
Chapter 1

Today is 21st day of April and she entered in our school's corridors first time.I am just going to fall in her love.

She entered in our class and after assembly she told her name .I can't tell her name as her name is too much old fashioned.So, I gave her one new fashioned name as "Sia".

After some days our school closed.

And when our school reopened I knew some more things about her.After Five years also I fear to talk with her.She is a cute girl also well in studies.She can dance , sing and also good in art and craft.She is topper of our class.She belongs to high class society and she love traveling.

Now I want tell something about my character, I am not good in studies as her but I am good in making some creative things.I never participate in any kind of competitions in our school.

I belongs to middle class family and just hate to travel.I never talk with her but every time I just want her.

I am following her in social media but she don't know anything about me.