee this. The only one who kept quiet was Yoda, who seemed deep in thought. At the entrance of Mew, Yoda looked up, awakened from his meditation.
"Returned, you finally have. An answer to our problem, you do have."
Yoda said, a faint smile on his face.
[Isn't it easy to find the answer?]
Mew said, disbelieving about the jedi's incompetence.
"Much harder than it seems, this situation is."
Yoda replied, as he motioned for Mew to join them.
The other Jedi had become silent as well, as Mew waited for all of them to sit down.
"Then what take on the situation do you have?"
Master Windu said, as he looked intently at Mew.
[We can look back in the past, and see what has happened.]
Mew said as if it was the simplest thing to do.
The Jedi waited for Mew to explain, but Mew just kept quiet.
"What Mew means, see we will soon." Yoda said.
The Jedi left the council room, as Master Yoda asked Mew to join Anakin and Ahsoka to the chamber of Judgement.
Doing just that, Mew teleported to said chamber to find Anakin and Ahsoka there. Anakin, walking bruskly back and forth, while Ahsoka was silently waiting at the side. Surrounding them were a dozen templar knights. When Mew was about to speak up, a chime reverberated through the room, as both of them were escorted by two templar knights on a platform. Mew soon joined, sitting down on Anakin's shoulder. Anakin noticed it as well, as Mew gently tapped Anakin on the head, mentioning he was there.
Anakin exclaimed a soft, relieved sigh.
The platform rose higher, leaving Ahsoka before the other Jedi.
"Padawan Tano, serious charges have been levied against you. How plead you?" Master Yoda began.
"Not guilty, Master. I would never take the lives of innocents. The values of the Jedi are sacred to me."
Ahsoka said, desperation clear in her voice.
"Then how, Padawan Tano, do you explain the Nanodroid explosives that were in your possession? Or that you were alone with Letta Turmond when she died, can you explain this?"
Master Mundi continued.
"Someone used the Force against her. Ventress was helping me track down the perpetrator. We had a mutual understanding, I thought she was helping me."
"The was she the one who handed you the nanodroid weaponry? The same weaponry you used to attack the temple."
Master Windu added, his tone severe.
"No, I was set up and deceived, as you are deceived now." Ahsoka replied, trying her hardest to make them explain.
"Though deceived we may be, the question is by whom, you, the darkside or a hidden perpetrator."
Master Windu replied, though Anakin's reaction was angrier and more upset then Ahsoka's was due to the fact they did not believe her.
"You already made your decision, didn't you!"
Anakin yelled.
"Indeed, we have."
Master Yoda said.
Before the Jedi masters could continue, Mew intervened.
[The I will enlighten it all!] Mew exclaimed in a loudly but in an excited tone.
Master Windu frowned as he was interrupted.
"How do you explain this, Mew."
[Simple. Let's take a look back!]
Before the Jedi could reply, the gem on Mew's forehead began to glow in a bright blue light, the same light that radiated from Dialga when he used the energies belonging to time.
The whole council room was soon gone, as the Jedi and Ahsoka watched from above how everything happened. It went to the scene of a cloaked individual ordering people about, strangling the once who knew of the plan in Ahsoka's presence while staying hidden and finally, stole Ventress' lightsabers. When the Jedi watched in awe at the detailes of each scene, they soon got to see the face of the perpetrator. One knew, as well as Ahsoka and the other Jedi.
Standing there, covered in a Jedi garb and holding Ventress' weapons, was none other than Barriss Offee, the padawan of Jedi Master Luminara.
While all the Jedi exclaimed in surprise, Ahsoka had become more distraught than before. Not only because Barriss had set her up, one she had seen as her friend, but also because the order had been about to expel her for crimes she did not commit.
"Find the sabers, we must to clear the accusations directed at Padawan Tano."
"Immediately take Barriss Offee in custody."
Master Windu said as he left the room to do just that.
Though Anakin and the others seemed happy to see this serious matter finally over, Ahsoka was more distressed than all of them.
[Make your own decision to feel beter. Even if others don't agree. You need some time to figure out what is going on inside your head.] Mew said to Ahsoka alone, as he could feel the distress she was feeling. Smiling sadly at Mew, Ahsoka as she followed Anakin out of the room.
slowly getting closer to ch 100.
For those who are interested, leave a comment in the comment section.
I've already thought up on which world Mew goes next, but the world after is still clouded. Which one do you think is best?
1. Strongest desciple Kenichi
2. No game No life
3. Seven deadly Sins
4. Overlord
Pick out which you like best!
Hope u like the chapters, won't be long until Mew moves on again.