
How else is happiness expressed

How else is happiness expressed..

far gone those days we depressed: when with addition of oppression leaves us suppressed.. time at work and we're ahead.. and for the token haters now confessed.. market and shop owners still in debt.. when it's about the riot, I'm left.. got the gaming's like the auto grading of theft.. inspiration alone I inject: that's whenever flowing on the subject.. perfect shot and nothing there to inspect.. thought we were the one they used to reject.. for the love of facts and being correct.. we set the pace just not to forget.. they could be hating but got no one to offend.. and the money involved so much more to spend.. from above like the saying we're ordained.. reality about the visions we're on gains.. hoping on the next trip like for sure; and it's the speaker in motion they respond.. the rolls aback just to ensure.. the gold on blend and that stuff raw.. on some couple of juice but got it first.. standing ovation for the king I live on.. searching on better discussions to spit on.. with tomorrow assured, the games like eat on.. you should be given double what you want to pick one..

nothing to something the ride: no repetition..

procrastination paralyzed with instant decision..
