
Funny how time flies

Funny how time flies..

observant and steady on the rise.. witty clever with might and wise.. when they don't grow you anymore you leave them behind..

attraction focused on gadgets that are nice.. much optimism as we set limit in the skies.. nothing ever comes easy but we still put out our tries.. sometimes ahead and other time behind.. all in the end pointers to get me on my grind.. even if the presentation is perfected from the mind.. pessimism still stand to obstruct the blind..

positivity ingestion as the clock ticks in my side.. learning of better roles with scopes variant and wide.. ultimate attention too aside rules we abide.. death tolls as truly, one day I will not be alive.. but while still here only the perfect presentation when I arrive.. where deserved respect honor and stardom is derived.. amazing the grace: once lost but found and revived.. what more is there to gain if not heaven in life.. happiness and peace I deserve because nothing else I have us truly mine.. still unforgetting a stitch in time save nine..

as I close the lines, we set the pace and still glow with pride.. just to remember someday somehow somewhere u tried.. tears dried up but for joy we cried..

trusting the journey to win: fly assail and survive.