
Rock of salvation

The rock of salvation.. the high standard in definition.. segment packaged visions.. the dweller where there is none.. top brands do not go viral without introduction.. the first rule of business is the startup: that is the foundation rule of investment.. the best are selected by competence.. the best conversation is one that relates to business.. there are contacts to keep up with: there are healthy reminders to keep in mind or be held culprit.. alcohol not ethanol: take spirit.. go merrygorounding for the latest as of being update.. play the game: do not be played.. dare to create.. if the one guiding is not a rock; I would lead you astray.. make supplications: take blames.. if the power of prayer was given as a revelation to man and he happens to make meaning with it; his misery lack would change.. stand to give not take.. be real not fake.. life is sweet: take a bite of the cake.. The faith grace and breath sufficient for all anyways.